
Revision 13 as of 2016-04-21 08:07:44

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The 16.04 OpenStack Charm release includes updates for the following charms:

  • ceilometer
  • ceilometer-agent
  • ceph
  • ceph-mon
  • ceph-osd
  • ceph-radosgw
  • cinder
  • cinder-ceph
  • glance
  • hacluster
  • heat
  • keystone
  • neutron-api
  • neutron-openvswitch
  • nova-cloud-controller
  • nova-compute
  • openstack-dashboard
  • neutron-gateway
  • rabbitmq-server
  • swift-proxy
  • swift-storage
  • percona-cluster
  • neutron-api-odl
  • openvswitch-odl
  • odl-controller

New Charm Features

Full Ubuntu 16.04 support

The OpenStack charms have been validated for Ubuntu 16.04; Xenial series charms are available in the charm-store, for example:

juju deploy cs:xenial/nova-compute

OpenStack Mitaka Support on 14.04 and 16.04

The charms provide full support for OpenStack Mitaka.

To deploy OpenStack Mitaka on Ubuntu 14.04, use the 'openstack-origin' configuration option, for example:

cat > config.yaml << EOF
  openstack-origin: cloud:trusty-mitaka
juju deploy --config config.yaml nova-cloud-controller

OpenStack Mitaka is part of the Ubuntu 16.04 release, so no additional configuration is required for deployment:

juju deploy cs:xenial/nova-cloud-controller

Ceph MON charm

The Ceph charm set has been refactored to split the Ceph MON personality into its own charm; for new deployments, please use the ceph-mon and ceph-osd charms:

juju deploy -n 3 ceph-mon
juju deploy -n 100 ceph-osd
juju add-relation ceph-mon ceph-osd

Its possible to install the ceph-mon charm in LXC (or LXD with Juju 2.0) containers under MAAS deployments.

The ceph-mon charm will automatically generated monitor keys and an fsid if not provided via configuration (this is a change in behaviour from the ceph charm).

The ceph charm is still part of this charm release; The ceph charm will be deprecated once the migration path from ceph -> ceph-mon has been implemented and tested.



Please ensure that the keystone charm is upgraded first.

To upgrade an existing deployment to the latest charm version simply use the 'upgrade-charm' command, e.g.:

juju upgrade-charm cinder

Note: The networking endpoint in keystone has been renamed from quantum to neutron in-line with upstream name changes.

New Charm Features

Deprecation Notices

Minimum Juju version

OpenStack Charm CI testing no longer validates the OpenStack charms against versions of Juju (< 1.24) which don't have the leader election feature, used to determine leadership between peer units within a service.

Legacy leadership support will be removed from the charms over the next few development cycles, so please ensure that you are running on Juju >= 1.24.

Known Issues

SSL on Precise/Icehouse

Bugs Fixed

For the full list of bugs resolved for the 16.04 release please refer to