
Revision 39 as of 2012-06-19 16:33:41

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+1 Maintenance Status

Daily build status

Our Jenkins instance provides automatic smoketesting of desktop and alternate builds in various standard scenarios and shows the image status.


Other things the +1 maintenance team is working on or tracking. Please don't add things to this list unless you're on the team.

  • The Perl 5.14 transition is still in progress, although 97% complete and should block very few upgrades at this point.

Known issues

glew - NBS packages depending on libglew1.6/libglewmx1.6 should now depend on the meta package libglew and libglewmx. However, some glew internal interfaces have changed which prevent updating libnux-2.0 from libglew1.6 to libglew. Looks like it requires a developer.

In progress

  • [apw] subversion test suite fixing in progress