Revision 3 as of 2012-04-20 17:17:04

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Python 3 on Ubuntu

It is a release goal for Ubuntu 12.10 to have only Python 3 on the installation CD images. We have a Q-series blueprint for discussion of this goal at UDS-Q in Oakland, California, in May of 2012. There is a more detailed spec for this effort and a publicly shared Google docs spreadsheet to track this effort. This is an ambitious effort that will only succeed with help from the greater Ubuntu, Debian, and Python communities. In other words, we need you!

At the bottom of this page, you will find various resources for diving more into aspects of supporting Python 3, from the pure-Python, C extension module, Debian packaging, and other perspectives. The intent of this page is to provide specific guidelines in a quick reference format, so that you only need to go here once you're familiar with the basic concepts and approaches, but need a refresher on specific coding techniques. This is a wiki page, and you are encouraged to contribute, but try to keep your recommendations tightly focused on accomplishing the release goal of Python 3 only on the 12.10 CDs.
