Size: 5648
Comment: Added a check for the uninstall step
Size: 5867
Comment: Fixes for the uninstallation step
Deletions are marked like this. | Additions are marked like this. |
Line 46: | Line 46: |
* Open the app preview for the installed app, click on Uninstall and verify that the app gets uninstalled and the preview now shows the Install button again. Check on the Apps scope that the app is no longer there. | |
Line 51: | Line 52: |
* Open the app preview by long pressing, click on Uninstall and verify that the app gets uninstalled and the preview now shows the Install button again. | * Open the app preview by long pressing, click on Uninstall and verify that the scope results are shown again, and that the selected app was uninstalled. |
- Test plan for component unity-scope-click
Component checklist https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/Checklists/unity-scope-click [not there yet]
- Development branch URL lp:unity-scope-click/devel
Ubuntu Package URL: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scope-click
Test Plan
This test plan is not supposed to be complete; use it to guide your manual testing so they don't miss big functional areas that are part in the component; also this should be used as guideline to inspire the exploratory testing which should be adapted smartly based on the real content of a MP
- Install latest (devel-proposed) image on phone
- Install freshly built MPs from silo PPA
- Open dash, go to Apps scope
- Check that there are six core apps on top, in the following order: Dialer, Messaging, Calculator, Clock, Camera, Calendar
- Tap on one of the six core apps. It should launch the app.
- Long press on one of the six core apps. It should show the app preview.
- Check that there is content in the Apps category, alphabetically sorted, and not including any of the core apps mentioned above
- Check that the "Get more apps from the store" category holds a "Ubuntu Store" item takes you to the Store page.
- Do a search in the Apps scope
- Check result, open app preview by long pressing on the icon
- Verify the preview looks correct (shows app name and description, icon, offers option to Open, Uninstall)
- Check that the Info, Updates, What's new sections are present have have their respective fields.
- Repeat for one of the apps that's still not a click package (eg. browser), it should have Open but not Uninstall.
- Do a Search, and click on the orange card in the bottom under "Search for 'X' in the store", it should open the app store and repeat the search.
- Go to the "Ubuntu Store" scope
- Check that there are a few categories like "Top Apps" and "Top Games" with a few highlighted apps in each.
- Check the category "App of the week", with one big card
- Check the departments combo is filled with the store departments
- Select one department with items (currently: Games, Games/Sport and Developer Tools)
- Check that there's a category with highlighted items for the selected department.
- Do a search in the "Ubuntu Store" scope
- Check that the number of results is shown in the category header
- Check result, open app preview
- Verify it offers option to install
- Install, verify progress works correctly
Verify you can go back and forth in the dash and progress still works (use a larger app, like sleepytime) LP#1328102
- Repeat this whole step, installing a different app
Verify installed app shows as "✔ INSTALLED" in the results. LP#1277814
- Open the app preview for the installed app, click on Uninstall and verify that the app gets uninstalled and the preview now shows the Install button again. Check on the Apps scope that the app is no longer there.
- Once installed a new app, go back to the app scope
- Verify that the app is listed in the installed apps list
- Open preview by long pressing, verify data, and Open option
- Open it, verify it runs correctly. If it doesn't, check a few more apps to discard specific app issues.
- Open the app preview by long pressing, click on Uninstall and verify that the scope results are shown again, and that the selected app was uninstalled.
- Test departments support:
Re-flash your phone with --wipe, make sure internet is not enabled initially and verify that Apps scope displays a departments drop-down at the top, and that preinstalled applications can be found in departments (every application should have a department; most of them reside in Accessories, Internet and Sound & Video).
- Go to Ubuntu Store. Install a new application, then go back to Apps and verify it appears in the same department as in the Store. Repeat a few times for apps from different departments.
- Reboot the phone. Verify that after reboot the non-standard applications installed in previous steps can still be found in their departments in Apps.
- To simulate first boot-experience without needing to wipe the device, do the following:
- Disable networking
- Make sure click scope is not running (ps aux|grep click).
- Remove /home/phablet/.cache/click-departments.db*
- Reboot the phone
- Test translations support:
Open the System Settings app, go to Language & Text settings, and choose a Display Language that is not English, such as German or Spanish.
- Confirm the Language setting and reboot the phone.
- Check that the title of both scopes in the header at the top of the screen are translated.
Check that the titles of categories ("Apps" in the apps scope; "Top Apps" and the other highlights in the store) are translated. (store translations blocked on server bug LP#1302622)
- Check that some of the apps are translated (System Settings, Contacts, and Media Player should currently work).
Open preview, verify translated name and description (if available) (blocked on server bug LP#1302622).
- Test submission and viewing of reviews:
- Select an installed application and open the preview for it.
- In the preview, fill in the ratings stars and enter an honest, reasonable, and useful review for the app, pressing "Send" when ready.
- Verify the preview is refreshed, and the new review appears. If it did not appear, exit and re-enter the preview to account for possible network slowness.
- For apps that have pre-existing reviews, verify that some reviews appear in their previews.
Process/Merges/TestPlan/unity-scope-click (last edited 2016-09-22 18:17:33 by localhost)