
Revision 30 as of 2009-01-04 21:21:24

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IconsPage/IconNote.png La versione in italiano qui

About Me

Ubuntu Stuff

My Translations

My Documents

My documents are normaly written in Italian. Here's a list of wiki pages made with a substantial contribution from myself.

My Specifications

Other / Non Ubuntu Stuff

Software I wrote

Ubuntu Meetings

I partecipate in the organization of the follows Italian Ubuntu Meetings:

I also attended at UDS Jaunty on December 2008.


I would like to leave my testimonial for Paolo. I've been knowing him since almost the beginning of the Italian community, with him we started the Italian newsletter, a "spin-off" of the UWN, with his help we've organized the first Ubuntu-it meeting and from his idea the Italian Gruppo sviluppo (the Italian counterpart of the international development team) was born; he still is part of the translation team and helps us translating interviews other than software. He always has great ideas, he is a passionate and very active open source and free software advocate. I would highly recommend him. -- milo 2009-01-04 21:21:24
