
Revision 4 as of 2015-06-11 11:21:17

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There are a lot of new terms, tools and procedures we want to use for Testing on Ubuntu Personal. This page is here to document those processes.

Silo Testing


  • All merge proposals must have been reviewed and approved.
  • All automated tests must pass.
  • New features must come with automated tests.
  • New strings must be marked for translation.


Install phablet-tools package in your desktop machine.

  • Flash the phone with the latest development image.
  • citrain device-upgrade <silo number> <password>

  • Overlay PPA
    • In case of Vivid + Overlay PPA, the silo packages need to be pinned to a higher priority. Otherwise, silo packages won't be installed.
    • Create /etc/apt/preferences.d/silo.pref file.
    • Add these lines:

{{{Package: * Pin: release o=LP-PPA-ci-train-ppa-service-landing-<silo number> Pin-Priority: 1002 }}}

Test Plan Locations

Reporting New Cases

Tarball Testing



Test Plan Locations

Reporting New Cases

Sanity Testing


All silos are landed and all tarballs are landed.


Test Plan Locations

Reporting New Cases

Sanity is a deliberately selected small subset of tests targeting software interactions with hardware. Any additional tests felt required should be discussed with the entire team via the mailing list or standups.

Regression Testing


Sanity Must of been run to ensure the image is at least testable


Test Plan Locations

Reporting New Cases

New Cases should not be found while testing regression, however you may want make a note here(add a link later) to remind you to look at something during exploratory testing.

Exploratory Testing



Recording Test and Session

Reporting New Cases

If there is automation required here it should be reported as a bug for the development team.
If there are new manual cases they should be put into draft for review in practitest.

Automated Testing



Test Plan Locations

Reporting Of Failures