
Revision 37 as of 2008-07-18 07:31:24

Clear message

The Ubuntu QA team is focused on developing tools, policies, and practices for ensuring Ubuntu's quality as a distribution as well as providing general advice, oversight, and leadership of QA activities within the Ubuntu project.

In general, QA in Ubuntu is broken down into the following areas:

  • Defect Management (Bug Triage)
  • Quality Control (Update, Application, and Pre-Release Testing)
  • Quality Assurance (Verification of Changes, Policy Compliance Review)
  • Product Improvement (Development)



The Ubuntu QA team has regular weekly meetings Wednesdays at 17:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting. See agenda and archive at ["/Meetings"]

Getting Involved

The main entry points for working on QA tasks the BugSquad and [:Testing:Testing Team] (see below for contact details).

Because Ubuntu QA is a coordination/development/working team the membership guidelines are:BR

  • Individuals, not teams may be members.
  • Memberships expire annually and can be renewed by members themselves.
  • People from all areas of QA are encouraged to join.

Requirements to join the team: BR

  • established record of contributing to QA in Ubuntu (see the list of relevant teams below)
  • be an Ubuntu Member or ready to become one (i.e. significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu)
  • an introductory email sent to the [ ubuntu-qa] list introducing yourself, your previous QA work, and your plans for working in the team.

What kinds of things does Ubuntu QA do?

  • Coordinate between the various QA-related teams
  • Build communities around QA work and help them run smoothly
  • Provide lead-from-the-front leadership to Ubuntu's QA projects

  • Assess and communicate Ubuntu's QA needs
  • Develop tools and services needed in Ubuntu QA work
  • Work on creating consistent and efficient QA-related policies
  • whatever else comes up or people want to contribute




Mailing list


Primary contact(s)

[:BugSquad:Bug Squad]

Bug triage

[ bugsquad]

[ ubuntu-bugsquad]


Brian Murray (bdmurray)

Bug Control

Extra bug permissions

[ ubuntu-bugcontrol]

[ ubuntu-bugsquad]


Brian Murray (bdmurray)

[:Testing:Testing Team]

Application/ISO testing

[ ubuntu-testing]

[ ubuntu-qa]



SRU Verification

SRU testing/validation

[ sru-verification]

[ ubuntu-qa]


Steve Beattie (sbeattie)

[:QATeam:Ubuntu QA]

QA coordination/development

[ ubuntu-qa]

[ ubuntu-qa]


Jordan Mantha (LaserJock)