
Revision 3 as of 2012-03-23 09:17:14

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New Features

Common Infrastructure

  • Until Ubuntu 11.10, the Unix group for administrators with root privileges through sudo had been admin. Starting with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, it is now sudo, for compatibility with Debian and sudo itself. However, for backwards compatibility, admin group members are still recognized as administrators.
  • Automatic Apport crash reporting has been enabled by default again to catch problems early on. It now checks for duplicates on the client side, which will avoid uploading debug data and creating Launchpad bug reports unnecessarily in many cases now.
  • pm-utils now has two new scripts to power down USB and various PCI devices in battery mode. A number of desktop packages were fixed to wake up less often. Both of this reduces power consumption and thus battery lifetime.
  • DNS resolution is now done through dnsmasq, which should help split-DNS VPNs and faster DNS resolution.

Linux 3.2.X Kernel

  • 12.04 ships with the 3.2.0-17.XX Ubuntu kernel which is based on the v3.2.X upstream stable kernel. The amd64 -server and -generic kernel flavors have been merged to help reduce the maintenance burden over the life of this LTS release.
  • AUFS has been disabled, anyone needing AUFS is encouraged to migrate to overlayfs.
  • RC6 is enabled by default for Sandy Bridge systems. RC6 is a technology which allows the GPU to go into a very low power consumption state when the GPU is idle (down to 0W). It results in considerable power savings when this stage is activated. When comparing under idle loads with machine state where RC6 is disabled, improved power usage of around 40-60% has been witnessed.

GCC 4.6 Toolchain

Python Toolchain

Upstart 1.5

Known Issues

Boot, Installation and Post-Installation

  • omap3/omap4 netboot images are known to generate a too small boot partition. (806751)


  • Aptitude does not work on 64 bit systems without disabling multiarch in /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch . (831768)


  • On ARM omap imagesd the networking support for the Beagle XM board is broken (838200)