
Revision 1 as of 2005-10-07 04:52:00

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Your problem may not get fixed unless you file a bug report.

In some sense, it is better to file a useless bug report than to let a bug continue to exist. Before filing, please take a few minutes and search for a similar bug on You may also click the Bug Report Tool from the Applications - System tools menu.

If you find a bug which resebmles your's, add to it.

Try to file a thoughtful bug report. You should be informative, but that does not mean that you have to fix the bug before filing your report. It is okay to not know what to do to fix it.

If your bug report is compelling, it will be assigned to someone and you will be prompted to add information to the bug report thread. You will be given clear instructions on how to gather relevant information.

It is very satisfying to file a bug report which ends up making a difference.

Be sure to not file bug reports for the following:

Support requests:  You should use the forums, IRC or the Ubuntu-users mailing lists.

Feature and policy discussions:  This should be brought up on the Ubuntu-devel mailing list, IRC or create a wiki page.   

Development ideas:  Make such suggestions directly to the developers on the ubuntu-devel mailing list.