
Differences between revisions 2 and 3
Revision 2 as of 2011-02-04 11:33:59
Size: 24915
Editor: ACaen-151-1-35-84
Revision 3 as of 2011-02-18 11:33:22
Size: 5516
Editor: ACaen-151-1-79-173
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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= Natty Alpha2 Test Report - February 4th, 2011 = = Lucid 10.04.2 LTS Testing Report - Feb 18th 2011 =
Line 8: Line 8:
 * From Feb. 2nd at 20:34UTC to Feb. 4th at 01:12UTC, 42 contributors have executed a total of 312 test cases.
Line 10: Line 9:
 * Image Coverage: 100% (52/52)
 * Mandatory Testcase Coverage: 94.92% (168/177)
 * Optional Testcase Coverage: 55.00% (22/40)
27 Contributors have provided 232 results and covered 161 test cases.
Line 14: Line 11:
=== Test Failure Analysis ===
 * 38 Test Failures
 * Failure Rate: 20.00% (38/190)

== Bugs summary ==
=== Summary of Unfixed Issues ===

80 bugs unfixed

 * 2 Critical
 * 28 High
 * 7 Medium
 * 6 Low
 * 37 Undecided
 * Image coverage : 100.00% (26/26)
 * Mandatory Test Cases : 100.00% (131/131)
 * Run Optional Test Cases : 78.95% (30/38)
 * Overall : 95.27% (161/169)
Line 30: Line 17:
See section titled "[[#UnfixedIssues|Details of Unfixed Issues]]" below. === Failures summary ===
18 Bugs have been found affecting 11 Test Cases:
 * Failure Rate: 5.91% (10/169)
Line 32: Line 21:
=== Summary of Fixed Issues ===
8 bugs fixed
Bugs importance:
 * Critical : 4 (2 Fix Released)
 * High : 1
 * Medium : 8 (1 Wont fix)
 * Low : 4
 * Undecided : 1 (1 Invalid)
Line 35: Line 28:
 * 4 High
 * 1 Medium
 * 3 Undecided
== Details of issues ==
=== Fixed/Closed issues ===
 * Critical
   * LP: #718749 Ubuntu Fix Released Xubuntu i386 Lucid 10.04.2 images will not boot
   * LP: #719389 debian-installer Fix Released Xubuntu alternate 10.04.2 cd's fail to install
Line 39: Line 34:
 * Medium
   * LP: #659577 xfce4-panel Won't Fix xfce4-panel crashed with SIGSEGV in SmcRequestSaveYourself() this happens when i log out of xubuntu 10.10

 * Undecided
   * LP: #718717 ubiquity Invalid Ubuquity: unable to configure grub, Bootloader install failed

=== Opened issues ===
 * Critical
   * LP: #650703 ubiquity Fix Committed oem-config-prepare works, but oem-config fails to start after reboot
   * LP: #645818 usb-creator Triaged Unknown keyword in configuration file: gfxboot

 * High
   * LP: #656486 xserver-xorg-video-ati Incomplete Video error

 * Medium
   * LP: #227869 base-installer Triaged Server installer should not use -server kernel for non-PAE CPU's
   * LP: #566818 plymouth Confirmed [Lucid] cryptsetup passphrase prompt during boot: every character typed repeats the prompt
   * LP: #720965 ltsp Confirmed unable to connect error
   * LP: #718671 ubiquity Confirmed hitting Enter during slideshow closes it/skip the current task without confirmation
   * LP: #720334 ubiquity New Executable: python2.6 Signal 11 (Segmentation Fault)
   * LP: #720430 ubiquity New Kubuntu 10.04.2 Live Persistent ConsoleKit session error
   * LP: #715247 nautilus New 8.04.4 -> 10.04.2 upgrade: popup with corba error during upgrade

 * Low
   * LP: #718680 kubuntu-docs Confirmed Missing image for The Kubuntu Desktop in Introduction to Kubuntu
   * LP: #719655 console-setup Confirmed console-setup not upgraded during upgrade from 8.04.4 to 10.04.2
   * LP: #720865 linux Incomplete kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)
   * LP: #720620 cups New cups server error 'client-error-bad-request' during upgrade from kubuntu 8.04.4 to 10.04.2 on AMD64
Line 41: Line 64:
=== Kubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (auto-resize) ===
 * LP: #710612 - webkit crashes on amd64 architecture with SIGSEGV in WTF::OSAllocator::reserveAndCommit() was: webkit does not implement "assert" sanely - Invalid - Critical
=== Kubuntu Desktop amd64 - Live Session ===
 * LP: #656486 - Video error - Incomplete - High
Tester's comment: Case ID: dls-001 and dls-002 are OK, but there is the problem with the video.
Case ID: dls-003 is KO, doesn't start the live session persistence.
=== Kubuntu DVD i386 - Install (ubiquity OEM) ===
 * LP: #720334 - Executable: python2.6 Signal 11 (Segmentation Fault) - New - Medium
Line 44: Line 71:
=== Kubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (entire disk) ===
 * LP: #710612 - webkit crashes on amd64 architecture with SIGSEGV in WTF::OSAllocator::reserveAndCommit() was: webkit does not implement "assert" sanely - Invalid - Critical
=== Ubuntu Alternate amd64 - Install (LTSP server) ===
 * LP: #720965 - unable to connect error - Confirmed - Medium
Line 47: Line 74:
=== Kubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (manual partitioning) ===
 * LP: #710612 - webkit crashes on amd64 architecture with SIGSEGV in WTF::OSAllocator::reserveAndCommit() was: webkit does not implement "assert" sanely - Invalid - Critical
Tester's comment:
=== Kubuntu Desktop amd64 - Live Session ===
 * LP: #629079 - opening auth page fails with "kdemain: reconq is already running" - Confirmed - Undecided
 * LP: #656486 - Video error - Incomplete - High
 * LP: #683260 - persistence doesn't work on liveusb - Confirmed - High
Tester's comment: Case ID: dls-001 and dls-002 is OK, but when start, shutdown and restart there is an error.

Case ID: dls-003 will not start the session live persistence.
=== Kubuntu Desktop amd64 - Live Session ===
 * LP: #711513 - rekonq crashed with SIGSEGV on amd64 - New - High
 * LP: #683260 - persistence doesn't work on liveusb - Confirmed - High
 * LP: #711771 - wrong permission on /home/ubuntu/.local/share/user-places.xbel - Confirmed - Undecided
Tester's comment: Persistance doesn't workm Rekonk fail to start.
=== Kubuntu Desktop amd64 - Wubi (Windows installer) ===
 * LP: #711562 - wubi Ubuntu failed to install: phase 2 stops with: Try (hd0,0): NTFS5: - Confirmed - Undecided
Tester's comment:
=== Kubuntu Desktop i386 - Install (manual partitioning) ===
 * LP: #627815 - unable to save user-places.xbel - New - High
 * LP: #712535 - Installation failed due to crash during setup - New - Undecided
 * LP: #705917 - kde frontend keyboard selector broken - Confirmed - High
 * LP: #712548 - Kubuntu slideshow mentions OpenOffice, not LibreOffice - New - High
 * LP: #712554 - Unable to install Broadcom drivers from live session - New - High
Tester's comment: Note: 705917 happened once and it worked once. It's not consistent.

Installer didn't crash the second try (when 705917 didn't happen), so maybe it's a knock on effect of that?
=== Kubuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session ===
 * LP: #712272 - persistence doesn't work on liveusb - Confirmed - High
 * LP: #712280 - Natty Live Session video problems on nVida 6150 - New - Undecided
Tester's comment:
=== Kubuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session ===
 * LP: #683260 - persistence doesn't work on liveusb - Confirmed - High
Tester's comment:
=== Kubuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session ===
 * LP: #683260 - persistence doesn't work on liveusb - Confirmed - High
Tester's comment: Persistance doesn't work...
=== Kubuntu Desktop i386 - Wubi (Windows installer) ===
 * LP: #711562 - wubi Ubuntu failed to install: phase 2 stops with: Try (hd0,0): NTFS5: - Confirmed - Undecided
Tester's comment:
=== Kubuntu Mobile i386 - Live Session ===
 * LP: #712061 - kubuntu mobile images fail to load - New - Undecided
Tester's comment:
=== Mythbuntu Desktop amd64 - Backend ===
 * LP: #710582 - webkit crashes on amd64 architecture with SIGSEGV in WTF::OSAllocator::reserveAndCommit() was: webkit does not implement "assert" sanely - Invalid - Critical
 * LP: #711991 - "Welcome to the first start of the panel" dialog displayed in mythbuntu live CD - Fix Released - Undecided
Tester's comment:
=== Mythbuntu Desktop i386 - Backend ===
 * LP: #711772 - cannot setup mythbuntu backend - Unable to connect to the database - Fix Committed - Undecided
 * LP: #712021 - Mythbuntu installer no longer prompts for system role - Fix Released - Undecided
Tester's comment:
=== Mythbuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session ===
 * LP: #683260 - persistence doesn't work on liveusb - Confirmed - High
Tester's comment: Persistence doesn't work...
=== Ubuntu Alternate amd64 - Install (LTSP server) ===
 * LP: #700165 - qemu-nbd kthread becomes defunct on disconnect - Confirmed - High
 * LP: #707232 - Netbook image - no valid session found - Fix Released - High
Tester's comment: stgraber helped confirm this feature is broken
=== Ubuntu Alternate i386 - Install (entire disk) ===
 * LP: #712630 - Ubuntu Alternate: Empty desktop after installation with 2D fallback - New - Undecided
=== Ubuntu Alternate amd64 - Install (OEM setup) ===
 * LP: #650703 ubiquity Fix Committed oem-config-prepare works, but oem-config fails to start after reboot
Line 111: Line 78:
 * LP: #707232 - Netbook image - no valid session found - Fix Released - High
 * LP: #711951 - qemu-nbd kthread becomes defunct on disconnect - Confirmed - High
Tester's comment: Failed because of nbd-client hanging indefinitely and gnome-session requiring a session type.
 * LP: #720965 - unable to connect error - Confirmed - Medium
Tester's comment:
Line 115: Line 81:
 * LP: #712579 - compiz segfaulted during restart of Alternate OEM Install - New - Undecided
Tester's comment: Hardware test; 2.8 GHz P4; 768MB RAM; ATI Radeon 9800 w/128MB

compiz crashed; system crash - can not report using apport; can not log in to the TTY; can not get to GDM
=== Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Free Software Only ===
 * LP: #710582 - webkit crashes on amd64 architecture with SIGSEGV in WTF::OSAllocator::reserveAndCommit() was: webkit does not implement "assert" sanely - Invalid - Critical
Tester's comment:
=== Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (auto-resize) ===
 * LP: #711562 - wubi Ubuntu failed to install: phase 2 stops with: Try (hd0,0): NTFS5: - Confirmed - Undecided
 * LP: #650703 ubiquity Fix Committed oem-config-prepare works, but oem-config fails to start after reboot
Line 128: Line 84:
 * LP: #711930 - crashed with IOError in command(): [Errno 32] Broken pipe - New - Undecided
Tester's comment:
=== Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (manual partitioning) ===
 * LP: #710582 - webkit crashes on amd64 architecture with SIGSEGV in WTF::OSAllocator::reserveAndCommit() was: webkit does not implement "assert" sanely - Invalid - Critical
Tester's comment: Got it to work with purging ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu
=== Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (manual partitioning) ===
 * LP: #710582 - webkit crashes on amd64 architecture with SIGSEGV in WTF::OSAllocator::reserveAndCommit() was: webkit does not implement "assert" sanely - Invalid - Critical
Tester's comment: Installation failed for three times.

Locked in Ubiquity.

The fourth time was successful.
=== Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (manual partitioning) ===
 * LP: #712366 - ubiquity btrfs install fails to boot (grub rescue> prompt) - Triaged - High
Tester's comment: reports successful install but system is left unbootable when installing onto btrfs
=== Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Live Session ===
 * LP: #683260 - persistence doesn't work on liveusb - Confirmed - High
 * LP: #705078 - Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV in pixman_image_set_has_client_clip() - Fix Released - High
Tester's comment: Pesistance doesn't work. Xorg crashes on start.
=== Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Live Session ===
 * LP: #603482 - Desktop freezes if new window takes focus while menu is open - Triaged - High
 * LP: #683260 - persistence doesn't work on liveusb - Confirmed - High
 * LP: #711749 - layout indicator items are not being updated and not working - Confirmed - High
 * LP: #711746 - Right click menu for indicators has corrupted background - Confirmed - Low
 * LP: #711759 - opening and closing nautilus leads to half empty menus being displayed - Confirmed - Low
Tester's comment:
=== Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Live Session ===
 * LP: #712173 - ubuntu desktop from usb stick freezes when the display switch from plymouth to X - Confirmed - High
Tester's comment:
=== Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Live Session ===
 * LP: #683260 - persistence doesn't work on liveusb - Confirmed - High
Tester's comment:
=== Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Wubi (Windows installer) ===
 * LP: #711562 - wubi Ubuntu failed to install: phase 2 stops with: Try (hd0,0): NTFS5: - Confirmed - Undecided
 * LP: #718717 - "Ubuquity: unable to configure grub"," Bootloader install failed" - Invalid - Undecided
Line 164: Line 87:
 * LP: #711996 - [natty] Selecting "Ubuntu Desktop Edition" comes up with blank - Incomplete - Undecided
 * LP: #711968 - [natty] Installer suggests "Not-Available" as computer name - Fix Committed - Medium
 * LP: #718717 - "Ubuquity: unable to configure grub"," Bootloader install failed" - Invalid - Undecided
Tester's comment: should repeat installation later and replace
hard disk.
=== Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session ===
 * LP: #645818 usb-creator Triaged Unknown keyword in configuration file: gfxboot
Tester's comment: vesamenu.c32 not a com32r image
=== Ubuntu Server i386 - Install (Preseeded) ===
 * LP: #720865 - kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) - New - Undecided
Line 167: Line 96:
=== Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Install (entire disk) ===
 * LP: #712654 - system does not reboot after installation is complete - New - Undecided
Tester's comment:
=== Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Install (manual partitioning) ===
 * LP: #712029 - ubiquity btrfs install fails to boot (grub rescue> prompt) - Triaged - High
Tester's comment: btrfs as root install
=== Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Install (OEM setup) ===
 * LP: #712371 - oem-config keeps crashing and it never finishes - New - Undecided
 * LP: #711174 - the application place is often displayed empty - New - Undecided
Tester's comment:
=== Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session ===
 * LP: #705078 - Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV in pixman_image_set_has_client_clip() - Fix Released - High
 * LP: #711984 - software-center crashed with AlreadyCalledDeferred in callback() - Confirmed - Undecided
Tester's comment: launch mozilla by button on sidebar for recreate bug 705078

go to ubuntu software center search adobe flash player plugin and click use this source for recreate bug 711984
=== Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session ===
 * LP: #580295 - Alt-F2 not working - Triaged - Medium
 * LP: #683260 - persistence doesn't work on liveusb - Confirmed - High
 * LP: #712082 - Random kernel panic during boot - New - High
 * LP: #711984 - software-center crashed with AlreadyCalledDeferred in callback() - Confirmed - Undecided
 * LP: #712050 - the application place is often displayed empty - New - Undecided
Tester's comment: Persistence doesn't work...
=== Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session ===
 * LP: #712082 - Random kernel panic during boot - New - High
 * LP: #683260 - persistence doesn't work on liveusb - Confirmed - High
 * LP: #706941 - unity-panel-service crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast() - Confirmed - High
Tester's comment:
=== Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session ===
 * LP: #712857 - - -
 * LP: #712861 - - -
 * LP: #712847 - - -
Tester's comment: Testing is done in Oracle VirtualBox and physical computers.

Details of the encoutered bugs are on launchpad.

I tested it on a IBM T23 laptop and it told me that Unity couldn't run on it. I tried then to run the classic session. It didn't run in the classic mode either.

Testing the daily for Feb 3rd also had a serious problem. It stalled during bootup. I was able to get an error code.
=== Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session ===
 * LP: #712173 - ubuntu desktop from usb stick freezes when the display switch from plymouth to X - Confirmed - High
Tester's comment:
=== Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Migration Assistant ===
 * LP: #712607 - Migration Assistant did not migrate files from user's desktop - New - Undecided
Tester's comment:
=== Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Wubi (Windows installer) ===
 * LP: #711562 - wubi Ubuntu failed to install: phase 2 stops with: Try (hd0,0): NTFS5: - Confirmed - Undecided
Tester's comment: ubuntu doesn't boot
=== Ubuntu DVD amd64 - Install (ubiquity) ===
 * LP: #710582 - webkit crashes on amd64 architecture with SIGSEGV in WTF::OSAllocator::reserveAndCommit() was: webkit does not implement "assert" sanely - Invalid - Critical
Tester's comment:
=== Ubuntu DVD amd64 - Live Session ===
 * LP: #712173 - ubuntu desktop from usb stick freezes when the display switch from plymouth to X - Confirmed - High
Tester's comment:
=== Ubuntu Server amd64 - UEC install (minimal topology) ===
 * LP: #711587 - powernap and Eucalyptus seem unable to reach an understanding - New - High
 * LP: #711590 - Eucalyptus depends on /usr/sbin/dhcpd3, not installed - Triaged - High
Tester's comment: no instances succeeded.
=== Ubuntu Server i386 - UEC install (minimal topology) ===
 * LP: #711590 - Eucalyptus depends on /usr/sbin/dhcpd3, not installed - Triaged - High
Tester's comment:
=== Xubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (auto-resize) ===
 * LP: #710582 - webkit crashes on amd64 architecture with SIGSEGV in WTF::OSAllocator::reserveAndCommit() was: webkit does not implement "assert" sanely - Invalid - Critical
Tester's comment:
=== Xubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (manual partitioning) ===
 * LP: #710582 - webkit crashes on amd64 architecture with SIGSEGV in WTF::OSAllocator::reserveAndCommit() was: webkit does not implement "assert" sanely - Invalid - Critical
Tester's comment:
=== Xubuntu Desktop amd64 - Wubi (Windows installer) ===
 * LP: #711562 - wubi Ubuntu failed to install: phase 2 stops with: Try (hd0,0): NTFS5: - Confirmed - Undecided
Tester's comment:
=== Xubuntu Desktop i386 - Wubi (Windows installer) ===
 * LP: #711562 - wubi Ubuntu failed to install: phase 2 stops with: Try (hd0,0): NTFS5: - Confirmed - Undecided
Tester's comment:

== Details of Unfixed Issues ==

=== High ===
 * LP: #711513 - rekonq crashed with SIGSEGV on amd64 - New - High
 * LP: #627815 - unable to save user-places.xbel - New - High
 * LP: #712548 - Kubuntu slideshow mentions OpenOffice, not LibreOffice - New - High
 * LP: #712554 - Unable to install Broadcom drivers from live session - New - High
 * LP: #712082 - Random kernel panic during boot - New - High
 * LP: #711587 - powernap and Eucalyptus seem unable to reach an understanding - New - High
 * LP: #711951 - qemu-nbd kthread becomes defunct on disconnect - Confirmed - High
 * LP: #683260 - persistence doesn't work on liveusb - Confirmed - High
 * LP: #705917 - kde frontend keyboard selector broken - Confirmed - High
 * LP: #712272 - persistence doesn't work on liveusb - Confirmed - High
 * LP: #700165 - qemu-nbd kthread becomes defunct on disconnect - Confirmed - High
 * LP: #711749 - layout indicator items are not being updated and not working - Confirmed - High
 * LP: #712173 - ubuntu desktop from usb stick freezes when the display switch from plymouth to X - Confirmed - High
 * LP: #655950 - ubiquity confusion w/ auto-resize option results in OS and data loss - Confirmed - High
 * LP: #706941 - unity-panel-service crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast() - Confirmed - High
 * LP: #712121 - software-center crashed with ZeroDivisionError in _update_pagesel() - Confirmed - High
 * LP: #711904 - Software removed on Edubuntu Upgrade from Maverick to Natty - Confirmed - High
 * LP: #711730 - package mysql-client-5.1 5.1.49-1ubuntu9 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/perror', which is also in package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.49-1ubuntu9 - Confirmed - High
 * LP: #712301 - software-center crashed with ZeroDivisionError in _update_pagesel() - Confirmed - High
 * LP: #659754 - Universe & multiverse are not enabled on OMAP4 preinstalled image - Triaged - High
 * LP: #712366 - ubiquity btrfs install fails to boot (grub rescue> prompt) - Triaged - High
 * LP: #603482 - Desktop freezes if new window takes focus while menu is open - Triaged - High
 * LP: #712029 - ubiquity btrfs install fails to boot (grub rescue> prompt) - Triaged - High
 * LP: #711590 - Eucalyptus depends on /usr/sbin/dhcpd3, not installed - Triaged - High
 * LP: #711918 - latest natty sudo upgrade prompts for conffile update and potentially removes %admin from /etc/sudoers - Triaged - High
 * LP: #507836 - [master] software-center crashed with DatabaseModifiedError in _database_gen_postlist_iter() - Triaged - High
 * LP: #690873 - latest natty sudo upgrade prompts for conffile update and potentially removes %admin from /etc/sudoers - Triaged - High
 * LP: #656486 - Video error - Incomplete - High

=== Medium ===
 * LP: #710678 - gnome-panel crashed with SIGSEGV in _panel_applet_frame_update_flags() - New - Medium
 * LP: #566818 - [Lucid] cryptsetup passphrase prompt during boot: every character typed repeats the prompt - Confirmed - Medium
 * LP: #588715 - instance had only post-shutdown console output - Confirmed - Medium
 * LP: #588725 - instance had no console output - Confirmed - Medium
 * LP: #580295 - Alt-F2 not working - Triaged - Medium
 * LP: #704006 - gsettings-data-convert crashed with SIGSEGV in dconf_engine_get_state() - Triaged - Medium
 * LP: #711571 - Xfce Shutdown/Restart doesn't work (logout instead) - Triaged - Medium

=== Low ===
 * LP: #651302 - No sound in omap (beagle, beagleXM). - New - Low
 * LP: #711746 - Right click menu for indicators has corrupted background - Confirmed - Low
 * LP: #711759 - opening and closing nautilus leads to half empty menus being displayed - Confirmed - Low
 * LP: #694708 - unity application menu is unreadable for some applications - Confirmed - Low
 * LP: #705801 - the launcher display some icons twice for gnome-panel and "run a command" (not real duplicate entries) - Triaged - Low
 * LP: #568643 - Missing jockey notification icon in xfce-panel in Xubuntu - Triaged - Low

=== Undecided ===
 * LP: #712195 - booting kubuntu livesession amd64 on netbook is painfully slow (20 minutes) - New - Undecided
 * LP: #712535 - Installation failed due to crash during setup - New - Undecided
 * LP: #712280 - Natty Live Session video problems on nVida 6150 - New - Undecided
 * LP: #712443 - kubuntu amd64: Ubiquity crash on 'Forward' at Timezone step:File "/usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/frontend/kde_components/", line 233, in loadCodes - New - Undecided
 * LP: #712061 - kubuntu mobile images fail to load - New - Undecided
 * LP: #712630 - Ubuntu Alternate: Empty desktop after installation with 2D fallback - New - Undecided
 * LP: #712579 - compiz segfaulted during restart of Alternate OEM Install - New - Undecided
 * LP: #712033 - indicator-applet-session crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast() - New - Undecided
 * LP: #711930 - crashed with IOError in command(): [Errno 32] Broken pipe - New - Undecided
 * LP: #711926 - [Natty] Couldn't choose correct keyboard layout in Ubiquity - New - Undecided
 * LP: #712129 - natty 20110202, jockey window too large - New - Undecided
 * LP: #712298 - the application place is often displayed empty - New - Undecided
 * LP: #712654 - system does not reboot after installation is complete - New - Undecided
 * LP: #712371 - oem-config keeps crashing and it never finishes - New - Undecided
 * LP: #711174 - the application place is often displayed empty - New - Undecided
 * LP: #711907 - warning about "no process found" for places on unity start - New - Undecided
 * LP: #711911 - often can't alt-click-dnd to move the focussed dialog - New - Undecided
 * LP: #711965 - Natty live CD fails to complete boot w/o user interaction - New - Undecided
 * LP: #712050 - the application place is often displayed empty - New - Undecided
 * LP: #712607 - Migration Assistant did not migrate files from user's desktop - New - Undecided
 * LP: #712145 - ubuntu-server JEOS ISO install uses 519M of storage - New - Undecided
 * LP: #712026 - cloud-init.conf never runs, instance not reachable via ssh - New - Undecided
 * LP: #712612 - No background after kubuntu upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 - New - Undecided
 * LP: #711875 - cupsd crashed with SIGSEGV in main() - New - Undecided
 * LP: #712346 - update-manager crashed with TypeError in _get_last_apt_get_update_text(): unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'NoneType' and 'int' - New - Undecided
 * LP: #629079 - opening auth page fails with "kdemain: reconq is already running" - Confirmed - Undecided
 * LP: #711771 - wrong permission on /home/ubuntu/.local/share/user-places.xbel - Confirmed - Undecided
 * LP: #711562 - wubi Ubuntu failed to install: phase 2 stops with: Try (hd0,0): NTFS5: - Confirmed - Undecided
 * LP: #711225 - subprocess.Popen() crashed with TypeError in _cleanup(): an integer is required - Confirmed - Undecided
 * LP: #711984 - software-center crashed with AlreadyCalledDeferred in callback() - Confirmed - Undecided
 * LP: #711996 - [natty] Selecting "Ubuntu Desktop Edition" comes up with blank - Incomplete - Undecided
 * LP: #711896 - Upgrade to Natty fails to install xserver-xorg-core - Incomplete - Undecided
 * LP: #532652 - Ubuntu software center show crash message , but the program doesn't crash really. - Incomplete - Undecided

== Details of Fixed Issues ==

=== High ===
 * LP: #707232 - Netbook image - no valid session found - Fix Released - High
 * LP: #702898 - ubiquity crashed with TypeError in changed(): value is of wrong type for this column - Fix Released - High
 * LP: #705078 - Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV in pixman_image_set_has_client_clip() - Fix Released - High
 * LP: #706193 - jockey-gtk crashed with AttributeError in __getattr__(): 'gi.repository.Gtk' object has no attribute 'ICON_LOOKUP_USE_BUILTIN' - Fix Released - High

=== Medium ===
 * LP: #711968 - [natty] Installer suggests "Not-Available" as computer name - Fix Committed - Medium

=== Undecided ===
 * LP: #711991 - "Welcome to the first start of the panel" dialog displayed in mythbuntu live CD - Fix Released - Undecided
 * LP: #712021 - Mythbuntu installer no longer prompts for system role - Fix Released - Undecided
 * LP: #711772 - cannot setup mythbuntu backend - Unable to connect to the database - Fix Committed - Undecided

== Details of Invalid Issues ==

 * LP: #710582 - webkit crashes on amd64 architecture with SIGSEGV in WTF::OSAllocator::reserveAndCommit() was: webkit does not implement "assert" sanely - Invalid - Critical
 * LP: #710612 - webkit crashes on amd64 architecture with SIGSEGV in WTF::OSAllocator::reserveAndCommit() was: webkit does not implement "assert" sanely - Invalid - Critical
 * LP: #712333 - various indicators appear twice sometimes - Invalid - Undecided
<<Anchor(UnfixedIssues)>>== Details of Unfixed Issues ==
Line 352: Line 100:
 * Edubuntu DVD amd64: 2/2
 * Edubuntu DVD i386: 2/2
Line 356: Line 102:
 * Kubuntu Desktop amd64: 7/7  * Kubuntu Desktop amd64: 6/6
Line 360: Line 106:
 * Kubuntu Mobile i386: 1/1
 * Mythbuntu Desktop amd64: 2/3
 * Mythbuntu Desktop i386: 2/3
 * Ubuntu Alternate amd64: 5/6
 * Ubuntu Alternate amd64: 6/6
Line 365: Line 108:
 * Ubuntu ARM Preinstalled omap3: 1/1
 * Ubuntu ARM Preinstalled omap4: 1/1
 * Ubuntu Desktop amd64: 6/8
 * Ubuntu Desktop amd64: 8/8
Line 369: Line 110:
 * Ubuntu DVD amd64: 3/4
 * Ubuntu DVD i386: 3/4
 * Ubuntu Server amd64: 16/17
 * Ubuntu Server EC2 EBS (Asia-Pacific) amd64: 2/2
 * Ubuntu Server EC2 EBS (Asia-Pacific) i386: 2/2
 * Ubuntu Server EC2 EBS (Europe) amd64: 2/2
 * Ubuntu Server EC2 EBS (Europe) i386: 2/2
 * Ubuntu Server EC2 EBS (US-East) amd64: 2/2
 * Ubuntu Server EC2 EBS (US-East) i386: 2/2
 * Ubuntu Server EC2 EBS (US-West) amd64: 2/2
 * Ubuntu Server EC2 EBS (US-West) i386: 2/2
 * Ubuntu Server EC2 HVM (US-East) amd64: 2/2
 * Ubuntu Server EC2 instance (Asia-Pacific) amd64: 2/2
 * Ubuntu Server EC2 instance (Asia-Pacific) i386: 2/2
 * Ubuntu Server EC2 instance (Europe) amd64: 2/2
 * Ubuntu Server EC2 instance (Europe) i386: 2/2
 * Ubuntu Server EC2 instance (US-East) amd64: 2/2
 * Ubuntu Server EC2 instance (US-East) i386: 2/2
 * Ubuntu Server EC2 instance (US-West) amd64: 2/2
 * Ubuntu Server EC2 instance (US-West) i386: 2/2
 * Ubuntu Server i386: 16/17
 * Ubuntu Studio Alternate amd64: 3/3
 * Ubuntu Studio Alternate i386: 3/3
 * Upgrade Edubuntu amd64: 1/1
 * Upgrade Edubuntu i386: 1/1
 * Upgrade Kubuntu amd64: 1/1
 * Upgrade Kubuntu i386: 1/1
 * Upgrade Ubuntu amd64: 1/1
 * Upgrade Ubuntu i386: 1/1
 * Upgrade Xubuntu amd64: 1/1
 * Upgrade Xubuntu i386: 1/1
 * Ubuntu DVD amd64: 4/4
 * Ubuntu DVD i386: 4/4
 * Ubuntu Server amd64: 17/17
 * Ubuntu Server i386: 17/17
 * Upgrade Kubuntu amd64: 2/2
 * Upgrade Kubuntu i386: 2/2
 * Upgrade Ubuntu amd64: 2/2
 * Upgrade Ubuntu i386: 2/2
 * Upgrade Ubuntu Server amd64: 2/2
 * Upgrade Ubuntu Server i386: 2/2
 * Upgrade Xubuntu amd64: 2/2
 * Upgrade Xubuntu i386: 2/2

Lucid 10.04.2 LTS Testing Report - Feb 18th 2011


Test Coverage

27 Contributors have provided 232 results and covered 161 test cases.

  • Image coverage : 100.00% (26/26)
  • Mandatory Test Cases : 100.00% (131/131)
  • Run Optional Test Cases : 78.95% (30/38)
  • Overall : 95.27% (161/169)

Failures summary

18 Bugs have been found affecting 11 Test Cases:

  • Failure Rate: 5.91% (10/169)

Bugs importance:

  • Critical : 4 (2 Fix Released)
  • High : 1
  • Medium : 8 (1 Wont fix)
  • Low : 4
  • Undecided : 1 (1 Invalid)

Details of issues

Fixed/Closed issues

  • Critical
    • LP: #718749 Ubuntu Fix Released Xubuntu i386 Lucid 10.04.2 images will not boot
    • LP: #719389 debian-installer Fix Released Xubuntu alternate 10.04.2 cd's fail to install
  • Medium
    • LP: #659577 xfce4-panel Won't Fix xfce4-panel crashed with SIGSEGV in SmcRequestSaveYourself() this happens when i log out of xubuntu 10.10

  • Undecided
    • LP: #718717 ubiquity Invalid Ubuquity: unable to configure grub, Bootloader install failed

Opened issues

  • Critical
    • LP: #650703 ubiquity Fix Committed oem-config-prepare works, but oem-config fails to start after reboot
    • LP: #645818 usb-creator Triaged Unknown keyword in configuration file: gfxboot
  • High
    • LP: #656486 xserver-xorg-video-ati Incomplete Video error
  • Medium
    • LP: #227869 base-installer Triaged Server installer should not use -server kernel for non-PAE CPU's
    • LP: #566818 plymouth Confirmed [Lucid] cryptsetup passphrase prompt during boot: every character typed repeats the prompt
    • LP: #720965 ltsp Confirmed unable to connect error
    • LP: #718671 ubiquity Confirmed hitting Enter during slideshow closes it/skip the current task without confirmation
    • LP: #720334 ubiquity New Executable: python2.6 Signal 11 (Segmentation Fault)
    • LP: #720430 ubiquity New Kubuntu 10.04.2 Live Persistent ConsoleKit session error

    • LP: #715247 nautilus New 8.04.4 -> 10.04.2 upgrade: popup with corba error during upgrade

  • Low
    • LP: #718680 kubuntu-docs Confirmed Missing image for The Kubuntu Desktop in Introduction to Kubuntu
    • LP: #719655 console-setup Confirmed console-setup not upgraded during upgrade from 8.04.4 to 10.04.2
    • LP: #720865 linux Incomplete kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)
    • LP: #720620 cups New cups server error 'client-error-bad-request' during upgrade from kubuntu 8.04.4 to 10.04.2 on AMD64

Summary of test failures

Kubuntu Desktop amd64 - Live Session

  • LP: #656486 - Video error - Incomplete - High

Tester's comment: Case ID: dls-001 and dls-002 are OK, but there is the problem with the video. Case ID: dls-003 is KO, doesn't start the live session persistence.

Kubuntu DVD i386 - Install (ubiquity OEM)

  • LP: #720334 - Executable: python2.6 Signal 11 (Segmentation Fault) - New - Medium

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Alternate amd64 - Install (LTSP server)

  • LP: #720965 - unable to connect error - Confirmed - Medium

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Alternate amd64 - Install (OEM setup)

  • LP: #650703 ubiquity Fix Committed oem-config-prepare works, but oem-config fails to start after reboot

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Alternate i386 - Install (LTSP server)

  • LP: #720965 - unable to connect error - Confirmed - Medium

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Alternate i386 - Install (OEM setup)

  • LP: #650703 ubiquity Fix Committed oem-config-prepare works, but oem-config fails to start after reboot

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Desktop amd64 - Install (entire disk)

  • LP: #718717 - "Ubuquity: unable to configure grub"," Bootloader install failed" - Invalid - Undecided

Tester's comment:

Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Install (entire disk)

  • LP: #718717 - "Ubuquity: unable to configure grub"," Bootloader install failed" - Invalid - Undecided

Tester's comment: should repeat installation later and replace hard disk.

Ubuntu Desktop i386 - Live Session

  • LP: #645818 usb-creator Triaged Unknown keyword in configuration file: gfxboot

Tester's comment: vesamenu.c32 not a com32r image

Ubuntu Server i386 - Install (Preseeded)

  • LP: #720865 - kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) - New - Undecided

Tester's comment: == Details of Unfixed Issues ==

Test Coverage Details by Category

  • Kubuntu Alternate amd64: 4/4
  • Kubuntu Alternate i386: 4/4
  • Kubuntu Desktop amd64: 6/6
  • Kubuntu Desktop i386: 7/7
  • Kubuntu DVD amd64: 4/4
  • Kubuntu DVD i386: 4/4
  • Ubuntu Alternate amd64: 6/6
  • Ubuntu Alternate i386: 6/6
  • Ubuntu Desktop amd64: 8/8
  • Ubuntu Desktop i386: 8/8
  • Ubuntu DVD amd64: 4/4
  • Ubuntu DVD i386: 4/4
  • Ubuntu Server amd64: 17/17
  • Ubuntu Server i386: 17/17
  • Upgrade Kubuntu amd64: 2/2
  • Upgrade Kubuntu i386: 2/2
  • Upgrade Ubuntu amd64: 2/2
  • Upgrade Ubuntu i386: 2/2
  • Upgrade Ubuntu Server amd64: 2/2
  • Upgrade Ubuntu Server i386: 2/2
  • Upgrade Xubuntu amd64: 2/2
  • Upgrade Xubuntu i386: 2/2
  • Xubuntu Alternate amd64: 3/3
  • Xubuntu Alternate i386: 3/3
  • Xubuntu Desktop amd64: 5/5
  • Xubuntu Desktop i386: 5/5

QATeam/ReleaseReports/NattyAlpha2TestReport (last edited 2011-02-18 11:36:00 by ACaen-151-1-79-173)