Maverick Alpha 3 Test Report - 6th August 2010


Test Coverage

Test Failure Analysis

Bugs summary

Summary of Unfixed Issues

49 bugs unfixed

See section titled "Details of Unfixed Issues" below.

Summary of Fixed Issues

1 bug fixed

Summary of test failures

Kubuntu Alternate amd64 - Install (auto-resize)

Tester's comment: Comments:

Action-7: Guided Re-Size was not presented an option for installation. Install defaulted to Whole Drive Install. Thus, Action-8, 9 & 10 were not displayed or acted upon. It appears that bug 151515 covers this problem.

Action-16: I was not presented with the option to add http proxy. New Bug Reported: 613550.

Action-18: Before this step I was asked to Install Grub, which is not indicated on the action list. In order to proceed, I had to accept installing Grub, which is reasonable.

General Comments: Action-17. I did not see the slow down at 6%. The install went very quickly throughout.

New: 613550: No http proxy option

Existing Bug: 151515 No Resize Option

Overall the install went smooth accept where noted.

Kubuntu Alternate amd64 - Install (entire disk)

Tester's comment: Action-16: "Input http proxy" Same Bug 615330

Action-17: "Install System" Configure grub-pc step missing form test document.

New Bug Submitted: 613582

Action-20: "Long-In after Install" Failed: New Bug: First Time I installed with this method, I was able to log in.


Kubuntu Desktop amd64 - Live Session

Tester's comment: Case ID: dls 001 is OK, but there is the problem described in bug.

Case ID: dls 002 is KO, don't shut down, there is the problem described in bug.

Case ID: dls 003 is KO, don't start a persistent session, there is the problem described in bug.

Kubuntu Desktop amd64 - Live Session

Tester's comment:

Kubuntu Desktop i386 - Wubi (Windows installer)

Tester's comment: Installation failed with message "boot configuration data store could not be opened"

Kubuntu Desktop i386 - Wubi (Windows installer)

Tester's comment:

Kubuntu DVD amd64 - Install (debian-installer)

Tester's comment: d-i did not find any kernels. installation could not proceed.

Kubuntu DVD amd64 - Live Session

Tester's comment: tested on virtualbox OSE 3.2 Swiss/French, no installer on desktop and hang on at shutdown on 'casper is resyncing..'

Ubuntu ARM Preinstalled omap3 - Beagleboard ARM Image Testing

Tester's comment: I tested on a beagle XM and a beagle C4 board, on the XM bug 613855 blocks installation, on the C4 it is 591941

Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (auto-resize)

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (manual partitioning)

Tester's comment: I marked neither of these bugs serious because anyone using these options probably can deal with them.

The first ISO did not have these problems though and they are not something that the user should have to deal with.

Users with little experience would be screwed with the second one.

Selected to not install grub on sda and ended up with no grub on MBR.

Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Install (OEM setup)

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session

Tester's comment: syslinux wrong config

workaround with typing help on console.

other Tests passed.

Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session

Tester's comment: Couple bugs in usb-creator.

Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Migration Assistant

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Wubi (Windows installer)

Tester's comment: Fails to get to the ubiquity install part.

Ubuntu Netbook Edition - Install (OEM setup)

Tester's comment: Can't, even with xorg.edgers ppa drivers, get anything but a white screen.

Ubuntu Netbook Edition - Install (OEM setup)

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Netbook Edition - Live Session

Tester's comment: Desktop unusable with out something other than the default driver.

Fglrx uninstallable.

Ubuntu Server amd64 - UEC install (minimal topology)

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Server i386 - UEC install (minimal topology)

Tester's comment: Lucky with registration the first time. Not so lucky with instance run.

Xubuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session

Tester's comment: Hardware test; 2.2 GHz C2D; 2GB RAM; NVidia 8400M GS

* Nouveau renders screen unusable. User needs to manually add nouveau.blacklist=true to boot-options to get basic working desktop.

Xubuntu Desktop i386 - Wubi (Windows installer)

Tester's comment:

Details of Unfixed Issues




Test Coverage Details by Category

QATeam/ReleaseReports/MaverickAlpha3TestReport (last edited 2010-08-06 07:24:32 by p54BE1460)