
Revision 19 as of 2015-09-09 13:28:28

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This is a test plan for bluez as used by Ubuntu Touch. It does not cover scenarios and/or test cases for bluez installed on the desktop.

NOTE: This only covers BlueZ 5.x and doesn't respect 4.x in any way.

Test Plan

Test target device: Nexus 4, BQ Aquaris E4.5 Secondary/backup device: TBD

Initial set up:

  • Install latest image on phone
  • Install BlueZ from the silo PPA
  • Reboot the phone

Manual Tests

Kernel Bluetooth Management Layer tests

NOTE: You only have to run those test when you test a new kernel. If just the userland components were updated these test steps are not required to be executed.

BlueZ comes with several utilities to test the in-kernel bluetooth management layer. Those are

  • bnep-tester
  • hci-tester
  • mgmt-tester
  • rfcomm-tester
  • userchan-tester

Each of them tests a different functionality part of the kernel bluetooth management layer. We're going to run all of them as part of this test plan.

As preparation for some of them we have to do the following:

  • Stop the bluetoothd daemon

$ sudo service bluetooth stop
  • Make sure bluetooth is turned off but rfkill not blocked.

$ sudo rfkill unblock bluetooth
$ sudo hciconfig hci0 down
  • Load VHCI kernel module as this one will not be loaded automatically as only used for testing

$ sudo modprobe hci_vhci

FIXME: As of right now the tools used below are not part of any package. You have to build bluez manually with --enable-experimental to get them. This was reported as a bug at Debian and should be fixed soon. Another way to get those tools is:

$ wget https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-043/+files/bluez-test-scripts_5.33-0ubuntu6_armhf.deb
$ dpkg-deb -x bluez-test-scripts_5.33-0ubuntu6_armhf.deb .
$ find usr/bin

All tools are then available in the usr/bin folder without the need to install anything.


As first thing we need to verify the Bluetooth adapter was correctly initialized and is ready to be used. Check with

$ hciconfig

that an HCI interface is present (normally hci0). Output should be similar to this

phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ hciconfig
hci0:   Type: BR/EDR  Bus: UART
        BD Address: 4C:74:03:64:82:1F  ACL MTU: 1021:4  SCO MTU: 184:1
        RX bytes:620 acl:0 sco:0 events:31 errors:0
        TX bytes:411 acl:0 sco:0 commands:31 errors:0

NOTE: The state of the interface should correspond to the Bluetooth indicator state in the UI. In the example above the interface is DOWN so the indicator should show disabled Bluetooth too.

As next step we verify the adapter is correctly connected the in-kernel management layer.

NOTE: The btmgmt utility is only available on systems with BlueZ 5.x

$ btmgmt info

The output should be similar to this

Index list with 1 item
hci0:   Primary controller
        addr 4C:74:03:64:82:1F version 6 manufacturer 70 class 0x000000
        supported settings: powered connectable fast-connectable discoverable bondable link-security ssp br/edr hs le advertising secure-conn debug-keys privacy static-addr 
        current settings: br/edr 
        name MTK MT6582 #1
        short name

If no controller is listed the test step should be considered as failed.


Run the HCI tester with

$ sudo hci-tester

Afterwards we have to evaluate the output. Failed commands with status 0x1 (Unknown HCI command) can be ignored as those are then just not supported by the Bluetooth version the device supports. All other failed tests with a different status code should be considered as failed.

Management Interface

Run the management interface tester with

$ sudo mgmt-tester

All tests should pass.


Run the RFCOMM tester with

$ sudo rfcomm-tester

All tests should pass.

BT User channel

Run the user channel tester with

$ sudo userchan-tester

All tests should pass.


Run the BNEP tester with

$ sudo bnep-tester

All tests should pass.

Bluetooth management daemon

This tests the bluetooth management daemon running as part of the userland. Its binary name is bluetoothd.

The following is the list of function-specific test plans: