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* Next meeting on September 22th, Chair will be charlie-tca. | * Next meeting on September 22th at 17:00 UTC, Chair will be charlie-tca. |
- SRU Testing -- jibel
- Over the past week 38 packages have been published to stable releases mainly security updates
- Lucid
- A total of 21 packages have been published to lucid
- 2 packages published to lucid-updates: deja-dup, ugene
- 13 packages published to lucid-security: chromium-browser, chromium-codecs-ffmpeg, chromium-codecs-ffmpeg, firefox, gyp, libvpx, lxr-cvs, mountall, samba, seamonkey, seamonkey, thunderbird, xulrunner-1.9.2
- 6 packages published to lucid-proposed: apt (2 times), chromium-browser, chromium-codecs-ffmpeg, eucalyptus, gwibber
- Karmic
- A total of 6 packages have been published to karmic-security: firefox-3.5, lxr-cvs, samba, xulrunner-1.9.1, xulrunner-1.9.2, zope-ldapuserfolder
- Jaunty
- A total of 7 packages have been published to jaunty-security: firefox-3.0, firefox-3.5, lxr-cvs, samba, xulrunner-1.9.1, xulrunner-1.9.2, zope-ldapuserfolder
- Hardy
- A total of 3 packages have been published to hardy-security: firefox-3.0, samba, xulrunner-1.9.2
- Dapper
- 1 package have been published to dapper-security: samba
- Bug Day status -- pedro_
- 1 bug day organized this week:
September 16th the target will be 'Brasero
- It is happening at #ubuntu-bugs.
- [ACTION] Pedro to organize a session on how to triage upgrade bugs next ubuntu dev week.
- 1 bug day organized this week:
Spec Status: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-platform-qa-ubuntu-10.10.html
Misc.: There was a call for the QA community to help proof and edit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityContributePages
- Next meeting on September 22th at 17:00 UTC, Chair will be charlie-tca.
Actions Recorded
- Pedro to organize a session on how to triage upgrade bugs next ubuntu dev week.
- charlie-tca to chair next meeting.
<Mootbot-UK> Meeting started at 19:01. The chair is ameetp. <Mootbot-UK> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [PROGRESS REPORT], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] <hggdh> ~ô~ <ameetp> Welcome everyone to the welcome to the weekly QA meeting. <ameetp> The agenda for today is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Meetings <ameetp> Agenda: <ameetp> * review previous action items (all) <ameetp> * SRU testing -- jibel <ameetp> * Bug Day status -- pedro_ <ameetp> * Maverick Work Items -- marjo <ameetp> * Selection of new chair -- ameetp <ameetp> [Topic] Pending actions <Mootbot-UK> New Topic: Pending actions <ameetp> From last meeting pedro_ and jibel were going to schedule an "upgrade issues" bug day on September 14th. Looks like this task is complete - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/Planning. pedro_ and jibel can you confirm? <pedro_> i think there was only 1 pending item, the organization of the bug day for yesterday <pedro_> ameetp, yeah we had that yesterday <pedro_> so action done <ameetp> pedro_: excellent! thanks <ameetp> moving on then <ameetp> [Topic] SRU testing -- jibel <Mootbot-UK> New Topic: SRU testing -- jibel <jibel> Hello all <jibel> Over the past week 38 packages have been published to stable releases mainly security updates <jibel> * A total of 21 packages have been published to lucid <jibel> * 2 packages published to lucid-updates: deja-dup, ugene <jibel> * 13 packages published to lucid-security: chromium-browser, chromium-codecs-ffmpeg, chromium-codecs-ffmpeg, firefox, gyp, libvpx, lxr-cvs, mountall, samba, seamonkey, seamonkey, thunderbird, xulrunner-1.9.2 <jibel> * 6 packages published to lucid-proposed: apt (2 times), chromium-browser, chromium-codecs-ffmpeg, eucalyptus, gwibber <jibel> * A total of 6 packages have been published to karmic-security: firefox-3.5, lxr-cvs, samba, xulrunner-1.9.1, xulrunner-1.9.2, zope-ldapuserfolder <jibel> * A total of 7 packages have been published to jaunty-security: firefox-3.0, firefox-3.5, lxr-cvs, samba, xulrunner-1.9.1, xulrunner-1.9.2, zope-ldapuserfolder <jibel> * A total of 3 packages have been published to hardy-security: firefox-3.0, samba, xulrunner-1.9.2 <jibel> * 1 package have been published to dapper-security: samba <jibel> Thanks to Anton Altaparmakov, aslam karachiwala, Francisco Cribari, darren, David Thomas, Earl Malmrose, Fabrice Coutadeur, Xvani, geraldo, Guilo, Harald, Isa, Jeremy Visser (jayvee), Michael Kibat, Lukian (Lukian), Lauri Kainulainen, <jibel> Anouar Mansour (Hankyone), Marcelo Escobal, Neil Soman (cerealkillr), Maciej Niewiadomski, papukaija, PseHouri, psypher, Richard85, Adrienne, Scott Ritchie (YokoZar), Michael Elkins (scandal), Sven Eckelmann (Lazhur_), aanno, tnf, Tory, Trent J, <jibel> Uli Tillich, Don Thompson, Antoine and wilfred_com for testing packages in -proposed. <jibel> As always, you can see the current set of packages needing testing in the -proposed queue at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html . Your assistance in testing is always appreciated! <jibel> any question/comment about SRUs ? <ameetp> going once... <ameetp> twice... <cr3> zope-ldapuserfolder, crazy stuff! I'll have to check it out <marjo> ameetp: way to crack the meeting whip! <cr3> whip it, whip it good <ameetp> alright. jibel thank you!! <pedro_> lol <ameetp> [Topic] Bug Day status -- pedro_ <Mootbot-UK> New Topic: Bug Day status -- pedro_ <pedro_> Hola, so last Thursday we had a bug day for Apt which was organized with help of charlie-tca <pedro_> the participation was good, 99 bugs were triaged that day <pedro_> Thanks a lot to our rocking contributors: kamusin, charlie-tca, vish, adam-collard, devildante, ris and yofel <pedro_> per the action item of previous meeting we ran a bug day for upgrades yesterday <pedro_> but looks like we didn't have a lot of participation <pedro_> not sure why, jibel do you have any thoughts on that? <jibel> because it was organized on a tuesday ? <ara> I guess upgrade bugs are a bit harder to triage? <charlie-tca> +1 <ara> jibel, wouldn't you like to organize a session on how to triage upgrade bugs next ubuntu dev week? <pedro_> yeah i think you're both right <pedro_> ara, that'd be awesome to have, jibel please please please ? <jibel> ara, I think you are right. but the u-m bugs only needed to be confirmed or reproduced <charlie-tca> I think many think of doing installs to reproduce an "upgrade" <ara> jibel, but, how do you reproduce a bug that might involve having a strange combination of packages? * ara is talking without knowing much, just to start the conversation <pedro_> charlie-tca, yeah but i thought we were going to have more participation due that the previous was about apt which is totally connected to u-m/n <jibel> The bugs list was about failures in maverick. <jibel> so no really combination of packages. <pedro_> ok let's try to fix that for the next time <ameetp> pedro_, jibel: do you want an action item to "organize a session on how to triage upgrade bugs next ubuntu dev week"? <jibel> for example we see from that list that fglrx, blcr, and other kernel modules doesn't build in maverick. <charlie-tca> I don't think the list was looked at, tbh. People think of upgrade as meaning they have to install an old version first. We need to explain better, maybe? <pedro_> ameetp, that'd be nice to have , yes please <ameetp> based on charlie-tca comments maybe we need more education on this.. <pedro_> charlie-tca, agreed <ameetp> [ACTION] "organize a session on how to triage upgrade bugs next ubuntu dev week" <Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: "organize a session on how to triage upgrade bugs next ubuntu dev week" <pedro_> alright since tomorrow is Thursday, we have another bug day planned <pedro_> which was also proposed by charlie-tca, the target for tomorrow is Brasero <pedro_> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20100916 <pedro_> there's plenty of bugs waiting to be triaged so if you have some time and want to learn more about bug triage and Brasero, please join us tomorrow at #ubuntu-bugs <pedro_> if you don't have too much time to participate but you'd like to do some testing, please help us to test the latest Brasero on Maverick <pedro_> and file bugs if the application is not working correctly for you <ameetp> thanks pedro_! Anything else for us? <pedro_> ameetp, that's all from here unless there's a question/comment <bladernr_> Seems to me brasero bugs will also require a media investment <bladernr_> all the bugs I ever filed against it were due to burn failures
* Hoaas (~hoaas@84-16-209.201.3p.ntebredband.no) has joined #ubuntu-quality <ara> bladernr_, some of them are related to the interface or file management, so you can collaborate without expending a CD <bladernr_> ara: ack... just commenting on my own experience <ameetp> ara: good point <ameetp> bladernr_: thanks. we'll keep that in mind during testing <ameetp> any other comments/questions for pedro_? <ameetp> going once... <ameetp> twice... <ara> 500$!! <ameetp> alright, [Topic] Maverick Work Items -- marjo <marjo> http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-platform-qa-ubuntu-10.10.html <Mootbot-UK> LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-platform-qa-ubuntu-10.10.html <marjo> nice looking burn-down chart; lots of green above the line and red below the line! <ameetp> \o/ <marjo> nice looking burn-down chart; lots of green above the line and red below the line! * davmor2 has quit (Quit: I'm outta here) <pedro_> great work everybody
<marjo> it would look even better if the burndown line was set to 38 initially <marjo> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/qa-maverick-automated-server-testing <marjo> hggdh will focus on finishing the last two remaining test cases <marjo> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/qa-maverick-bugsquad-roadmap <marjo> pedro has postponed the update / make a new reporting bugs video to next release when we'll know what would make for better information <marjo> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/qa-maverick-improving-communication <marjo> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/qa-maverick-mago-daily <marjo> ara is making good progress on both <marjo> any questions? otherwise, looking good for release! <marjo> ameetp: that's all from me <ameetp> thanks marjo! <skaet> marjo, <marjo> hi skaet <skaet> just a heads up lots of churn today on the X/mesa front. <marjo> skaet: yes, as expected <skaet> cool. <ameetp> skaet: Thanks for the FYI. Anyone else have questions/comments for marjo? <marjo> we went through a similar experience after the move to mesa 7.6 <ameetp> okay then <ara> skaet, do we have a bug number? <skaet> good to know. <ara> skaet, I have been hearing all day about the "white screen of death" mixing intel & unity, but I haven't heard of a bug number * ara asks at ubuntu-x <skaet> ara, lots of them. will get them in background <ara> skaet, OK <marjo> skaet: fyi, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Mesa7.6 <skaet> last I saw there was a workaround for the "white screen of death", but its pretty active right now on the #ubuntu-x channel. <ameetp> skaet: sounds good. I'll move up. Just chime in with the bug number(s) <ameetp> anything else... going once. <ameetp> twice <skaet> ammetp, ack. <ameetp> [Topic] Misc. Items - anything people want to discuss <Mootbot-UK> New Topic: Misc. Items - anything people want to discuss <fader> o/ <skaet> ara, white screen bug is 638808 <ameetp> fader: go ahead <fader> I want to mention something that cjohnston was asking about (and posted to the mailing list) <fader> Specifically https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityContributePages <cjohnston> o/ <fader> ara has offered to fill out some of the tester info but I'm sure she wouldn't object to help <fader>
<ara> fader, I already posted it, but any review is more than welcome <fader> And I think there may be some other areas on that wiki page that the QA community might want to provide input on <ara> and everyone, feel free to edit * brianchidester has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) <fader> ara: You're fast!
<cjohnston> thanks ara ! <fader> That's it from me. <ara> fader, bits missing: the picture (working on it, thanks to bladernr_) and the "specific case" * Hoaas (~hoaas@84-16-209.201.3p.ntebredband.no) has left #ubuntu-quality <ara> but I have seen that the other sections haven't fill that either <ara> cjohnston, is something that are you requesting? or finally is going to be out= <ara> ? <ara> reviews welcome: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityContributePages#Testers <cjohnston> I have sent emails to all ML's that haven't yet filled theirs out.. Hoping to get the rest done, and then get everything put into place <ara> cjohnston, thanks for organizing this <ameetp> cjohnston, ara: thanks for starting this process <cjohnston>
thanks for helping <marjo> cjohnston: thanks for organizing this <ameetp> any other topics? <skaet> maverick x related bugs: 602899, 607490, 625239, 628077, 633593 <ara> skaet, thanks <ameetp> fader: we should double check that we don't need to add "pcert" tag to those bugs <ameetp> alright. Looks like there are no other Misc. topics <ameetp> going once... <ameetp> twice... <marjo> ameetp: good idea <ameetp> alright, our favorite topic [Topic] select a new chair <charlie-tca> I will... learning by doing. <marjo> charlie-tca: thx! <bladernr_> wow that was fast <charlie-tca> You are welcome <ameetp> charlie-tca thanks!! <charlie-tca> You are welcome <marjo> bladernr_ please note that as an example of volunteerism * fader high fives charlie-tca. <ameetp> that was fast. Well, all of you have been a great audience <bladernr_> marjo: I'm old enough to know better about volunteering <ameetp> I will end the meeting... <ameetp> #endmeeting
QATeam/Meetings/20100915 (last edited 2010-09-15 23:52:52 by cpe-70-123-133-172)