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Editor: cpe-70-123-133-172
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 * Bug Day status -- pedro_
   * Bug Day
     * Target is Jaunty bug reports and the page is at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20100930
     * Team will be in #ubuntu-bugs
   * Kernel Bug Day on October 5th
     * More information at http://marjomercado.wordpress.com/2010/09/29/ubuntu-kernel-community-bug-day-tuesday-5-october-2010/

 * Maverick Blueprints Status -- marjo
   * Blueprints look good and on track.

 * New meeting chair -- ameetp
   * charlie-tca will chair the next meeting at 17:00 UTC

= Logs =
<Mootbot-UK> Meeting started at 19:00. The chair is ameetp.
<Mootbot-UK> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [PROGRESS REPORT], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
<ameetp> Welcome everyone to the welcome to the weekly QA meeting.
<ameetp> The agenda for today is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/MeetingsAgenda:
<ameetp> # review previous action items (all)
<ameetp> # Maverick RC ISO testing status -- ara
<ameetp> # SRU testing -- jibel
<ameetp> # Bug Day status -- pedro_ (no Bug Day 2010-09-23)
<ameetp> # Maverick Blueprints Status -- marjo
<ameetp> # Selection of new chair -- ameetp
<ameetp> [TOPIC] Action items
<Mootbot-UK> New Topic: Action items
<ameetp> I don't believe there were any left action items from the last meeting
<ameetp> so if there are no objections I will move to the next topic
* ameetp waits
* cking-afk has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
<charlie-tca> none I remember
<marjo> ameetp: none
<ameetp> excellent [TOPIC] Maverick RC ISO testing status -- ara
<ara> excellent topic, I agree
<ara> :P
<ara> hello all!
* charlie-tca nods
<skaet> o/
<ara> hey skaet
<JFo> I thought it was Topic: ara? :)
<ara> :D
<JFo> :-D
<ara> So RC testing is going very very well, much better than other cycles
<ara> most of the testcases are already covered
<ara> \o/
<marjo> ara: excellent!
<ara> and no respining in the horizon
<ara> fingers crossed
* skaet fingers crossed as well...
<ara> there are some stuff that need some love
<ara> 1. Xubuntu wubis
<marjo> bladernr: wubi?
<charlie-tca> gonna need help with that
<bladernr> marjo: just getting ready to hit those
<ara> 2. LTSP server configuration in the alternates
<bladernr> the xubuntu ones
<fader_> bladernr: masochist
<marjo> bladernr: thx
<davmor2> ara: just finished the m-a's
<ara> davmor2, cool
<bladernr> fader_: you have no idea dude...
<ara> 3. live session in netbooks for kubuntu desktop
* sense has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
* davmor2 has quit (Quit: I'm outta here)
<ara> (anyone with a netbook and working usb keys?)
<fader_> ara: I can hit that on my netbook but it'll likely be a few hours before I have time
<fader_> So if nobody gets them before I do, sign me up
<ara> fader_, great, thanks :)
* janrsv (~jrs@84.79-160-187.customer.lyse.net) has joined #ubuntu-quality
<ara> and
<bladernr> are there any 64bit netbooks out there?
<ara> bladernr, good point ;-)
<ara> bladernr, maybe we should just drop that testcae
<ara> se
<bladernr> if I can find my other USB stick, I'll hit the 32bit one in a moment...
<ara> bladernr, great
<bladernr> after I start the wubi xubuntu stuff
* devildante has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
<ara> for the "run at least once" testcases, there are some still uncovered
<ara> Rescue i386 0 tests done
<ara> iSCSI Unauthenticated Root Installation 0 tests done
<ara> UEC install (separate networks topology) 0 tests done
<ara> Installation Broken Internet 0 tests done
<fader_> Yeah, good point -- my netbook is 32 bit
<marjo> ara: just drop 64bit netbook test case
* devildante (~devildant@ has joined #ubuntu-quality
<ara> marjo, OK, will do
<ara> ameetp, VMWare easy install? 0:-)
<ameetp> ara: yes, already started
<ara> ameetp, awesome!
<marjo> cyphermox: did you say you can help with server UEC?
<persia> There are 64-bit netbooks.
<ara> persia, outside japan? :)
<cyphermox> marjo, not uec. ec2
<ameetp> ara: Thanks for the update!! Anything else for your topic?
<marjo> cyphermox: ack
<ara> one more thing!
<cyphermox> server jeos as well , but I'd need to reinstall a windows VM
<ameetp> sure
<persia> ara, Yes. Anyway, easy way to fake it is to attach an old or small screen that can only do 800x600 to hit the autodetection routines.
<ara> I am going to propose at UDS another change on the "mandatory" "optional" testcases
<ara> many people actually need "optional" (really optional) testcases
<ara> so the "run once" does not work for them
<ara> so my suggestion is going to be to have yet another kind
<ara> so it would be
<ara> mandatory / run once / optional
<ara> I will work on a proposal and I will send it to ubuntu-devel and ubuntu-qa to see what people think
<marjo> ara: sounds reasonable
<bladernr> persia: I thought the routine required both small screen and no optical drive
* algnod (~algnod@host145-20-dynamic.21-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) has joined #ubuntu-quality
* janrsv has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
<ameetp> ara: sounds good
<persia> bladernr, Perhaps. remove the optical drive (or use a machine without one anyway)?
<ara> marjo, skaet: but, if you agree, you have to promise that the optional are really going to be optional ;-)
<ara> marjo, skaet: not optional but, "hey, it would be great to cover them all"
<marjo> ara: yes, that's the definition of "optional"
<ameetp> [ACTION] propose mandatory / run once / optional tests and send to qa team- ara
<Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: propose mandatory / run once / optional tests and send to qa team- ara
<bladernr> persia: probably, just curious... I remember discussing the autodetect stuff around alpha time.
<ara> ameetp, and that's all from me
<ameetp> ara: thanks!
<ara> ameetp, my pleasure
<ameetp> any questions for ara?
<skaet> ara, thanks.
<ameetp> going once...
<ameetp> twice
<ameetp> [TOPIC] SRU testing -- jibel
<Mootbot-UK> New Topic: SRU testing -- jibel
<jibel> Hello all
<jibel> Over the past week 56 packages have been published to stable releases. The complete list is available at
<jibel> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/SRUReports/2010-09-29
<Mootbot-UK> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/SRUReports/2010-09-29
<jibel> * A total of 41 packages have been published to lucid
<jibel> * 13 packages published to lucid-updates: cheese, cloud-init, fglrx-installer, gnome-terminal, hamster-applet, linux, linux-backports-modules-2.6.32, linux-meta, mupen64plus, psimedia, pyroom, qt4-x11, software-properties
<jibel> * 3 packages published to lucid-security: ant, chromium-browser, quassel
<jibel> * 25 packages published to lucid-proposed: apache2, dell-recovery, desktopcouch, gdecrypt, gdm, gjs, gnomescan, gnu-smalltalk, grub2, landscape-client, libgksu, libzip, linux-backports-modules-2.6.32, linux-fsl-imx51, linux-mvl-dove, lirc, mplayer, mtd-utils, nspluginwrapper, ooo-thumbnailer, openssl, python-imaging, python3.1, shutter, sugar-0.88
<jibel> * A total of 7 packages have been published to karmic
<jibel> * 2 packages published to karmic-updates: fglrx-installer, oregano
<jibel> * 1 package published to karmic-security: quassel
<jibel> * 4 packages published to karmic-proposed: landscape-client, linux, linux-ec2, linux-mvl-dove
<jibel> * 4 packages have been published to jaunty
<jibel> * 1 package published to jaunty-updates: fglrx-installer
<jibel> * 2 packages published to jaunty-security: apache2-mpm-itk, quassel
<jibel> * 1 package published to jaunty-proposed: landscape-client
<jibel> * 4 packages have been published to hardy
<jibel> * 2 packages published to hardy-updates: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24, linux-restricted-modules-envy-2.6.24
<jibel> * 1 package published to hardy-security: apache2-mpm-itk
<jibel> * 1 package published to hardy-proposed: linux-restricted-modules-envy-2.6.24
<jibel> * Nothing published to Dapper
<jibel> Thanks to Anders Kaseorg (andersk), Artur Rona (ari-tczew), Derek, Daniel J Blueman, Tim, deltatux, Jonathan Thomas (JontheEchidna), Eric Swenson, Frank Ryan, Gerald E Butler, Greg Hanley, Christophe Dumez (chris-qBT), Ian Adams, Irihapeti, Jaromir Obr,
<jibel> Joe McDonagh, Kmassada, tekstr1der, AlmaTlust, Mitch Penrod, Michael S. Yeager , rgururaj, Reuben Thomas, Roman Shtylman (shtylman), Stefano Rivera (tumbleweed), tgates81, Tormod Volden, Catanius and wodny for testing packages in -proposed.
<jibel> As always, you can see the current set of packages needing testing in the -proposed queue at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html . Your assistance in testing is always appreciated!
<jibel> Any question/comment ?
<devildante> thanks for this insight :)
<ameetp> thanks jibel
<ameetp> going once...
<jibel> that's all for this week then
<ameetp> alright
<ameetp> [TOPIC] Bug Day status -- pedro_
<Mootbot-UK> New Topic: Bug Day status -- pedro_
<devildante> what, you think I'm not worthy of tali
<devildante> talking about it? :p
<pedro_> hello
<pedro_> devildante organized the bug day for this week :-)
* algnod has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
<pedro_> devildante, wanna talk briefly about it ?
<devildante> nope, just want to thank charlie-tca for helping me, and bdmurray for making me a graph :)
<pedro_> heh
* ara has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
<pedro_> The target is Jaunty bugs reports and the page is at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20100930
<pedro_> so if you have some time to work during that day please join us
<pedro_> will be hanging out as always in #ubuntu-bugs
<ameetp> pedro_, devildante: thanks
<devildante> I will *not* be hanging around all the time, studying as usual :p
<devildante> ameetp: you're welcome! :)
<ameetp> pedro_: anything else?
<pedro_> devildante, skip school that's not important ;-)
* pedro_ hugs devildante
<charlie-tca> \o/
<pedro_> ameetp, just one more
<ameetp> go ahead pedro_
* devildante hugs pedro_ back
* algnod (~algnod@host5-133-dynamic.25-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) has joined #ubuntu-quality
<pedro_> If you didn't hear about it , the Kernel Team is organizing a bug day for next Tuesday
<pedro_> our rocking manager already blogged about it here: http://marjomercado.wordpress.com/2010/09/29/ubuntu-kernel-community-bug-day-tuesday-5-october-2010/
<pedro_> so if you have some time on Tuesday to triage some bugs and make JFo happier please help the kernel team with that task
<devildante> of course I'll be helping... a little :p
<JFo> :-D
<pedro_> see JFo is already smiling ^
* JFo feels the love
<charlie-tca> I'll probably be there, too
<JFo> excellent!
<pedro_> that's all from here ameetp :-)
<ameetp> pedro_: thanks!
<ameetp> any questions/comments for pedro_?
<pedro_> my pleasure
<ameetp> going once...
* devildante hugs pedro_ again
<ameetp> twice
<ameetp> [TOPIC] Maverick Blueprints Status -- marjo
<Mootbot-UK> New Topic: Maverick Blueprints Status -- marjo
<marjo> http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-platform-qa-ubuntu-10.10.html
<Mootbot-UK> LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-platform-qa-ubuntu-10.10.html
<marjo> Beautiful very productive graph
<ameetp> \o/
<marjo> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/qa-maverick-improving-communication
<marjo> ara on track for end-of-release
<marjo> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/qa-maverick-mago-daily
<marjo> We are getting some help from JamesPage on packaging Hudson.
<marjo> JamesPage is with the Ubuntu Server Team
<marjo> ameetp: that's it from me
<marjo> thx
<ameetp> thanks marjo!
<ameetp> any questions/comments for marjo?
* algnod has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
<ameetp> once
<ameetp> twice
<ameetp> [TOPIC] Misc.
<Mootbot-UK> New Topic: Misc.
<ameetp> anyone have anything they would like to bring up?
<hggdh> for Hudson, the packaging idea is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/NattyIdeaPool/HudsonSpec
<ameetp> cool. thanks hggdh
<ameetp> anyone else?
<ameetp> going once...
<ameetp> twice
<ameetp> [TOPIC] Selection of new chair -- ameetp
<Mootbot-UK> New Topic: Selection of new chair -- ameetp
<ameetp> the next meeting will be next week at 1700 UTC in this channel
<ameetp> any volunteers?
<ameetp> hggdh?
<ameetp> fader_, bladernr, pedro_, marjo
<charlie-tca> You want me to chair it, ameetp ?
* fader_ whistles innocently.
<ameetp> charlie-tca: sure
<charlie-tca> Okay
<ameetp> [ACTION] charlie-tca to chair the next meeting at 1700 UTC
<Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: charlie-tca to chair the next meeting at 1700 UTC
<ameetp> thanks charlie-tca!
<charlie-tca> and in the meantime, maybe the rest can think about which days they can take it, huh?
<charlie-tca> You are welcome
<ameetp> alright. You all have been a nice audience. Let's say we end this
<ameetp> #endmeeting
<Mootbot-UK> Meeting finished at 19:32.


  • Maverick RC ISO testing status -- ara
    • RC testing ( http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com ) is going very very well, but a few things could use some attention:

      1. Xubuntu wubis
      2. LTSP server configuration in the alternates
      3. Live session in netbooks for kubuntu desktop
      4. The "run at least once" testcases (e.g. Rescue i386, iSCSI Unauthenticated Root Installation, UEC install, Installation Broken Internet, etc.)
    • [ACTION] Ara will the QA team her proposal for "mandatory, run once, optional" test options
  • SRU testing -- jibel
    • 56 packages have been published to stable releases. The complete list is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/SRUReports/2010-09-29

    • Lucid
      • A total of 41 packages have been published
      • 13 packages published to lucid-updates: cheese, cloud-init, fglrx-installer, gnome-terminal, hamster-applet, linux, linux-backports-modules-2.6.32, linux-meta, mupen64plus, psimedia, pyroom, qt4-x11, software-properties
      • 3 packages published to lucid-security: ant, chromium-browser, quassel
      • 25 packages published to lucid-proposed: apache2, dell-recovery, desktopcouch, gdecrypt, gdm, gjs, gnomescan, gnu-smalltalk, grub2, landscape-client, libgksu, libzip, linux-backports-modules-2.6.32, linux-fsl-imx51, linux-mvl-dove, lirc, mplayer, mtd-utils, nspluginwrapper, ooo-thumbnailer, openssl, python-imaging, python3.1, shutter, sugar-0.88
    • Karmic
      • A total of 7 packages have been published
      • 2 packages published to karmic-updates: fglrx-installer, oregano
      • 1 package published to karmic-security: quassel
      • 4 packages published to karmic-proposed: landscape-client, linux, linux-ec2, linux-mvl-dove
    • Jaunty
      • 4 packages have been published
      • 1 package published to jaunty-updates: fglrx-installer
      • 2 packages published to jaunty-security: apache2-mpm-itk, quassel
      • 1 package published to jaunty-proposed: landscape-client
    • Hardy
      • 4 packages have been published
      • 2 packages published to hardy-updates: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24, linux-restricted-modules-envy-2.6.24
      • 1 package published to hardy-security: apache2-mpm-itk
      • 1 package published to hardy-proposed: linux-restricted-modules-envy-2.6.24
    • Dapper
      • Nothing published to Dapper
  • Bug Day status -- pedro_
  • Maverick Blueprints Status -- marjo
    • Blueprints look good and on track.
  • New meeting chair -- ameetp
    • charlie-tca will chair the next meeting at 17:00 UTC


<Mootbot-UK> Meeting started at 19:00. The chair is ameetp. <Mootbot-UK> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [PROGRESS REPORT], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] <ameetp> Welcome everyone to the welcome to the weekly QA meeting. <ameetp> The agenda for today is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/MeetingsAgenda: <ameetp> # review previous action items (all) <ameetp> # Maverick RC ISO testing status -- ara <ameetp> # SRU testing -- jibel <ameetp> # Bug Day status -- pedro_ (no Bug Day 2010-09-23) <ameetp> # Maverick Blueprints Status -- marjo <ameetp> # Selection of new chair -- ameetp <ameetp> [TOPIC] Action items <Mootbot-UK> New Topic: Action items <ameetp> I don't believe there were any left action items from the last meeting <ameetp> so if there are no objections I will move to the next topic * ameetp waits * cking-afk has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) <charlie-tca> none I remember <marjo> ameetp: none <ameetp> excellent [TOPIC] Maverick RC ISO testing status -- ara <ara> excellent topic, I agree <ara> :P <ara> hello all! * charlie-tca nods <skaet> o/ <ara> hey skaet <JFo> I thought it was Topic: ara? Smile :) <ara> Big Grin :) <JFo> :-D <ara> So RC testing is going very very well, much better than other cycles <ara> most of the testcases are already covered <ara> \o/ <marjo> ara: excellent! <ara> and no respining in the horizon <ara> fingers crossed * skaet fingers crossed as well... <ara> there are some stuff that need some love <ara> 1. Xubuntu wubis <marjo> bladernr: wubi? <charlie-tca> gonna need help with that <bladernr> marjo: just getting ready to hit those <ara> 2. LTSP server configuration in the alternates <bladernr> the xubuntu ones <fader_> bladernr: masochist <marjo> bladernr: thx <davmor2> ara: just finished the m-a's <ara> davmor2, cool <bladernr> fader_: you have no idea dude... <ara> 3. live session in netbooks for kubuntu desktop * sense has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) * davmor2 has quit (Quit: I'm outta here) <ara> (anyone with a netbook and working usb keys?) <fader_> ara: I can hit that on my netbook but it'll likely be a few hours before I have time <fader_> So if nobody gets them before I do, sign me up <ara> fader_, great, thanks Smile :) * janrsv (~jrs@84.79-160-187.customer.lyse.net) has joined #ubuntu-quality <ara> and <bladernr> are there any 64bit netbooks out there? <ara> bladernr, good point Wink ;-) <ara> bladernr, maybe we should just drop that testcae <ara> se <bladernr> if I can find my other USB stick, I'll hit the 32bit one in a moment... <ara> bladernr, great <bladernr> after I start the wubi xubuntu stuff * devildante has quit (Remote host closed the connection) <ara> for the "run at least once" testcases, there are some still uncovered <ara> Rescue i386 0 tests done <ara> iSCSI Unauthenticated Root Installation 0 tests done <ara> UEC install (separate networks topology) 0 tests done <ara> Installation Broken Internet 0 tests done <fader_> Yeah, good point -- my netbook is 32 bit <marjo> ara: just drop 64bit netbook test case * devildante (~devildant@ has joined #ubuntu-quality <ara> marjo, OK, will do <ara> ameetp, VMWare easy install? 0:-) <ameetp> ara: yes, already started <ara> ameetp, awesome! <marjo> cyphermox: did you say you can help with server UEC? <persia> There are 64-bit netbooks. <ara> persia, outside japan? Smile :) <cyphermox> marjo, not uec. ec2 <ameetp> ara: Thanks for the update!! Anything else for your topic? <marjo> cyphermox: ack <ara> one more thing! <cyphermox> server jeos as well , but I'd need to reinstall a windows VM <ameetp> sure <persia> ara, Yes. Anyway, easy way to fake it is to attach an old or small screen that can only do 800x600 to hit the autodetection routines. <ara> I am going to propose at UDS another change on the "mandatory" "optional" testcases <ara> many people actually need "optional" (really optional) testcases <ara> so the "run once" does not work for them <ara> so my suggestion is going to be to have yet another kind <ara> so it would be <ara> mandatory / run once / optional <ara> I will work on a proposal and I will send it to ubuntu-devel and ubuntu-qa to see what people think <marjo> ara: sounds reasonable <bladernr> persia: I thought the routine required both small screen and no optical drive * algnod (~algnod@host145-20-dynamic.21-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) has joined #ubuntu-quality * janrsv has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) <ameetp> ara: sounds good <persia> bladernr, Perhaps. remove the optical drive (or use a machine without one anyway)? <ara> marjo, skaet: but, if you agree, you have to promise that the optional are really going to be optional Wink ;-) <ara> marjo, skaet: not optional but, "hey, it would be great to cover them all" <marjo> ara: yes, that's the definition of "optional" <ameetp> [ACTION] propose mandatory / run once / optional tests and send to qa team- ara <Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: propose mandatory / run once / optional tests and send to qa team- ara <bladernr> persia: probably, just curious... I remember discussing the autodetect stuff around alpha time. <ara> ameetp, and that's all from me <ameetp> ara: thanks! <ara> ameetp, my pleasure <ameetp> any questions for ara? <skaet> ara, thanks. <ameetp> going once... <ameetp> twice <ameetp> [TOPIC] SRU testing -- jibel <Mootbot-UK> New Topic: SRU testing -- jibel <jibel> Hello all <jibel> Over the past week 56 packages have been published to stable releases. The complete list is available at <jibel> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/SRUReports/2010-09-29 <Mootbot-UK> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/SRUReports/2010-09-29 <jibel> * A total of 41 packages have been published to lucid <jibel> * 13 packages published to lucid-updates: cheese, cloud-init, fglrx-installer, gnome-terminal, hamster-applet, linux, linux-backports-modules-2.6.32, linux-meta, mupen64plus, psimedia, pyroom, qt4-x11, software-properties <jibel> * 3 packages published to lucid-security: ant, chromium-browser, quassel <jibel> * 25 packages published to lucid-proposed: apache2, dell-recovery, desktopcouch, gdecrypt, gdm, gjs, gnomescan, gnu-smalltalk, grub2, landscape-client, libgksu, libzip, linux-backports-modules-2.6.32, linux-fsl-imx51, linux-mvl-dove, lirc, mplayer, mtd-utils, nspluginwrapper, ooo-thumbnailer, openssl, python-imaging, python3.1, shutter, sugar-0.88 <jibel> * A total of 7 packages have been published to karmic <jibel> * 2 packages published to karmic-updates: fglrx-installer, oregano <jibel> * 1 package published to karmic-security: quassel <jibel> * 4 packages published to karmic-proposed: landscape-client, linux, linux-ec2, linux-mvl-dove <jibel> * 4 packages have been published to jaunty <jibel> * 1 package published to jaunty-updates: fglrx-installer <jibel> * 2 packages published to jaunty-security: apache2-mpm-itk, quassel <jibel> * 1 package published to jaunty-proposed: landscape-client <jibel> * 4 packages have been published to hardy <jibel> * 2 packages published to hardy-updates: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24, linux-restricted-modules-envy-2.6.24 <jibel> * 1 package published to hardy-security: apache2-mpm-itk <jibel> * 1 package published to hardy-proposed: linux-restricted-modules-envy-2.6.24 <jibel> * Nothing published to Dapper <jibel> Thanks to Anders Kaseorg (andersk), Artur Rona (ari-tczew), Derek, Daniel J Blueman, Tim, deltatux, Jonathan Thomas (JontheEchidna), Eric Swenson, Frank Ryan, Gerald E Butler, Greg Hanley, Christophe Dumez (chris-qBT), Ian Adams, Irihapeti, Jaromir Obr, <jibel> Joe McDonagh, Kmassada, tekstr1der, AlmaTlust, Mitch Penrod, Michael S. Yeager , rgururaj, Reuben Thomas, Roman Shtylman (shtylman), Stefano Rivera (tumbleweed), tgates81, Tormod Volden, Catanius and wodny for testing packages in -proposed. <jibel> As always, you can see the current set of packages needing testing in the -proposed queue at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html . Your assistance in testing is always appreciated! <jibel> Any question/comment ? <devildante> thanks for this insight Smile :) <ameetp> thanks jibel <ameetp> going once... <jibel> that's all for this week then <ameetp> alright <ameetp> [TOPIC] Bug Day status -- pedro_ <Mootbot-UK> New Topic: Bug Day status -- pedro_ <devildante> what, you think I'm not worthy of tali <devildante> talking about it? :p <pedro_> hello <pedro_> devildante organized the bug day for this week Smile :-) * algnod has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) <pedro_> devildante, wanna talk briefly about it ? <devildante> nope, just want to thank charlie-tca for helping me, and bdmurray for making me a graph Smile :) <pedro_> heh * ara has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) <pedro_> The target is Jaunty bugs reports and the page is at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20100930 <pedro_> so if you have some time to work during that day please join us <pedro_> will be hanging out as always in #ubuntu-bugs <ameetp> pedro_, devildante: thanks <devildante> I will *not* be hanging around all the time, studying as usual :p <devildante> ameetp: you're welcome! Smile :) <ameetp> pedro_: anything else? <pedro_> devildante, skip school that's not important Wink ;-) * pedro_ hugs devildante <charlie-tca> \o/ <pedro_> ameetp, just one more <ameetp> go ahead pedro_ * devildante hugs pedro_ back * algnod (~algnod@host5-133-dynamic.25-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) has joined #ubuntu-quality <pedro_> If you didn't hear about it , the Kernel Team is organizing a bug day for next Tuesday <pedro_> our rocking manager already blogged about it here: http://marjomercado.wordpress.com/2010/09/29/ubuntu-kernel-community-bug-day-tuesday-5-october-2010/ <pedro_> so if you have some time on Tuesday to triage some bugs and make JFo happier please help the kernel team with that task <devildante> of course I'll be helping... a little :p <JFo> :-D <pedro_> see JFo is already smiling ^ * JFo feels the love <charlie-tca> I'll probably be there, too <JFo> excellent! <pedro_> that's all from here ameetp Smile :-) <ameetp> pedro_: thanks! <ameetp> any questions/comments for pedro_? <pedro_> my pleasure <ameetp> going once... * devildante hugs pedro_ again <ameetp> twice <ameetp> [TOPIC] Maverick Blueprints Status -- marjo <Mootbot-UK> New Topic: Maverick Blueprints Status -- marjo <marjo> http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-platform-qa-ubuntu-10.10.html <Mootbot-UK> LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-platform-qa-ubuntu-10.10.html <marjo> Beautiful very productive graph <ameetp> \o/ <marjo> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/qa-maverick-improving-communication <marjo> ara on track for end-of-release <marjo> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/qa-maverick-mago-daily <marjo> We are getting some help from JamesPage on packaging Hudson. <marjo> JamesPage is with the Ubuntu Server Team <marjo> ameetp: that's it from me <marjo> thx <ameetp> thanks marjo! <ameetp> any questions/comments for marjo? * algnod has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) <ameetp> once <ameetp> twice <ameetp> [TOPIC] Misc. <Mootbot-UK> New Topic: Misc. <ameetp> anyone have anything they would like to bring up? <hggdh> for Hudson, the packaging idea is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/NattyIdeaPool/HudsonSpec <ameetp> cool. thanks hggdh <ameetp> anyone else? <ameetp> going once... <ameetp> twice <ameetp> [TOPIC] Selection of new chair -- ameetp <Mootbot-UK> New Topic: Selection of new chair -- ameetp <ameetp> the next meeting will be next week at 1700 UTC in this channel <ameetp> any volunteers? <ameetp> hggdh? <ameetp> fader_, bladernr, pedro_, marjo <charlie-tca> You want me to chair it, ameetp ? * fader_ whistles innocently. <ameetp> charlie-tca: sure <charlie-tca> Okay <ameetp> [ACTION] charlie-tca to chair the next meeting at 1700 UTC <Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: charlie-tca to chair the next meeting at 1700 UTC <ameetp> thanks charlie-tca! <charlie-tca> and in the meantime, maybe the rest can think about which days they can take it, huh? <charlie-tca> You are welcome <ameetp> alright. You all have been a nice audience. Let's say we end this <ameetp> #endmeeting <Mootbot-UK> Meeting finished at 19:32.

QATeam/Meetings/20100929 (last edited 2010-09-30 14:26:49 by cpe-70-123-133-172)