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== Logs == TZ UTC -5 {{{(11:10:13 AM) heno: #startmeeting (11:10:14 AM) MootBot: Meeting started at 16:10. The chair is heno. (11:10:14 AM) MootBot: Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] (11:10:28 AM) heno: Welcome to the QA team meeting (11:10:40 AM) heno: The agenda is here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam (11:10:47 AM) heno: (very short) (11:11:31 AM) heno: If you've come for the platform meeting see #ubuntu-platform/freenode (11:12:14 AM) heno: [TOPIC] Spec status - all Hardy specs to be finalised by 2007-11-21 (tomorrow) (11:12:14 AM) MootBot: New Topic: Spec status - all Hardy specs to be finalised by 2007-11-21 (tomorrow) (11:12:34 AM) liw: 2007-11-21 was tomorrow yesterday, i.e., it is today (11:13:10 AM) heno: liw: you're right, my typo (11:13:21 AM) heno: should be Thursd 22nd (11:13:39 AM) ogasawara: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Specs/DeveloperWeatherReport (11:13:57 AM) ogasawara: let me know if you guys have any more feedback (11:14:04 AM) heno: fixed in wiki (11:14:32 AM) heno: ogasawara: looks good to me, and steve seems happy with it too (11:14:47 AM) heno: So I'll go ahead and approve (11:14:52 AM) ogasawara: heno: great, thanks (11:15:24 AM) heno: I havent followed up as well as I should on spec writing the past few days, sorry, been a bit ill (11:16:00 AM) heno: My form seems to be returning now though, fortunately (11:16:12 AM) liw: my two specs are https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Specs/DesktopAutomatedTests and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Specs/SelfTestingDesktop -- is there anything more I should do about them? (11:18:03 AM) heno: liw: they both need review still. Please ask someone on the review team to look at SelfTestingDesktop (11:18:24 AM) heno: The other one has been discussed already I think? (11:18:49 AM) liw: oh, I thought it was enough to mark them for review in launchpad (should read instructions better) (11:19:04 AM) heno: I can approve these without a formal review first, but it's always better to get a third oppinion (11:19:35 AM) heno: liw: you actually have to ping a review team member (11:19:55 AM) liw: right, looking up info on that now (11:20:52 AM) heno: pedro_: FixedBugVerification looks ready, thanks (11:21:08 AM) pedro_: heno: yep , thanks for your feedback on it (11:21:26 AM) pedro_: will ask a member of the review team to see it (11:21:30 AM) heno: looks like Brian's specs still need to have Bof notes merged into the spec (11:21:43 AM) heno: could someone here help with that (11:21:57 AM) heno: I guess most of you were in these meetings (11:22:19 AM) pedro_: let me check if i have the gobby logs (11:22:20 AM) heno: I can do the final cleanup and review afterwards (11:22:26 AM) heno: pedro_: thanks (11:22:34 AM) ogasawara: pedro_: I'll check to see which logs I have too (11:22:42 AM) pedro_: great (11:23:31 AM) heno: short meeting then. any other topics? (11:24:24 AM) stgraber: hello (11:24:35 AM) liw: I can't find the info on whom to e-mail about reviewing my spec(s) (11:25:37 AM) stgraber: I haven't managed to reach the bus on time so I'm still at the station :) (11:25:47 AM) heno: liw: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-reviewers (11:26:18 AM) heno: stgraber: with a laptop I assume (11:26:35 AM) liw: heno, so I should just pick a random member of the review team and e-mail them? (11:26:57 AM) heno: stgraber: perhaps we can meet up on IRC later and chat about specs? (11:27:10 AM) heno: (I'm a bit behind in my review) (11:27:17 AM) stgraber: heno: sure, I need some advice :) (11:27:42 AM) stgraber: I have the wifi connection till 17:50, then will be back at around 18:30 :) (11:27:44 AM) heno: liw: yes, preferably someone who knows the topic a bit. steve would be good (11:28:16 AM) liw: heno, er, steve? I see no steve in the membership list (11:28:52 AM) liw: wait, I *have* seen this page before, I now realize I wondered before whether Ian Jackson is still an active member (11:29:04 AM) heno: hm, he has been doing other reviews (11:29:19 AM) heno: looks a bit out of date ... (11:29:22 AM) liw: steve langasek? (11:29:29 AM) heno: yes (11:29:37 AM) ogasawara: pedro_: I can't seem to find any useful gobby notes for brian's specs (11:30:09 AM) heno: there are some notes pasted at the bottom of each though (11:30:13 AM) pedro_: ogasawara: it seems that i have the same ones listed at his specs on the wiki page (11:31:51 AM) heno: I think we're done (11:31:56 AM) liw: aye (11:31:57 AM) heno: Thanks all! (11:32:02 AM) heno: #endmeeting (11:32:03 AM) MootBot: Meeting finished at 16:32. }}} |
##=== Agenda - 2007-11-21 === Meeting Log: [:MeetingLogs/QATeam/20071121] Notes: If someone has notes of the meeting, please put them here. Thanks. |
Meeting Log: [:MeetingLogs/QATeam/20071121]
Notes: If someone has notes of the meeting, please put them here. Thanks.
QATeam/Meetings/20071121 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:20:46 by localhost)