Revision 1 as of 2012-08-29 14:16:17

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Meeting started by balloons at 14:01:03 UTC. The full logs are available at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-08-29-14.01.log.html .

Meeting summary

  • Ubuntu Updates

ACTION: balloons to chase up the incorrect meeting time on qa.ubuntu.com (balloons, 14:06:26)

Meeting ended at 14:14:17 UTC.


Action items

  • balloons to chase up the incorrect meeting time on qa.ubuntu.com

Action items, by person

  • balloons
  • * balloons to chase up the incorrect meeting time on qa.ubuntu.com

People present (lines said)

  • balloons (22)
  • smartboyhw (20)
  • meetingology (4)
  • sagaci_ (1)

Full Log

  • 14:01:03 <balloons> #startmeeting ubuntu QA community

    14:01:03 <meetingology> Meeting started Wed Aug 29 14:01:03 2012 UTC. The chair is balloons. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.

    14:01:03 <meetingology>

    14:01:03 <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired

    14:01:14 <balloons> who's about

    14:01:15 <balloons> ?

    14:01:27 <sagaci_> o/ just observing

    14:01:29 <smartboyhw> o/

    14:02:24 <balloons> ok, I'm filling in for astraljava looks like.. If he appears, I'll turn the meeting back over to him Smile :-)

    14:02:29 <balloons> [TOPIC] Ubuntu Updates

    14:02:42 <smartboyhw> o/

    14:03:45 <balloons> So on the ubuntu front a few things are happening. Beta 1 is next week. This week we are chatting about the alternate cd's being dropped, and readying ourselves for next week. If the alt's do get dropped, we need to be prepared to migrate the testcases over for the desktop cd's

    14:03:49 <balloons> yes smartboyhw ?

    14:03:59 <smartboyhw> Er, the previous action items

    14:04:01 <smartboyhw> balloons to chase up the incorrect meeting time on qa.ubuntu.com

    14:04:01 <smartboyhw> phillw balloons to continue to update Wiki

    14:04:16 <smartboyhw> I think you didn't update the meeting time... Or am I wrong?

    14:05:01 <smartboyhw> ..

    14:05:43 <smartboyhw> ..

    14:05:44 <balloons> smartboyhw, yes thank you..

    14:05:48 <smartboyhw> Wink ;)

    14:06:17 <balloons> there is still an oustanding ticket to get the time fixed on qa.ubuntu.com; I cannot do it

    14:06:26 <balloons> [ACTION] balloons to chase up the incorrect meeting time on qa.ubuntu.com 14:06:26 * meetingology balloons to chase up the incorrect meeting time on qa.ubuntu.com

    14:06:30 <smartboyhw> Smile :)

    14:07:08 <balloons> phillw and myself have continued updating the wiki.. there are a few pages still needing to be linked into the main site.. namely the testcase admins pages

    14:07:30 <smartboyhw> Thanks balloons...

    14:08:03 <balloons> ok, moving on

    14:08:24 <balloons> [Other topics] Anything else needing discussion?

    14:08:35 <smartboyhw> I'm afraid not:)

    14:08:36 <balloons> We're going to be quick today Smile :-)

    14:09:37 <balloons> As I announced last week the images have been quite erratic on being built. This is likely to continue this week

    14:09:56 <smartboyhw> Sure, I didn't get my Ubuntu Studio image for a WEEK.:(

    14:10:07 <balloons> smartboyhw, is there a new one yet this week?

    14:10:18 <smartboyhw> No. It's still 20120821

    14:10:43 <smartboyhw> upgrade cases are on 20120824

    14:10:48 <smartboyhw> xubuntu alternate on 20120822

    14:11:06 <smartboyhw> ..

    14:12:10 <balloons> yikes.. Well, fingers crossed, we'll see some working images this week

    14:12:17 <smartboyhw> Smile :)

    14:12:27 <balloons> wonder if the gtk2-indicator issue is still plaguing these

    14:12:31 <balloons> I haven't looked today

    14:12:35 <balloons> ok, any other questions?

    14:12:39 <smartboyhw> I don't know!

    14:13:03 <balloons> if not, we'll finish this out

    14:13:27 <smartboyhw> Finish meeting then...Is it the shortest one?

    14:14:17 <balloons> #endmeeting