
Differences between revisions 83 and 84
Revision 83 as of 2005-10-15 14:19:09
Size: 12089
Editor: adsl-69-152-251-236
Comment: Clarified installing non-free support, removed redundant package installs
Revision 84 as of 2005-10-15 14:54:25
Size: 12469
Editor: 142
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(Alternatively, you can enter the above line as described in the AddingRepositoriesHowto - "Adding Outside Repositories" using Synaptic)
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(Alternatively, you can enter the above line as described in the AddingRepositoriesHowto - "Adding Outside Repositories" using Synaptic)

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You may need to install the '''gsfonts-x11''' package for flash to properly display fonts.

Disclaimer and Legal Notice

Packages distributed in unofficial repositories are not supported by Ubuntu or Debian. Please don't file bugs caused by the use of third party packages.

Some of the packages listed here may be illegal in your country. Use at your own risk.

Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by FreeFormats and this information is presented here for legacy and migration purposes. Be aware that the usage of non-free programs and formats cannot be supported because of the restrictions that affect them.

There are reasons why Ubuntu lacks media support for closed codecs "out of the box." A single example will be used- MP3's.

The group that holds the patent on MP3's demands that for each player with MP3 support a 75 cent fee must be paid:

It might not seem like a lot, but when the distro is free then even such a small fee is too much. The only other option is to pay a large one time fee that could otherwise pay a developer to work on Ubuntu for a whole year! So it costs money to distribute software that plays MP3s.

If Ubuntu ignored this, it could be sued in nations like the U.S. where this patent is valid. Either Ubuntu would have to pay up or the developers could never set foot in a country with such patent laws ever again (not reasonable). So because it costs money, Ubuntu has no MP3 support.

Now take this situation, and multiply it times every type of restricted software out there (that isn't free like OGG) and you see what the situation is. So in order to spend money on developers, not laywers, Ubuntu has to avoid touching these codecs. Even an easier way to install them such as "click here to install" would make Ubuntu an accessory to a crime in many nations.

This is why its important to support open codecs and standards. But Ubuntu can't provide restricted software, or make it any easier because of the law.


Getting Started

Ensure you have enabled both the Universe and Multiverse repositories before continuing, see AddingRepositoriesHowto for more information. Also, please read RootSudo if you are not familiar with using sudo.


Codecs and DVD-Video

Some codecs and encrypted DVD playback functionality is not distributed with Ubuntu for legal reasons. After reading and considering the disclamer and legal notice above, you may enter the following to install and enable the functionality:

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

When Gedit appears, enter the following line, then save and close gedit:

deb etch main

(Alternatively, you can enter the above line as described in the AddingRepositoriesHowto - "Adding Outside Repositories" using Synaptic)

Next, update the package database and install the non-free codecs/plugins:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install w32codecs

Those using Kubuntu can also install akode-mpeg to enable MP3 playback, and replace gedit with kate.

Be absolutely sure that you disable the debian-marillat repository and update your package database after installing the w32codecs. You *will* mess up your ubuntu install if you leave it enabled.

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

When Gedit appears, insert a '#' at the beginning of the line you entered above and save the file:

# deb etch main

(Alternatively, you can enter the above line as described in the AddingRepositoriesHowto - "Adding Outside Repositories" using Synaptic)

After commenting out the debian-marillat repository, update your package database:

sudo apt-get update

Install and enable the packages that support the use of non-free codecs:

sudo apt-get install totem-xine gstreamer0.8-plugins gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse 
sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts

Enable reading of encryped DVD's

sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/


DVD Issues

If your video playback software (e.g. Xine, MPlayer, Totem, etc.) locks up when attempting to access a DVD, you will need to place a DVD movie in your DVD drive then do the following:

sudo apt-get install regionset

If DVD playback is jerky or you notice optical data transfer (i.e burning a CD/DVD) is slower than it should be then you need to enable DMA transfer for that drive. See the ["DMA"] page for details.

For backing up DVDs see ["DVDRippingandEncoding"].



The easiest method is to use the Blackdown Java 1.4 installer. To install Java with the installer, just do:

sudo apt-get install j2re1.4

Ubuntu PPC, please see: ["JavaPPC"]. Ubuntu AMD64, please see: ["JavaAMD64"].

Sun Java

The alternative method which will get you the latest version from Sun and also works better for most applications is to install the Sun version of Java. Sun's implementation of Java and Java plugin for browsers is also non-free. Free Java is in active development and will be the preferred choice in the future also as a browser plugin (currently it is used in some programs like Meanwhile, if you require Java support you have to install Sun's Java, assuming they happen to support your platform.

Go to and click on “Download JRE 5.0 Update 5”. Ensure you do not choose the link with the NetBeans bundle.

You must first accept the licence, then click on “Linux self-extracting file” (jre-1_5_0_05-linux-i586.bin). Save this file to your hard drive.

Make the downloaded file executable. At the command line, change to the directory where you downloaded the file, and type

chmod +x jre-1_5_0_05-linux-i586.bin

Install the java-package and java-common, as well as fakeroot (which allows a non-root user to create the package derived from Sun's bin file):

sudo apt-get install fakeroot  java-package java-common

If you get an error when installing fakeroot, you need to enable the multiverse repository (see ["AddingRepositoriesHowto"]).

To install JRE, run the downloaded file. Type

fakeroot make-jpkg jre-1_5_0_05-linux-i586.bin
sudo dpkg -i sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update05_i386.deb

make-jpkg translates Sun's bin file into a debian package. Then dpkg installs that package.

Selecting the default Java version

If you're running Breezy, you need to tell Ubuntu to use Sun Java instead of the open source GIJ included with it. Run:

sudo update-alternatives --config java

and select it from the list.



Realplayer is the only legal MP3 player you can install in Ubuntu in nations where the format is restricted. The program is contained in the Ubuntu repositories, to install it just do:

sudo apt-get install realplayer


Sound Problems


MP3 Ripping and Encoding

  • ["CDRipping"]

MP3 decoding in K3b

Starting with Breezy (Ubuntu 5.10), K3B does not come with MP3 decoding support out of the box. Installing the k3b-mp3 package will enable it:

sudo apt-get install k3b-mp3


Macromedia Flash

Flash for i386

This will install the non-free Flash player and the plugins needed to view it in Firefox and Mozilla. If you have problems viewing text in some Flash files, you may need to install the msttcorefonts package, which is also in multiverse.

Note that this package doesn't exist for the amd64 architecture, as Macromedia has not yet produced a binary.

sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree

After flash is installed, if the sound is not working properly, try typing the following in a terminal:

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

If you use an Intel 855GM video card, ensure you set the X server colour depth to 24 bits, otherwise you will probably experience Firefox crashes.

You may need to install the gsfonts-x11 package for flash to properly display fonts.

Flash for x86_64

For those of us with 64 bit processors (or Mac) there is no non-free flash implementation available because the manufacturer does not support them. However, there are 2 free implementations. One is gplflash and the other is swfdec. There's also gplflash2 in development that aims to be the proper free, open source replacement for all the platforms. While you can install them using apt-get, they tend to not work very well and be unstable, so that option is not great. Better to install one of them (I recommend gplflash) manually.

To install gplflash:

Download the latest version of gplflash (at the time of writing it was 0.4.13) from

$ wget -c

Sub in the latest version if it is no longer 0.4.13. Decompress the files.

$ tar xvjf gplflash-0.4.13.tar.bz2

Change to the install directory.

$ cd gplflash-0.4.13

Compile the player and plugin.

$ ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-plugin-dir=/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/
$ make
$ sudo make install

Finally add /usr to the path variable so that the player itself will work, not just the plugin.

$ sudo PATH=$PATH:/usr


AAC and iTunes Music Store

AAC decoding

The default audio format used by Apple's iTunes and iPod is AAC. This is a variant of the MPEG standard, and as such has patent issues. However, you can listen to AAC files in rhythmbox or amaroK by installing gstreamer0.8-faad. You will need this for listening to any AAC file, including those bought from the iTunes Music Store (see below for more info on using the music store on Linux). Warning, songs purchased from the iTunes music store (.m4p) are encyrpted, and will not just play using gstreamer0.8-faad. You will need to decrypt them first.

AAC encoding:

FAAC can be used to encode AACs, although this is somewhat experimental compared to MP3 encoding at this point. For encoding programs which use gstreamer, there is a gstreamer plugin called gstreamer0.8-faac. However, this currently is problematic, and does not produce usable AAC files, though this may change in the future.

For other programs, you may be able to utilize FAAC directly to encode to AACs - just install the "faac" package. You can make iPod-compatible AACs this way, but this requires some additional configuration in your CD ripping utility.

iTunes Music Store

Apple's iTunes Music Store sells music online with a large selection of artists. Songs are in 128K AAC format, and cost varies by country. Apple only has Mac and Windows clients, but it also can be used on Linux. There are two different methods by which this can be done.

First of all, you can use CodeWeavers CrossOver Office (available at to install the Windows version of iTunes on Ubuntu. This will allow you to buy iTunes songs on Linux and listen to them. However, the main caveats of this approach is that 1) it costs money 2) it is not a fully Linux-native solution.

As an alternative to using CrossOver, there is a new, Free program called PyMusique which allows basic usage of the iTunes Music Store on Linux. This works better than using iTunes on CrossOver, but PyMusique has less features than the official iTunes client at this point and may be in violation of the iTunes Music Store terms of service. To use this on Ubuntu, first install gstreamer0.8-faad and libmcrypt4. Then, go to or a mirror (google "pymusique 0.4" for mirrors) and download the pymusique, python2.4-mcrypt, python2.4-vlc, and python2.4-mp4ff packages. Finally, install all the packages you downloaded from the above website. You can now launch PyMusique from the Applications-Internet menu, and purchase songs (although you may have to restart your system for this to work).

RestrictedFormats (last edited 2008-08-06 16:22:52 by localhost)