
Adjust documentation and Launchpad functionality to steer more people towards using apport. Push back on various groups in turn to file bugs correctly.


A good quantity of bugs reports on Ubuntu are filed through the "Report bug" button on the Launchpad main page and only 25% through apport. Which creates a lot of extra work, since most people are not choosing a package in the process, this results in a ping/pong between the triager and reporter. Having more users and applications using apport will increase the quality of the bugs reports that the distribution is getting.

User stories



Different options are going to be tested and applied to edge and regular Launchpad every week to ensure that the right one is applied as permanent. Experiments to try:

Changes to the Report a bug button

  1. Have the 'Report a bug' button redirect to the reporting documentation at

  2. Remove the "Report a bug" button from the general Ubuntu bugs Launchpad page, leaving it only on the package-specific pages
  3. Display the button based on team or karma
    • Only display the button to Devel or Ubuntu bug control team members
    • Set a karma value cut-off
  4. Link the button to an apt-url link for apport
    • either points to a filing GUI, or simply harvest info pre-submit.

Alter the bug filing form

  1. Do Not allow users to file a bug at all without specifying a package
  2. Inject a bug-filing template into the description textbox
  3. Remove the bug filing form or change the URL
  4. Redirect to Ubuntu Answers
  5. When clicking on the Report a bug button the user is redirected to the answer tracker. Bug and Answer triagers can in turn file the issue as a bug.

The first few options should have little adverse impact on bug filers. If these prove to be effective we may stop before trying the more invasive changes further down the list.

Documentation review and advertising


We need to measure how these changes affect people's bug-filing habits. We can look at:

Other specs

Future work


QATeam/Specs/IncreaseApportAdoption (last edited 2009-09-11 16:22:36 by c-24-21-43-9)