
SRU Testing (jibel)

Last week Maverick was added to our list of stable releases! jibel gave us a nice overview of the packages that hit any of the stable releases archives. The complete report can be found at:

jibel encourages us to help us testing maverick-proposed, as almost everyone is running Maverick now.

UDS brainstorming

The UDS brainstorming was very productive. We came out with ideas, blueprints and sessions:

Any Other Business

End meeting

Next meeting will be October 20th, at 17UTC. hggdh will be the chair.


review previous action items (all)

SRU testing -- jibel

UDS brainstorming -- all

any other businesses?

Selection of new chair -- ara

Meeting closed at 19:46

People Present

Actions Recorded

QATeam/Meetings/20101013 (last edited 2010-10-14 10:12:12 by i59F7B502)