
Revision 5 as of 2014-04-10 19:06:55

Clear message


  • connectivity-api
  • network-manager
  • powerd
  • telepathy-ofono
  • Dialer / Messaging Apps
  • network-indicator

Test Plan

Test target device: Nexus 4 with active SIM card Secondary/backup device: TBD

Initial set up:

  • Install latest image on phone
  • Build package containing the code to be landed, push them to and install them on the device
  • Reboot the phone

Manual Tests

Most of the tests below use one or more scripts from the ofono-scripts packages. They're installed by default in the directory /usr/share/ofono/scripts.

Basic Tests

These tests should be run for every upload, as they cover the basic functionality that ofono provides.

  • Test that the device can make outgoing phone calls, and receive incoming phone calls
  • Test that the device can sent outgoing text messages, and receive incoming text messages
  • Test that incoming phone calls and text messages wake the device when the screen is off
  • Test that mobile data connection works by testing Internet connectivity ( launch the browser )

Dialer / Messaging Autopilot

The Dialer and Message Apps are dependent on ofono, although they use the phonesim driver vs. the usual rilmodem driver used on actual Touch devices. If a change is being made to the ofono core, plugins, or the upstart job ( packaged as ofono.override in lxc-android-config, then these autopilot tests should be run on the device. This can be done by running the following steps:

  • make the device writable
  • apt-get install dialer-app-autopilot messaging-app-autopilot
  • On the desktop run the following command to run the tests:
    • phablet-test-run dialer_app

When finished, run apt-get purge ofono-phonesim-autostart.

GPRS/MMS Provisioning Tests

As some of these tests may require a modified apns-conf.xml file, the environment variable OFONO_APNDB_PATH may be used to provide a custom apns-conf.xml file for some of these tests. This is due to the fact that apns-conf.xml lives on the /system partition, and thus is hard to modify without rebuilding the system image.

Basic Internet Provisioning

  • verify that Wi-Fi is disabled
  • stop ofono
  • delete the contexts from the file /var/lib/ofono/<IMSI>/gprs

  • start ofono
  • verify that the data connection is activated, and the Internet accessible
  • validate the contexts provisioned via the ofono script 'list-contexts.

Note - as the more contexts may be provisioning using apns-conf.xml than mbpi, it may take slightly longer for the data connection to become active for the first time. After the initial provisioning, Network Manager should remember the correct context, and connectivty should be much quicker.

Combined Internet/MMS Provisioning

Dotted IPv4 Proxy Address

Hostname Proxy Address

MMS Provisioning

Dotted IPv4 Proxy Address

MVNO ( type=imsi )

MVNO ( type=imsi with wildcards )

MVNO ( type=spn )

This requires a SIM card with a valid SPN set. You can tell this by checking out the info message logged by ofono in /var/log/syslog:

Apr 4 19:13:49 ubuntu-phablet ofonod[3199]: plugins/android-provision.c:provision_get_settings() Provisioning for MCC 310, MNC 410, SPN (null) imsi 310410315414121


The android-provision plugin also queries the mobile-broadband-provider-info database, as there are APNs defined therein, that may not be included in apns-conf.xml. ofono will prevent any duplicate APNs from being provisioned. If needed, use the OFONO_APNDB_PATH environment variable, and hand edit a copy of apns-conf.xml to ensure that APNs from mbpi will be added ( ie. delete APNs from apns-conf.xml so that the APNs from mbpi are used instead )

  • follow the steps from the test case Basic Internet Provisioning

  • verify that mbpi has non-duplicate APNs for the MCC/MNC associated with the SIM card