Reporting a bug for ubuntu touch

If you think the bug you are reporting is a good candidate for an automated test to prevent future regressions, you may also add touch-needs-autopilot to the bug.

What package should I file against?

File against the ubuntu source package for the failed component. See this page for a full broken out list of components.

Filing the Bug

To file a bug, it's easiest to connect your device to a pc.

Connect your device to the pc via a usb cable. Next, shell into the device by typing phablet-shell. If you need to, install the phablet-tools package so this command is availible to you.

$ phablet-shell 

Check for the existence of a crash file in /var/crashes. If the crash file matches the date and time of the issue you experience, you can use the crash file to file the bug as it contains information useful to a developer. If there is no crash file, continue to file the bug using ubuntu-bug.

$ ls -al /var/crash

Using ubuntu-bug

Since there is no crash file, you need to determine the package that is misbehaving. You will need the package name of the package in order to file. Unsure of which package?

While still shelled into the device, run the ubuntu-bug command, specifying the package name as the argument.

$ ubuntu-bug PACKAGE_NAME

Now, continue filing the bug via launchpad.

Filing with a crash file in /var/crash

If the bug is a crash and there is a crash file in /var/crash, you can report it with apport.

From a shell on the device, run the follow apport command:

  $ apport-cli /var/crash/name_of_crash_file.crash

Apport will read the crash file and process it. Follow the instructions as prompted. When you are asked, "What would you like to do?", enter 's' to send the report.

Now, continue filing the bug via launchpad.

Finishing the bug report

Apport will upload the report, and display a URL, looking similar to this

*** To continue, you must visit the following URL:<UUID>

If prompted, you may safely enter 'c' to cancel launching a browser on the device.

Instead, copy and paste the link from the terminal into a browser window on your pc for easier report entry. The browser will launch and display a ready to file bug report. Finish filling in the description of the issue. When filing, make sure you include the steps needed for others to reproduce the issue, and what the result was versus what you expected the result to be. If you are reporting a crash, mention what you were doing on the device when the crash occurred. This is important to ensure the bug is able to be reproduced, and ultimately fixed.

That's it, thanks for helping make ubuntu better!


Once bugs have been filed they need to be confirmed, and ideally, have a defined scenario for recreating in order for developers to fix them. To help with triaging, simply read a bug report from the list below and try it on the latest build for your device. If you can recreate it, mark the bug status as confirmed.

Needs work

Completed work


Tags are used to keep handy lists of the work being done. It lets us see the status of bugs and testcase automation.

What does each tag mean?




Used to tag bugs that are candidates for automation to prevent recurrence once fixed


Used to tag bugs that are being automated with autopilot

QATeam/TouchTesting/BugReporting (last edited 2015-10-26 11:26:31 by dholbach)