
Revision 5 as of 2011-11-10 16:29:04

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+1 Maintenance Status

Daily build status

This is a scratchpad for known showstopper issues in current daily builds. This doesn't mean problems we would refuse to release Ubuntu with; this means problems that prevent anyone using the daily builds and which force the +1 maintenance team and/or the developer responsible for the breakage to make fixing this their number one task. This will amount to something like:

  • build fails
  • principal metapackages (ubuntu-minimal, ubuntu-standard, ubuntu-desktop) uninstallable
  • automated tests can't run (and not a test bug)
  • can't get to a desktop or run the server

Daily builds are currently being slowly resurrected while we switch the master build system to a new server.


Other things the +1 maintenance team is working on or tracking. Please don't add things to this list unless you're on the team.