
Revision 7 as of 2007-04-28 17:40:55

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RichJohnson aka nixternal


Chicago, IL {us}





GPG Key:

[ 2E2C0124]

Linux UID#

[ 418283]



MailTo(nixternal AT ubuntu DOT com, nixternal at ubuntu dot com)


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Current Team/Membership Status

Ubuntu Community Contributions

The following is list of contributions I have currently been working on. I am working close with the DocumentationTeam currently, on creating a "Swtiching to Kubuntu from Windows" userguide. This project is still under the initial planning stages and should start-up very soon. I have done a lot of bug-triage here recently and helped out quite a few tech support issues via the Launchapd. The WikiTeam recently switched over from one location to another, so this is keeping me busy as well. The following are some examples of the other work I have done with this wonderful community.

Team Work

  • Ubuntu Chicago LoCo team and Ubuntu Illinois LoCo team creator and leader.

  • Ubuntu Documentation Project - Kubuntu and Edubuntu documentation. Wiki cleanup and organization as well as community documentation contributions.
  • MOTU wannabe ([ my list of packages)\])- created, merged, and synced multiple packages during the Edgy and Feisty development cycle

    • Created KTorrent patch for Breezy-Feisty to close a security issue
  • MarketingTeam - Working closely with the community manager and the LoCo teams with advocacy.

  • BugSquad & UbuntuQA - Providing triage if possible to bugs, acting as a liason in order to gain more information or provide support if needed. Confirming bugs, reorganizing old or outdated bugs, or recommending other members to research the bug. Also mentoring on some bugs as a new feature to Launchpad.

  • LaptopTestingTeam - Providing support in the IRC channel, providing testing support for the Kubuntu developers, as well as the Ubuntu developers. Tested the [:LaptopTestingTeam/ToshibaSatellite1735:Toshiba Satellite 1735] for Kubuntu (Dapper Flight 7 and Kubuntu Dapper 6.06 Release Candidate) & [:LaptopTestingTeam/CompaqPresarioC304NR:Compaq Presario C304NR].

About Me

I am a 33 year old self-proclaimed geek. I have been messing with Linux since around the end of 1994 or the beginning of 1995 while in the US Navy. We had a fast connection, and a ton of floppy disks. Over the past 12+ years my main distributions have been Debian, SuSE, Slackware, and now Kubuntu. If there was a KDE distro during the 90's and early 2000's, you can bet I used or tried it. I am currently a student all over again enjoying the benefits of my veterans grant and my GI Bill. School is free and I actually get a little money for each month of school I am enrolled in. My current studies are Executive Business Management and Computer Science (mainly programming languages).

After I got off of active duty in the military in 1998, I worked for a company as a controls automation developer. I created programs that ran on Allen-Bradley PLC5's and SLC500's. I did a lot of usability development for Human Machine Interfaces (HMI) as well as some SCADA, SAP, and ERP type development as well. From there I got tired of programming in Ladder Logic, Assembly, C/C++, and Visual Basic, so I decided to give the networking and hardware world a spin. I got addicted quite fast and worked with various architectures. During this time I went and got all of the certifications everyone seems to have out of highschool nowadays. MCSE, CCNA, RHCE, A+, Linux+, Network+, Security+, and a bunch of vendor specific certifications as well (Sun Microsystems mostly). Well in 2006 I caught the programming bug after working closely with the Ubuntu and Kubuntu developers that I decided to go back to school and relearn it, and learn new stuff.

So during the past couple of years I have increased my FOSS workload to helping with some development, a lot of documentation, and packaging as well. I am currently a member of the Kubuntu community and have recently gotten involved quite heavely with KDE. Right now I am doing mainly documentation for KDE, but that is how I started with Kubuntu. Who knows, maybe sometime during KDE4 you will be running one of my applications that I got to work on Smile :)

My Availability

I am here to assist the community in anyway possible. Please feel free to contact me at anytime if you need assistance. Feel free to use any means of communication listed above.

My Goals

Short Term / Community Goals

Long Term / Community Goals

  • Ubuntu Eventually become a core developer in the Ubuntu project.

    Ubuntu Continue my Business Administration and Computer Programming courses.

    Ubuntu Continue providing the Ubuntu community with testing, support, as well as advocacy for the years to come.

    Ubuntu Make the Chicago and Illinois LoCo teams very successfull in a SpreadUbuntu campaign. Make it one of the most successfull LoCo operations in the United State and beyond!!!

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