Revision 22 as of 2009-05-21 13:13:51

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Această pagină conține rapoartele echipei Ubuntu România pentru anul 2009. Este scris în limba engleză deoarece aceste rapoarte sunt incluse în rapoartele internaționale Ubuntu. În ziua de 22 a fiecărei luni ele vor fi incluse în rapoartele Ubuntu de la adresa TeamReports.

This page contains monthly report for Ubuntu Romanian team. By the 22nd of each month they will be included in the Ubuntu TeamReports.

January 2009

February 2009

March 2009

  • Ubuntu Romanian Localisation helped to push the GNOME translation over 80% and Romanian became an official language in GNOME. The translations were made in Launchpad and uploaded upstream to the GNOME project, so those translations are available for Ubuntu too. It was a milestone, but it is still more work to be done.

April 2009

Here is the Targu Mures report:we made the release party in rush partly because in the next weekend all the people would go to the country side and they will do some grills (1 May - national "Work" day), but the results were impressive : almost 25 people were present and this time we had some great discussions and beer talk .We also did some serious presentatations like what is new in jaunty jack : new gnome , new kde , new qt browser like arora or development ide like qt creator, I also showed the new firefox 3.5 ( abrowser 3.5), quassel , gwibber (microblogging client), firebird 2.1.x and some extensive discussion about ext4 crash-ing and it's amazing speed

Emil Cheriches presented the cool stuff on the server side like :eucalyptus (aka EC2 at home), dovecot , ext4 and ufw/apparmour and mysql 5.1.

Some cool pictures were shot at the event by emil also we had some great guests like Paul Nasca who did some crazy dj-ing demos with zynaddsubfx

Adi Roiban and Stas Sushkov were present to the event (they came from Cluj Napoca only for this) and it was great to discuss the Romanian Team priorities

We had mentions in local press The announcement in Hungarian language is here http://hup.hu/node/69899 And yes we are on front page on ubuntu.hu http://ubuntu.hu/hirek/2009apr/jaunty-jackalope-release-party-marosvasarhelyen

Other notes: There is a note on [http://www.infoms.ro/home/detalii-stiri/article/4475/48.html|infoms website]