
Revision 26 as of 2013-10-24 17:09:01

Clear message

The Ubuntu Portugal community (Ubuntu-PT) is the community responsible for supporting, translating, and spreading Ubuntu in Portugal. This community is a group of volunteers who are dedicated not only to promote the use of the operating system Ubuntu and free software in general, but also to help and give support to the Portuguese users through our mailing list, IRC channel, etc.

We have a Community Council that consists of 5 members of the Portuguese community who are responsible for guiding the participation of the other members of the community, making decisions on the actions and projects developed and arbitrate in matters related to community image and behavior of its members. The Council members are Ana Figueiras (Coordinator), Flávio Martins (Official Contact), Jaime Pereira, Miguel Gomes and Tiago Carrondo.

The Ubuntu Portugal community also has a Social Media Team, a Translations Team, and an Events Team.

Key Details


  • Improve the organization of the Portuguese LoCo Team

  • Do better translations and improve consistency

  • Promote Ubuntu and the use of open source software in general - organize more release parties, have stands at fairs and other events, organize dissemination activities, etc.

  • Organize regular LoCo Team meetings

  • Spread Ubuntu



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Online Presence

We have a very strong online presence with a website always up-to-date and profiles in almost every social media website. Our Facebook page, with 864 likes, is where we share news, events, and occasionally help users that have questions and problems. Both the community and the translations mailing lists are pretty active also.

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We are currently improving our translations team, trying to build more support material for the translations and improving consistency. Our translations team is currently led by Filipe Pinho and Maria Loureiro. The translations team has a separate mailing list.


Although we don't have a specific team for support we have been able to help the other users of the community with their problems through our communication channels. Help is usually provide through the mailing list, on local events and meeting, and occasionally also through our Facebook page. Most request are answered quite quickly.
