Community Outreach Team

Team Members (please add your name):


The Community Outreach Team is responsible for creating and maintaining relationships with the local non-profit organizations (NPOs), co-operative groups, and businesses. The team will directly interact with the organizations, encouraging them to utilize our LoCo as a free community service as they make their transition to Ubuntu. Not only will we introduce them to this great technology but we will follow through by supporting them after the conversion.

Sub Pages

Target NPOs

There are several types of NPOs were targeting. Some may not have NPO status at this moment or they may not be pursuing it. We still plan to help them. Here is our general listing, feel free to add to it:

Target Businesses

(please edit)

Contact Matrix

Name of Group/Org/Business


Contact Level*


Non-profit Technology Resource


5, 4

The location of our LoCo's first install-fest! NTR has deep connections with other NPOs, especially schools.

Main Line Computer Users Group



These guys are hardcore ex-Amiga / Commodore64 users. Very organized. We can learn a lot from them. They even have about 4 Linux users.

Philadelphia Area Computer Society


5, 4

North Light Community Center



Team Children Project



Open Borders Project



MALT Computer Volunteer Group


5, 3, 3

They have some interesting program for getting single moms setup with their own PCs.

Girls Inc.



Philadelphia area Linux Users Group



Most active LUG in the Philadelphia area, with additional chapters in Malvern and Plymouth Meeting

Philadelphia area LinuxChix Chapter



Elizabeth Krumbach is the coordinator, strong ties with Ubuntu-Women Project

Central Pennsylvania Linux Users Group



Only Active LUG in South Central PA

Catholic Charities of the Harrisburg Roman Catholic Diocese



Computer Donation/Ubuntu Installation for various purposes (especially people leaving halfway houses)]

Free Geek Penn



Met with them in Jul 2009 project page here

* The Contact Level is a rating system for each contact. It's possible to have more than one number if there are multiple projects being worked on. These are the present rating values:

  1. Not contacted, no interaction yet.
  2. Contacted but no plan for further action
  3. Working with them to build a project.
  4. Actively working on a project with them.
  5. Finished a project with them. More in plans.

Project and Event Summaries

This is where we provide a brief description of project completed or in progress. This section may get too large and have to be moved to a new section. We'll see soon enough.

20070519: Philadelphia Area Computer Society (PACS) Install-Fest Promo

This was our first gathering as a team. We worked with the PACS Linux SIG (some of us are members) to get Joe Terranova (NJ LoCo) connected with the appropriate PACS people to do an Ubuntu presentation. We used the day of his presentation on May 19th as a launch pad to promote our install-fest on June 2nd. It worked perfectly. Joe's presentation was a hit! A surprising number of people came out and signed up for our install-fest.

20070602: Ubuntu Install-Fest at Nonprofit Technology Resources (NTR)

June 2nd was our first, official install-fest. It was hosted at the NTR warehouse by permission of Stan Pokras, NTR's executive director. We installed Ubuntu onto 25-30 PCs. There's reason for the inexact count. Even with the support from members of the NJ LoCo, we were still understaffed for the amount of people that showed.

20070609: Dual-Boot PC Donation to Girls Inc

10 PCs were donated from the Philly Stock Exchange to Girls Inc of Philadelphia. We partnered up with the Mt. Airy CVG to create one, good dual-boot PC. The CVG handled the Windows2000 install/config and we did the Ubuntu part. That PC's disk image was then imaged across the other nine. Team members of the PA and NJ LoCo met at the Girls Inc offices in downtown Philly, gave the girls (ages 12-15) a short overview, and sent them home with the PCs. We plan to setup a follow-up event with the girls in the near future.

20070808: MALT CVG Ubuntu / LTSP Demo Classroom Project

A demonstration of an Ubuntu install and an LTSP server was provided to the MALT CVG. This was just a prelude to the continuously support we are providing to the MALT CVG. The next stage is to get them setup with a fully functional thin client network.

20070822: Ubuntu Training at NTR

We have worked out a project with Stan Pokras of NTR to train his employees and volunteers on how to install and configure Ubuntu. See the NTR Training Page for details.

20070829: MALT CVG Introduction to Ubuntu

We have been given the last Wednesday of each month to use the MALT CVG classroom for Linux discussions. This first official Linux meeting will be used to demonstrate the Ubuntu environment via a thin client network. See the LTSP Project Page for details.

20080119: Linux Laptop Project at NTR

This is another project with Stan Pokras of NTR that involves refurbishing a significant number of his laptop inventory. PCs that specs too low to run Win2k will have DSL or Puppy Linux installed. The room where the laptop is located needs some organizing. See the NTR Laptop Project page for details.

PennsylvaniaTeam/CommunityOutreachTeam (last edited 2012-09-18 22:40:22 by lyz)