
IconsPage/IconGlobe.png Rainer Eli


IconsPage/PicIRC.png exile (freenode)



"GPG Key:

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Hi I am Bhavani Shankar studying (BSEE)Electrical Engineering in BMSCE Bangalore... I am a quiet non interfering guy having a lot of love for academics and research.. My interest is to continously develop open source software.. Presently I am doing two reseach papers in Processor design trying to derive at a relationship between no of cores feasable with Moores law and ofcourse busy in my academics...!! I am 20 years old.

Want to know more? Here is a brief synopsis:

I am currently doing research in processor design trying to find a relationship between number of cores feasible and transistor integration levels... power in a processor is given by dynamic capacitance(to maintain IPC efficiency)*voltage squared of the transistor i/o buffers*switching frequency of transistors and true performance of a processor is given by frequency of the processor*instructions per clock cycle.. Now I over clocked my Pentium D processor on 945G chip set( Intel doesn't provide OC bios, So I OC using Integrator tool kit where i introduced a paraneter of frequency and FSB speed of processor in the bios).. I found that there was 70% increase in power and 13% increase in performance for 10% increase in over clocking.. in Single Processor mode.. Now in Dual mode i found that the same performance were given at lower clock speeds hence power dissipation is reduced .. Now Why is over clocking dangerous? When we overclock, the wafer layers get shorted and Dynamic capacitance gets converted to Static capacitance Reactance increases,, and the capacitive reactance is inversely proportional to frequency... So after a certain frequency frequency instability occurs.. I got stable frequency till 4.2GHz... So this is a simple concept.. when one core operates the other core turns off hence lesser power dissipation and when two cores are there it naturally increases IPC and at a lesser frequency we can get better performance.. so going by the present trend, we have 4 cores at 45 nm now 8 cores at 32nm and 12cores at 22nm is possible but below 20nm transistor characteristics are unknown so CNT transistors come into picture..(A mixture of HSQ and PMMA show the desired characteristics till 18nm) Keeping this in mind I'm manipulating what is going to happen by 2020... Since I am busy with my academics I have currently hanged it up.. Anyone Interested can contact me directly..

My Tux usage:

IconsPage/IconComputer.png Actually I m using linux from 2002 red hat7.3 and had ubuntu as my secondary os since warty days(was just using it, Didn't think of contributing) and ubuntu became my primary os as on January 26th 2007 and I am using Launchpad from march 2007.

My Interests

Gaming,network security,reverse engineering.Marketing Management,Operational management,statistical analysis.

My ubuntu activity

I am quite actively Lending out a helping hand to newbies answering newbies questions on the Answer Tracker since july 2007

I am actively involved in the Ubuntu media center team taking care of the gaming part.. Blueprint

I am one of the core staff members of Ubuntu India Forums.

I am the administrator of Ubuntu Karnataka Team with a vision to collaborate with existing developers and to provide complete Kannada Localisation in ubuntu

I am one of Top Contributors in the ubuntu community.

I have started to get active on the Ubuntu Forums and will try to make an impression soon... Smile :)

I am an active member in the Ubuntu Support Team and I recreated the IRC channel #ubuntu-helpteam and responsible for running the Meetings as a channel operator

The future


Translate packages in Ubuntu(I have just started translating and will translate more in my holidays)

Report Bugs in launchpad

Upload packages to ubuntu

To Become a Canonical Sysadmin.

To work with the accessibility team (Since myself being a physically challenged idiot)

To do documentation work for ubuntu media center edition.

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Programming in C++, C#, JAVA,J2SE, JAVA scripting,JSP,Perl,Python,Web Design,HTML,XHTML,XML,Cryptography,Applied Cryptography,Network Security,Linux Kernel Programming and OS architecture, Solaris 10 and OPEN SOLARIS KERNEL ARCHITECTURE,Learning Maya 8,Hacking,reverse enginnering...


VLSI Design,Microelectronics,Nanoelectronics and Nanotechnology,Embedded systems,real time systems,Computer Architectures,Microcontrollers...


Electricity transmission,superconductivity,Classical and quantum electromagnetics and Optics(linear and non linear)..

Things i do off ubuntu

I am building up my own webserver to distribute free linux cds Frontend will be done using php and mysql, Backend should be given thought of because of funding!

and of course my research and academics!

Support from the community:

  • I can't say I know Bhavani personally, nature of the global community and all, but I have seen him be very active in Launchpad Answers. I think our community needs to support and reward individuals who take the time to contribute in any form, but those who help frustrated user stick around and perhaps become contributing members themselves are especially important. -- JimHutchinson [2007-11-28]

Thank you for visiting my wiki and reading this,

RainerEli (last edited 2008-08-06 16:40:11 by localhost)