
Revision 4 as of 2008-12-15 20:36:32

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Who am I?

I'm just a normal 17 year old student from the small island of Sri Lanka. I've been using computers for more than a decade(through Windows); I've been using Linux since August 2007 and I've never looked back nor regretted it. My distro of choice(and indeed the introductory one) is Ubuntu and I really do like it, not only because of it's features or freedom, but mostly because of the excellent community it has. Another thing I like about Ubuntu is that it is(in my mind) a lot more customisable-friendly than other distros like Fedora or OpenSUSE.

My contact details:-

Launchpad ID:

Pramod Dematagoda

Ubuntu Forums:



PmDematagoda on


pmd.lotr.gandalf at gmail com

How am I contributing to the Ubuntu Community?


Ubuntu Ubuntu Forums ~ Ubuntu Forums Staff as a Moderator (PmDematagoda)

Ubuntu Launchpad(Pramod Dematagoda) ~ By:-

  1. Answering support requests.
  2. Doing Translations(not as much as support though).
  3. Bug-reporting.


  • PmD is a real pleasure to work with on the UF Staff team. Being one of the youngest there, he's shown much maturity dealing with moderation and helping new members. He has been a great addition to the Staff and should become an Ubuntu member without any question. bapoumba.