
Differences between revisions 1 and 2
Revision 1 as of 2011-02-04 11:30:40
Size: 24911
Editor: ACaen-151-1-35-84
Revision 2 as of 2011-02-04 11:33:59
Size: 24915
Editor: ACaen-151-1-35-84
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<<Anchor(UnfixedIssues)>>== Details of Unfixed Issues ==
== Details of Unfixed Issues ==

Natty Alpha2 Test Report - February 4th, 2011


  1. Natty Alpha2 Test Report - February 4th, 2011
    1. Summary
      1. Test Coverage
      2. Test Failure Analysis
    2. Bugs summary
      1. Summary of Unfixed Issues
      2. Summary of Fixed Issues
    3. Summary of test failures
      1. Kubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (auto-resize)
      2. Kubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (entire disk)
      3. Kubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (manual partitioning)
      4. Kubuntu Desktop amd64 - Live Session
      5. Kubuntu Desktop amd64 - Live Session
      6. Kubuntu Desktop amd64 - Wubi (Windows installer)
      7. Kubuntu Desktop i386 - Install (manual partitioning)
      8. Kubuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session
      9. Kubuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session
      10. Kubuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session
      11. Kubuntu Desktop i386 - Wubi (Windows installer)
      12. Kubuntu Mobile i386 - Live Session
      13. Mythbuntu Desktop amd64 - Backend
      14. Mythbuntu Desktop i386 - Backend
      15. Mythbuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session
      16. Ubuntu Alternate amd64 - Install (LTSP server)
      17. Ubuntu Alternate i386 - Install (entire disk)
      18. Ubuntu Alternate i386 - Install (LTSP server)
      19. Ubuntu Alternate i386 - Install (OEM setup)
      20. Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Free Software Only
      21. Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (auto-resize)
      22. Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (entire disk)
      23. Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (manual partitioning)
      24. Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (manual partitioning)
      25. Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (manual partitioning)
      26. Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Live Session
      27. Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Live Session
      28. Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Live Session
      29. Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Live Session
      30. Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Wubi (Windows installer)
      31. Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Install (entire disk)
      32. Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Install (entire disk)
      33. Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Install (manual partitioning)
      34. Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Install (OEM setup)
      35. Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session
      36. Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session
      37. Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session
      38. Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session
      39. Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session
      40. Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Migration Assistant
      41. Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Wubi (Windows installer)
      42. Ubuntu DVD amd64 - Install (ubiquity)
      43. Ubuntu DVD amd64 - Live Session
      44. Ubuntu Server amd64 - UEC install (minimal topology)
      45. Ubuntu Server i386 - UEC install (minimal topology)
      46. Xubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (auto-resize)
      47. Xubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (manual partitioning)
      48. Xubuntu Desktop amd64 - Wubi (Windows installer)
      49. Xubuntu Desktop i386 - Wubi (Windows installer)
    4. Details of Unfixed Issues
      1. High
      2. Medium
      3. Low
      4. Undecided
    5. Details of Fixed Issues
      1. High
      2. Medium
      3. Undecided
    6. Details of Invalid Issues
    7. Test Coverage Details by Category


Test Coverage

  • From Feb. 2nd at 20:34UTC to Feb. 4th at 01:12UTC, 42 contributors have executed a total of 312 test cases.
  • Image Coverage: 100% (52/52)
  • Mandatory Testcase Coverage: 94.92% (168/177)
  • Optional Testcase Coverage: 55.00% (22/40)

Test Failure Analysis

  • 38 Test Failures
  • Failure Rate: 20.00% (38/190)

Bugs summary

Summary of Unfixed Issues

80 bugs unfixed

  • 2 Critical
  • 28 High
  • 7 Medium
  • 6 Low
  • 37 Undecided

See section titled "Details of Unfixed Issues" below.

Summary of Fixed Issues

8 bugs fixed

  • 4 High
  • 1 Medium
  • 3 Undecided

Summary of test failures

Kubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (auto-resize)

  • LP: #710612 - webkit crashes on amd64 architecture with SIGSEGV in WTF::OSAllocator::reserveAndCommit() was: webkit does not implement "assert" sanely - Invalid - Critical

Tester's comment:

Kubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (entire disk)

  • LP: #710612 - webkit crashes on amd64 architecture with SIGSEGV in WTF::OSAllocator::reserveAndCommit() was: webkit does not implement "assert" sanely - Invalid - Critical

Tester's comment:

Kubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (manual partitioning)

  • LP: #710612 - webkit crashes on amd64 architecture with SIGSEGV in WTF::OSAllocator::reserveAndCommit() was: webkit does not implement "assert" sanely - Invalid - Critical

Tester's comment:

Kubuntu Desktop amd64 - Live Session

  • LP: #629079 - opening auth page fails with "kdemain: reconq is already running" - Confirmed - Undecided
  • LP: #656486 - Video error - Incomplete - High
  • LP: #683260 - persistence doesn't work on liveusb - Confirmed - High

Tester's comment: Case ID: dls-001 and dls-002 is OK, but when start, shutdown and restart there is an error.

Case ID: dls-003 will not start the session live persistence.

Kubuntu Desktop amd64 - Live Session

  • LP: #711513 - rekonq crashed with SIGSEGV on amd64 - New - High
  • LP: #683260 - persistence doesn't work on liveusb - Confirmed - High
  • LP: #711771 - wrong permission on /home/ubuntu/.local/share/user-places.xbel - Confirmed - Undecided

Tester's comment: Persistance doesn't workm Rekonk fail to start.

Kubuntu Desktop amd64 - Wubi (Windows installer)

  • LP: #711562 - wubi Ubuntu failed to install: phase 2 stops with: Try (hd0,0): NTFS5: - Confirmed - Undecided

Tester's comment:

Kubuntu Desktop i386 - Install (manual partitioning)

  • LP: #627815 - unable to save user-places.xbel - New - High
  • LP: #712535 - Installation failed due to crash during setup - New - Undecided
  • LP: #705917 - kde frontend keyboard selector broken - Confirmed - High
  • LP: #712548 - Kubuntu slideshow mentions OpenOffice, not LibreOffice - New - High

  • LP: #712554 - Unable to install Broadcom drivers from live session - New - High

Tester's comment: Note: 705917 happened once and it worked once. It's not consistent.

Installer didn't crash the second try (when 705917 didn't happen), so maybe it's a knock on effect of that?

Kubuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session

  • LP: #712272 - persistence doesn't work on liveusb - Confirmed - High
  • LP: #712280 - Natty Live Session video problems on nVida 6150 - New - Undecided

Tester's comment:

Kubuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session

  • LP: #683260 - persistence doesn't work on liveusb - Confirmed - High

Tester's comment:

Kubuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session

  • LP: #683260 - persistence doesn't work on liveusb - Confirmed - High

Tester's comment: Persistance doesn't work...

Kubuntu Desktop i386 - Wubi (Windows installer)

  • LP: #711562 - wubi Ubuntu failed to install: phase 2 stops with: Try (hd0,0): NTFS5: - Confirmed - Undecided

Tester's comment:

Kubuntu Mobile i386 - Live Session

  • LP: #712061 - kubuntu mobile images fail to load - New - Undecided

Tester's comment:

Mythbuntu Desktop amd64 - Backend

  • LP: #710582 - webkit crashes on amd64 architecture with SIGSEGV in WTF::OSAllocator::reserveAndCommit() was: webkit does not implement "assert" sanely - Invalid - Critical
  • LP: #711991 - "Welcome to the first start of the panel" dialog displayed in mythbuntu live CD - Fix Released - Undecided

Tester's comment:

Mythbuntu Desktop i386 - Backend

  • LP: #711772 - cannot setup mythbuntu backend - Unable to connect to the database - Fix Committed - Undecided
  • LP: #712021 - Mythbuntu installer no longer prompts for system role - Fix Released - Undecided

Tester's comment:

Mythbuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session

  • LP: #683260 - persistence doesn't work on liveusb - Confirmed - High

Tester's comment: Persistence doesn't work...

Ubuntu Alternate amd64 - Install (LTSP server)

  • LP: #700165 - qemu-nbd kthread becomes defunct on disconnect - Confirmed - High
  • LP: #707232 - Netbook image - no valid session found - Fix Released - High

Tester's comment: stgraber helped confirm this feature is broken

Ubuntu Alternate i386 - Install (entire disk)

  • LP: #712630 - Ubuntu Alternate: Empty desktop after installation with 2D fallback - New - Undecided

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Alternate i386 - Install (LTSP server)

  • LP: #707232 - Netbook image - no valid session found - Fix Released - High
  • LP: #711951 - qemu-nbd kthread becomes defunct on disconnect - Confirmed - High

Tester's comment: Failed because of nbd-client hanging indefinitely and gnome-session requiring a session type.

Ubuntu Alternate i386 - Install (OEM setup)

  • LP: #712579 - compiz segfaulted during restart of Alternate OEM Install - New - Undecided

Tester's comment: Hardware test; 2.8 GHz P4; 768MB RAM; ATI Radeon 9800 w/128MB

compiz crashed; system crash - can not report using apport; can not log in to the TTY; can not get to GDM

Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Free Software Only

  • LP: #710582 - webkit crashes on amd64 architecture with SIGSEGV in WTF::OSAllocator::reserveAndCommit() was: webkit does not implement "assert" sanely - Invalid - Critical

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (auto-resize)

  • LP: #711562 - wubi Ubuntu failed to install: phase 2 stops with: Try (hd0,0): NTFS5: - Confirmed - Undecided

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (entire disk)

  • LP: #711930 - crashed with IOError in command(): [Errno 32] Broken pipe - New - Undecided

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (manual partitioning)

  • LP: #710582 - webkit crashes on amd64 architecture with SIGSEGV in WTF::OSAllocator::reserveAndCommit() was: webkit does not implement "assert" sanely - Invalid - Critical

Tester's comment: Got it to work with purging ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu

Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (manual partitioning)

  • LP: #710582 - webkit crashes on amd64 architecture with SIGSEGV in WTF::OSAllocator::reserveAndCommit() was: webkit does not implement "assert" sanely - Invalid - Critical

Tester's comment: Installation failed for three times.

Locked in Ubiquity.

The fourth time was successful.

Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (manual partitioning)

  • LP: #712366 - ubiquity btrfs install fails to boot (grub rescue> prompt) - Triaged - High

Tester's comment: reports successful install but system is left unbootable when installing onto btrfs

Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Live Session

  • LP: #683260 - persistence doesn't work on liveusb - Confirmed - High
  • LP: #705078 - Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV in pixman_image_set_has_client_clip() - Fix Released - High

Tester's comment: Pesistance doesn't work. Xorg crashes on start.

Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Live Session

  • LP: #603482 - Desktop freezes if new window takes focus while menu is open - Triaged - High
  • LP: #683260 - persistence doesn't work on liveusb - Confirmed - High
  • LP: #711749 - layout indicator items are not being updated and not working - Confirmed - High
  • LP: #711746 - Right click menu for indicators has corrupted background - Confirmed - Low
  • LP: #711759 - opening and closing nautilus leads to half empty menus being displayed - Confirmed - Low

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Live Session

  • LP: #712173 - ubuntu desktop from usb stick freezes when the display switch from plymouth to X - Confirmed - High

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Live Session

  • LP: #683260 - persistence doesn't work on liveusb - Confirmed - High

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Wubi (Windows installer)

  • LP: #711562 - wubi Ubuntu failed to install: phase 2 stops with: Try (hd0,0): NTFS5: - Confirmed - Undecided

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Install (entire disk)

  • LP: #711996 - [natty] Selecting "Ubuntu Desktop Edition" comes up with blank - Incomplete - Undecided
  • LP: #711968 - [natty] Installer suggests "Not-Available" as computer name - Fix Committed - Medium

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Install (entire disk)

  • LP: #712654 - system does not reboot after installation is complete - New - Undecided

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Install (manual partitioning)

  • LP: #712029 - ubiquity btrfs install fails to boot (grub rescue> prompt) - Triaged - High

Tester's comment: btrfs as root install

Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Install (OEM setup)

  • LP: #712371 - oem-config keeps crashing and it never finishes - New - Undecided
  • LP: #711174 - the application place is often displayed empty - New - Undecided

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session

  • LP: #705078 - Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV in pixman_image_set_has_client_clip() - Fix Released - High
  • LP: #711984 - software-center crashed with AlreadyCalledDeferred in callback() - Confirmed - Undecided

Tester's comment: launch mozilla by button on sidebar for recreate bug 705078

go to ubuntu software center search adobe flash player plugin and click use this source for recreate bug 711984

Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session

  • LP: #580295 - Alt-F2 not working - Triaged - Medium
  • LP: #683260 - persistence doesn't work on liveusb - Confirmed - High
  • LP: #712082 - Random kernel panic during boot - New - High
  • LP: #711984 - software-center crashed with AlreadyCalledDeferred in callback() - Confirmed - Undecided

  • LP: #712050 - the application place is often displayed empty - New - Undecided

Tester's comment: Persistence doesn't work...

Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session

  • LP: #712082 - Random kernel panic during boot - New - High
  • LP: #683260 - persistence doesn't work on liveusb - Confirmed - High
  • LP: #706941 - unity-panel-service crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast() - Confirmed - High

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session

  • LP: #712857 - - -
  • LP: #712861 - - -
  • LP: #712847 - - -

Tester's comment: Testing is done in Oracle VirtualBox and physical computers.

Details of the encoutered bugs are on launchpad.

I tested it on a IBM T23 laptop and it told me that Unity couldn't run on it. I tried then to run the classic session. It didn't run in the classic mode either.

Testing the daily for Feb 3rd also had a serious problem. It stalled during bootup. I was able to get an error code.

Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session

  • LP: #712173 - ubuntu desktop from usb stick freezes when the display switch from plymouth to X - Confirmed - High

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Migration Assistant

  • LP: #712607 - Migration Assistant did not migrate files from user's desktop - New - Undecided

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Wubi (Windows installer)

  • LP: #711562 - wubi Ubuntu failed to install: phase 2 stops with: Try (hd0,0): NTFS5: - Confirmed - Undecided

Tester's comment: ubuntu doesn't boot

Ubuntu DVD amd64 - Install (ubiquity)

  • LP: #710582 - webkit crashes on amd64 architecture with SIGSEGV in WTF::OSAllocator::reserveAndCommit() was: webkit does not implement "assert" sanely - Invalid - Critical

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu DVD amd64 - Live Session

  • LP: #712173 - ubuntu desktop from usb stick freezes when the display switch from plymouth to X - Confirmed - High

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Server amd64 - UEC install (minimal topology)

  • LP: #711587 - powernap and Eucalyptus seem unable to reach an understanding - New - High
  • LP: #711590 - Eucalyptus depends on /usr/sbin/dhcpd3, not installed - Triaged - High

Tester's comment: no instances succeeded.

Ubuntu Server i386 - UEC install (minimal topology)

  • LP: #711590 - Eucalyptus depends on /usr/sbin/dhcpd3, not installed - Triaged - High

Tester's comment:

Xubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (auto-resize)

  • LP: #710582 - webkit crashes on amd64 architecture with SIGSEGV in WTF::OSAllocator::reserveAndCommit() was: webkit does not implement "assert" sanely - Invalid - Critical

Tester's comment:

Xubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (manual partitioning)

  • LP: #710582 - webkit crashes on amd64 architecture with SIGSEGV in WTF::OSAllocator::reserveAndCommit() was: webkit does not implement "assert" sanely - Invalid - Critical

Tester's comment:

Xubuntu Desktop amd64 - Wubi (Windows installer)

  • LP: #711562 - wubi Ubuntu failed to install: phase 2 stops with: Try (hd0,0): NTFS5: - Confirmed - Undecided

Tester's comment:

Xubuntu Desktop i386 - Wubi (Windows installer)

  • LP: #711562 - wubi Ubuntu failed to install: phase 2 stops with: Try (hd0,0): NTFS5: - Confirmed - Undecided

Tester's comment:

Details of Unfixed Issues


  • LP: #711513 - rekonq crashed with SIGSEGV on amd64 - New - High
  • LP: #627815 - unable to save user-places.xbel - New - High
  • LP: #712548 - Kubuntu slideshow mentions OpenOffice, not LibreOffice - New - High

  • LP: #712554 - Unable to install Broadcom drivers from live session - New - High
  • LP: #712082 - Random kernel panic during boot - New - High
  • LP: #711587 - powernap and Eucalyptus seem unable to reach an understanding - New - High
  • LP: #711951 - qemu-nbd kthread becomes defunct on disconnect - Confirmed - High
  • LP: #683260 - persistence doesn't work on liveusb - Confirmed - High
  • LP: #705917 - kde frontend keyboard selector broken - Confirmed - High
  • LP: #712272 - persistence doesn't work on liveusb - Confirmed - High
  • LP: #700165 - qemu-nbd kthread becomes defunct on disconnect - Confirmed - High
  • LP: #711749 - layout indicator items are not being updated and not working - Confirmed - High
  • LP: #712173 - ubuntu desktop from usb stick freezes when the display switch from plymouth to X - Confirmed - High
  • LP: #655950 - ubiquity confusion w/ auto-resize option results in OS and data loss - Confirmed - High
  • LP: #706941 - unity-panel-service crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast() - Confirmed - High
  • LP: #712121 - software-center crashed with ZeroDivisionError in _update_pagesel() - Confirmed - High

  • LP: #711904 - Software removed on Edubuntu Upgrade from Maverick to Natty - Confirmed - High
  • LP: #711730 - package mysql-client-5.1 5.1.49-1ubuntu9 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/perror', which is also in package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.49-1ubuntu9 - Confirmed - High
  • LP: #712301 - software-center crashed with ZeroDivisionError in _update_pagesel() - Confirmed - High

  • LP: #659754 - Universe & multiverse are not enabled on OMAP4 preinstalled image - Triaged - High

  • LP: #712366 - ubiquity btrfs install fails to boot (grub rescue> prompt) - Triaged - High

  • LP: #603482 - Desktop freezes if new window takes focus while menu is open - Triaged - High
  • LP: #712029 - ubiquity btrfs install fails to boot (grub rescue> prompt) - Triaged - High

  • LP: #711590 - Eucalyptus depends on /usr/sbin/dhcpd3, not installed - Triaged - High
  • LP: #711918 - latest natty sudo upgrade prompts for conffile update and potentially removes %admin from /etc/sudoers - Triaged - High
  • LP: #507836 - [master] software-center crashed with DatabaseModifiedError in _database_gen_postlist_iter() - Triaged - High

  • LP: #690873 - latest natty sudo upgrade prompts for conffile update and potentially removes %admin from /etc/sudoers - Triaged - High
  • LP: #656486 - Video error - Incomplete - High


  • LP: #710678 - gnome-panel crashed with SIGSEGV in _panel_applet_frame_update_flags() - New - Medium
  • LP: #566818 - [Lucid] cryptsetup passphrase prompt during boot: every character typed repeats the prompt - Confirmed - Medium
  • LP: #588715 - instance had only post-shutdown console output - Confirmed - Medium
  • LP: #588725 - instance had no console output - Confirmed - Medium
  • LP: #580295 - Alt-F2 not working - Triaged - Medium
  • LP: #704006 - gsettings-data-convert crashed with SIGSEGV in dconf_engine_get_state() - Triaged - Medium
  • LP: #711571 - Xfce Shutdown/Restart doesn't work (logout instead) - Triaged - Medium


  • LP: #651302 - No sound in omap (beagle, beagleXM). - New - Low
  • LP: #711746 - Right click menu for indicators has corrupted background - Confirmed - Low
  • LP: #711759 - opening and closing nautilus leads to half empty menus being displayed - Confirmed - Low
  • LP: #694708 - unity application menu is unreadable for some applications - Confirmed - Low
  • LP: #705801 - the launcher display some icons twice for gnome-panel and "run a command" (not real duplicate entries) - Triaged - Low
  • LP: #568643 - Missing jockey notification icon in xfce-panel in Xubuntu - Triaged - Low


  • LP: #712195 - booting kubuntu livesession amd64 on netbook is painfully slow (20 minutes) - New - Undecided
  • LP: #712535 - Installation failed due to crash during setup - New - Undecided
  • LP: #712280 - Natty Live Session video problems on nVida 6150 - New - Undecided
  • LP: #712443 - kubuntu amd64: Ubiquity crash on 'Forward' at Timezone step:File "/usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/frontend/kde_components/", line 233, in loadCodes - New - Undecided
  • LP: #712061 - kubuntu mobile images fail to load - New - Undecided
  • LP: #712630 - Ubuntu Alternate: Empty desktop after installation with 2D fallback - New - Undecided
  • LP: #712579 - compiz segfaulted during restart of Alternate OEM Install - New - Undecided
  • LP: #712033 - indicator-applet-session crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast() - New - Undecided
  • LP: #711930 - crashed with IOError in command(): [Errno 32] Broken pipe - New - Undecided
  • LP: #711926 - [Natty] Couldn't choose correct keyboard layout in Ubiquity - New - Undecided
  • LP: #712129 - natty 20110202, jockey window too large - New - Undecided
  • LP: #712298 - the application place is often displayed empty - New - Undecided
  • LP: #712654 - system does not reboot after installation is complete - New - Undecided
  • LP: #712371 - oem-config keeps crashing and it never finishes - New - Undecided
  • LP: #711174 - the application place is often displayed empty - New - Undecided
  • LP: #711907 - warning about "no process found" for places on unity start - New - Undecided
  • LP: #711911 - often can't alt-click-dnd to move the focussed dialog - New - Undecided
  • LP: #711965 - Natty live CD fails to complete boot w/o user interaction - New - Undecided
  • LP: #712050 - the application place is often displayed empty - New - Undecided
  • LP: #712607 - Migration Assistant did not migrate files from user's desktop - New - Undecided
  • LP: #712145 - ubuntu-server JEOS ISO install uses 519M of storage - New - Undecided
  • LP: #712026 - cloud-init.conf never runs, instance not reachable via ssh - New - Undecided
  • LP: #712612 - No background after kubuntu upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 - New - Undecided
  • LP: #711875 - cupsd crashed with SIGSEGV in main() - New - Undecided
  • LP: #712346 - update-manager crashed with TypeError in _get_last_apt_get_update_text(): unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'NoneType' and 'int' - New - Undecided

  • LP: #629079 - opening auth page fails with "kdemain: reconq is already running" - Confirmed - Undecided
  • LP: #711771 - wrong permission on /home/ubuntu/.local/share/user-places.xbel - Confirmed - Undecided
  • LP: #711562 - wubi Ubuntu failed to install: phase 2 stops with: Try (hd0,0): NTFS5: - Confirmed - Undecided
  • LP: #711225 - subprocess.Popen() crashed with TypeError in _cleanup(): an integer is required - Confirmed - Undecided

  • LP: #711984 - software-center crashed with AlreadyCalledDeferred in callback() - Confirmed - Undecided

  • LP: #711996 - [natty] Selecting "Ubuntu Desktop Edition" comes up with blank - Incomplete - Undecided
  • LP: #711896 - Upgrade to Natty fails to install xserver-xorg-core - Incomplete - Undecided
  • LP: #532652 - Ubuntu software center show crash message , but the program doesn't crash really. - Incomplete - Undecided

Details of Fixed Issues


  • LP: #707232 - Netbook image - no valid session found - Fix Released - High
  • LP: #702898 - ubiquity crashed with TypeError in changed(): value is of wrong type for this column - Fix Released - High

  • LP: #705078 - Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV in pixman_image_set_has_client_clip() - Fix Released - High
  • LP: #706193 - jockey-gtk crashed with AttributeError in getattr(): 'gi.repository.Gtk' object has no attribute 'ICON_LOOKUP_USE_BUILTIN' - Fix Released - High


  • LP: #711968 - [natty] Installer suggests "Not-Available" as computer name - Fix Committed - Medium


  • LP: #711991 - "Welcome to the first start of the panel" dialog displayed in mythbuntu live CD - Fix Released - Undecided
  • LP: #712021 - Mythbuntu installer no longer prompts for system role - Fix Released - Undecided
  • LP: #711772 - cannot setup mythbuntu backend - Unable to connect to the database - Fix Committed - Undecided

Details of Invalid Issues

  • LP: #710582 - webkit crashes on amd64 architecture with SIGSEGV in WTF::OSAllocator::reserveAndCommit() was: webkit does not implement "assert" sanely - Invalid - Critical
  • LP: #710612 - webkit crashes on amd64 architecture with SIGSEGV in WTF::OSAllocator::reserveAndCommit() was: webkit does not implement "assert" sanely - Invalid - Critical
  • LP: #712333 - various indicators appear twice sometimes - Invalid - Undecided

Test Coverage Details by Category

  • Edubuntu DVD amd64: 2/2
  • Edubuntu DVD i386: 2/2
  • Kubuntu Alternate amd64: 4/4
  • Kubuntu Alternate i386: 4/4
  • Kubuntu Desktop amd64: 7/7
  • Kubuntu Desktop i386: 7/7
  • Kubuntu DVD amd64: 4/4
  • Kubuntu DVD i386: 4/4
  • Kubuntu Mobile i386: 1/1
  • Mythbuntu Desktop amd64: 2/3
  • Mythbuntu Desktop i386: 2/3
  • Ubuntu Alternate amd64: 5/6
  • Ubuntu Alternate i386: 6/6
  • Ubuntu ARM Preinstalled omap3: 1/1
  • Ubuntu ARM Preinstalled omap4: 1/1
  • Ubuntu Desktop amd64: 6/8
  • Ubuntu Desktop i386: 8/8
  • Ubuntu DVD amd64: 3/4
  • Ubuntu DVD i386: 3/4
  • Ubuntu Server amd64: 16/17
  • Ubuntu Server EC2 EBS (Asia-Pacific) amd64: 2/2
  • Ubuntu Server EC2 EBS (Asia-Pacific) i386: 2/2
  • Ubuntu Server EC2 EBS (Europe) amd64: 2/2
  • Ubuntu Server EC2 EBS (Europe) i386: 2/2
  • Ubuntu Server EC2 EBS (US-East) amd64: 2/2
  • Ubuntu Server EC2 EBS (US-East) i386: 2/2
  • Ubuntu Server EC2 EBS (US-West) amd64: 2/2
  • Ubuntu Server EC2 EBS (US-West) i386: 2/2
  • Ubuntu Server EC2 HVM (US-East) amd64: 2/2
  • Ubuntu Server EC2 instance (Asia-Pacific) amd64: 2/2
  • Ubuntu Server EC2 instance (Asia-Pacific) i386: 2/2
  • Ubuntu Server EC2 instance (Europe) amd64: 2/2
  • Ubuntu Server EC2 instance (Europe) i386: 2/2
  • Ubuntu Server EC2 instance (US-East) amd64: 2/2
  • Ubuntu Server EC2 instance (US-East) i386: 2/2
  • Ubuntu Server EC2 instance (US-West) amd64: 2/2
  • Ubuntu Server EC2 instance (US-West) i386: 2/2
  • Ubuntu Server i386: 16/17
  • Ubuntu Studio Alternate amd64: 3/3
  • Ubuntu Studio Alternate i386: 3/3
  • Upgrade Edubuntu amd64: 1/1
  • Upgrade Edubuntu i386: 1/1
  • Upgrade Kubuntu amd64: 1/1
  • Upgrade Kubuntu i386: 1/1
  • Upgrade Ubuntu amd64: 1/1
  • Upgrade Ubuntu i386: 1/1
  • Upgrade Xubuntu amd64: 1/1
  • Upgrade Xubuntu i386: 1/1
  • Xubuntu Alternate amd64: 3/3
  • Xubuntu Alternate i386: 3/3
  • Xubuntu Desktop amd64: 5/5
  • Xubuntu Desktop i386: 5/5

QATeam/ReleaseReports/NattyAlpha2TestReport (last edited 2011-02-18 11:36:00 by ACaen-151-1-79-173)