Documentation guy, wiki editor, Mallard evangelist, DocBook wrangler, former bug triager, occasional en_GB translator, erstwhile .desktop file meddler, and Ubuntu user (of course). My interests are in documentation, user assistance, and usability.

I graduated with a Masters' in Physics with Astrophysics from the University of Manchester, UK, in July 2010 and I'm going on to study for a DPhil (PhD) in Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Oxford, UK. I'm interested in dark energy, and will be looking at inhomogeneous (non-FRW) cosmologies which reproduce the observational effects associated with dark energy.


I co-authored the 4th edition of Ubuntu for Non-Geeks, with Rickford Grant. It was published by No Starch Press in July 2010, and is available from all good bookstores!

You can find out more about the book (including details of parts of it that I released under a Creative Commons license) in this blog post.


I'm an active member of the Doc Team, and spend most of my Ubuntu-time committing patches, closing bugs and helping-out mentoring students. I also work with the GNOME Documentation Project, and am a member of its Steering Committee.


I was a member of the bugsquad, but haven't been very active recently.


Current Projects

Past Projects


Some pages I'm using to test new ideas:


Philbull (last edited 2010-08-12 20:28:54 by 92)