
Revision 17 as of 2016-04-21 08:31:03

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The 16.04 OpenStack Charm release includes updates for the following charms:

  • ceilometer
  • ceilometer-agent
  • ceph
  • ceph-backup
  • ceph-mon
  • ceph-osd
  • ceph-radosgw
  • cinder
  • cinder-ceph
  • glance
  • hacluster
  • heat
  • keystone
  • neutron-api
  • neutron-openvswitch
  • nova-cloud-controller
  • nova-compute
  • openstack-dashboard
  • neutron-gateway
  • rabbitmq-server
  • swift-proxy
  • swift-storage
  • percona-cluster
  • neutron-api-odl
  • openvswitch-odl
  • odl-controller

New Charm Features

Full Ubuntu 16.04 support

The OpenStack charms have been validated for Ubuntu 16.04; Xenial series charms are available in the charm-store, for example:

juju deploy cs:xenial/nova-compute

OpenStack Mitaka Support on 14.04 and 16.04

The charms provide full support for OpenStack Mitaka.

To deploy OpenStack Mitaka on Ubuntu 14.04, use the 'openstack-origin' configuration option, for example:

cat > config.yaml << EOF
  openstack-origin: cloud:trusty-mitaka
juju deploy --config config.yaml nova-cloud-controller

OpenStack Mitaka is part of the Ubuntu 16.04 release, so no additional configuration is required for deployment:

juju deploy cs:xenial/nova-cloud-controller

To upgrade an existing Liberty based deployment on Ubuntu 14.04 to the Mitaka release, simple re-configure the charm with a new openstack-origin configuration:

juju set nova-cloud-controller openstack-origin=cloud:trusty-mitaka

Ceph MON charm

The Ceph charm set has been refactored to split the Ceph MON personality into its own charm; for new deployments, please use the ceph-mon and ceph-osd charms:

juju deploy -n 3 ceph-mon
juju deploy -n 100 ceph-osd
juju add-relation ceph-mon ceph-osd

Its possible to install the ceph-mon charm in LXC (or LXD with Juju 2.0) containers under MAAS deployments.

The ceph-mon charm will automatically generated monitor keys and an fsid if not provided via configuration (this is a change in behaviour from the ceph charm).

The ceph charm is still part of this charm release; The ceph charm will be deprecated once the migration path from ceph -> ceph-mon has been implemented and tested.

Ceph Backup charm

Nova/Neutron separation

Previous releases of the nova-cloud-controller and nova-compute charms provided legacy support for Nova charms managing Neutron components; This support has now been dropped; deployments must make use of the neutron-api and neutron-openvswitch charms for Neutron support.

The following configuration options have been dropped as a result of this change:



Bundles will need to be updated to support these changes.

Pause/Resume actions

The majority of charms now support pause and resume actions; these actions can be used to place units of a charm into a state where maintenance operations can be carried out:

juju action do nova-cloud-controller/0 pause

Services will be shutdown and disabled as appropriate for each charm; Executing the resume action will restore services to a running state:

juju action do nova-cloud-controller/0 resume

A unit that has been paused will reflect its current state in Juju status output.

Internal API endpoint usages support

All OpenStack API services register Public and Internal endpoints; combined with either network space support with Juju 2.0 or use of the os-*-network configuration options, these may be on different subnets. By default, OpenStack services will use the Public endpoint for any internal API calls.

Its now possible to switch internal API calls to use internal endpoints using the 'use-internal-endpoints' configuration option:

juju set nova-compute use-internal-endpoints=True

As this is a behavioural change and in its first release, this is not currently enabled by default; this may be changed in a future charm release.

Juju 2.0 Network Spaces support

The OpenStack charms provide initial support for Juju 2.0 Network Spaces; Network Spaces allow users to model network topologies and binding of network spaces to charms using MAAS and Juju, rather than directly injecting network cidr information via charm configuration options.

Existing deployments already using configuration options for binding services to different network segments will continue to function using the latest charm release - any user provided configuration is preferred over Juju managed network space bindings.

See individual charm documentation for details on how each charm supports Network Spaces.

Keystone v3 API Support



Please ensure that the keystone charm is upgraded first.

To upgrade an existing deployment to the latest charm version simply use the 'upgrade-charm' command, e.g.:

juju upgrade-charm cinder

Note: The networking endpoint in keystone has been renamed from quantum to neutron in-line with upstream name changes.

New Charm Features

Deprecation Notices

Minimum Juju version

OpenStack Charm CI testing no longer validates the OpenStack charms against versions of Juju (< 1.24) which don't have the leader election feature, used to determine leadership between peer units within a service.

Legacy leadership support will be removed from the charms over the next few development cycles, so please ensure that you are running on Juju >= 1.24.

Known Issues

SSL on Precise/Icehouse

Bugs Fixed

For the full list of bugs resolved for the 16.04 release please refer to