
Revision 3 as of 2006-01-11 10:41:41

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GNOME Usability contributor, occassional en_GB translator and Ubuntu user (of course). Interests in PyGTK and GNOME development and usability.


Aims for 2006:

  • Provide useful PyGTK project for GNOME users
  • Evangelise, evangelise, evangelise
  • Comprehensive usability reviews on core GNOME apps

Philbull - You're doing great work on the wiki, but please try not to duplicate pages & content that already exist. I've redirected one of your pages already, and I think some of your other new creations could be rolled into existing pages - there is a HowToGetHelp page that seems to fit.

Please consider joining the DocumentationTeam mailing list, and the MarketingTeam list as well, to co-ordinate the work we all do on the wiki! Thanks, and keep up the great work! -- Madpilot DateTime(2006-01-11T10:41:41Z)
