One Hundred Papercuts

Revision 82 as of 2014-01-07 17:39:02

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The One Hundred Papercuts project exists to work on the little annoyances in Ubuntu. These bugs are normally considered too low priority for the developers of the apps in question, who already have more than enough to work on, and so the One Hundred Paper Cuts project comes along and picks them up. In each release cycle, the project aims to fix 100 of these little bugs and in doing so, give Ubuntu a layer of polish that is not typically found in other Linux distros.

Our mission

Through the work we do we aim to achieve the following goals:

  1. Smooth the rough edges around Ubuntu, making it a pleasant experience for the average user
  2. Provide an environment in which Ubuntu contributors can learn how to work on Ubuntu with simple, easy-to-fix bugs, so they can eventually perform more significant work in the area of their choice.

Frequently asked questions

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