
Revision 4 as of 2006-06-29 07:20:27

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This page contains notes on possible promotopn ideas for Dapper.

Some previous Ubuntu press releases and marketing information:

Local Launch Party Invite

On 1 May Ubuntu will be releasing their latest version of their GNU/Linux operating system, 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake).

The Ubuntu Australia Team would like to invite you to the local launch party for this release. Come and hear about how Ubuntu and Linux is being used to solve real problems for real people in your local area.

(eg. Weekend papers)

On 1 May Ubuntu will be releasing their latest version of their GNU/Linux operating system, 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake).

This release is the forth for Ubuntu, and can be used on Intel (32 and 64 bit) and Mac (Intel and PowerPC) systems, and comes with versions for Education, Servers, as well as two desktop varieties. All the software is freely available with 3 years of security support and updates.

The system includes a fully functional office suite (Open Office) along with all of the familar free Internet software available under Microsift Windows (FireFox,Thunderbird).

There is also a LiveCD version which will allow you run the software on your computer without having to install anything. It runs directly from the CDROM, so you can try everything out first..

Available for download from www.ubuntu.com or a local computer group near you.

Rock On!