Desktop Documentation
Applications - Guides to the different types of applications found on Ubuntu, help with finding applications.
FreeSoftwareAlternatives - Free Software alternatives available on Ubuntu.
Installing Software - Finding, installing, and updating software.
Recommended Applications - A list of less well-known applications recommended by Ubuntu users.
Software - Information about software available for Ubuntu.
Software From Other Operating Systems - Running other operating systems and their software, including Windows and Windows apps, in Ubuntu.
Software List - Lists many of the applications you can install on Ubuntu.
Multimedia - Playing and editing sound and video.
Photos - Viewing and editing photos.
Accessibility - Make Ubuntu easier to use for those with physical or visual challenges.
Programming - Creating software.
UsingTheTerminal - Learn how to use the command line.
Other Documentation
Servers - Setting up web servers, file servers, and more.
Security - Keeping your computer safe.
System Administration - Maintaining your computer.
Release Notes - Information on new features and help specific to each Ubuntu release.
Installation - Basic and advanced methods of installing Ubuntu, and information about supported hardware.
Upgrading Ubuntu - Information on how to upgrade from older versions of Ubuntu.