Robert Finley

Differences between revisions 33 and 34
Revision 33 as of 2014-06-28 19:27:37
Size: 2637
Editor: c-50-142-200-68
Revision 34 as of 2014-07-29 13:12:14
Size: 1654
Editor: c-50-142-200-68
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Hello! I am Robert Finley and I am a hacker. Not a "I'm gonna steal your stuff" kinda hacker, just the "I want to know how everything works" kind. I grew up in the 1980's with parents who were CE's (mainframe repair) at IBM, so I started pretty young. My first real computer was a PCjr with all kinds of sidecars and cartridges. I remember when Linux first started and I grew up in Raleigh NC where there was a large group of people I knew who jumped in right away and took Redhat to where it is. So I have been messing with Linux from the beginning. Am I an expert? No, I am far from that. In fact like most people, it wasn't until distros like Mandrake showed up that tried to simplify the installation process that I was able to make it work and even then, it didn't work well. Mint 8 was when I finally crossed the line into being primarily a Linux user. Ubuntu is definitely my favorite lately. The lofty goal of bringing Linux to the masses is a noble one in my view and I support Canonical's ambition.

Hello! I am Robert Finley. In addition to computers, I love cars and loud music. I am one of those people riding around with the obnoxious muffler and massive stereo, irritating everyone else. I am an aquarist and lover of animals in general. I live in sight of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and love to camp and hike with my beautiful wife and daughter.
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I am mostly just a long time user of Ubuntu and Linux in general. I try to help out where I can over in some of the IRC channels. I have sat on the TN LoCo team for several years now but it is a dead team and nothing has really happened. I am also an evangelist for Ubuntu spreading the message wherever I go, converting people regularly and providing basic technical support to those people. I am a member of the Tennessee LoCo Team as well as the Quality Team for several flavors. I have been testing software and filing bug reports. I help where I can over in IRC.
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Total world domination, duh. Or, if that doesn't work out, I would like to do whatever I can to help my fellow man. Open-Source is a beautiful idea to me and I would like to help. I have been looking around Ubuntu and several other projects for a place where I feel I can be helpful. I just haven't found a niche yet.
Total world domination, duh. I am mostly trying build my knowlege right now by participating and learning from more experienced users. I hope, one day, to be as helpful to others as much as many of you have been to me.

About Me

Hello! I am Robert Finley. In addition to computers, I love cars and loud music. I am one of those people riding around with the obnoxious muffler and massive stereo, irritating everyone else. I am an aquarist and lover of animals in general. I live in sight of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and love to camp and hike with my beautiful wife and daughter.

Contact Information





I am a member of the Tennessee LoCo Team as well as the Quality Team for several flavors. I have been testing software and filing bug reports. I help where I can over in IRC.

Future Goals

Total world domination, duh. I am mostly trying build my knowlege right now by participating and learning from more experienced users. I hope, one day, to be as helpful to others as much as many of you have been to me.


Note: This section is for people who aren't Ubuntu members to cheer or comments that aren't testimonials from existing members.


Note: This section is for existing Ubuntu members to leave testimonials. People who aren't Ubuntu members can leave a comment above in favor of the application.

If you know me and have something nice to say, please leave a comment here.

Robert Finley (last edited 2014-07-31 16:48:59 by c-50-142-200-68)