Installation In zVM

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Ubuntu Linux for IBM z Systems and LinuxONE in IBM z/VM Installation This document describes step-by-step the installation of Ubuntu Linux on IBM z Systems or LinuxONE as IBM z/VM guest (aka virtual machine).

1. Load installer files from to CMS Ready; T=0.01/0.01 10:42:15 acc 592 t DMSACP723I T (592) R/O Ready; T=0.01/0.01 10:42:34 ftp VM TCP/IP FTP Level 630 Connecting to, port 21 220 Ubuntu ISV Image FTP server (vsftpd) USER (identify yourself to the host): anonymous >>>USER anonymous 331 Please specify the password. Password: [In case of anonymous FTP enter at least one character!] >>>PASS ******** 230 Login successful. Command: cd ubuntu-ports/dists/xenial/main/installer-s390x/current >>>CWD ubuntu-ports/dists/xenial/main/installer-s390x/current 250 Directory successfully changed. [see also section 4.8] Command: cd images/generic >>>CWD images/generic 250 Directory successfully changed. Command: get ubuntu.exec (repl >>>EPRT |1||1172| 200 PORT command successful >>>RETR ubuntu.exec 150 Connecting to port 1172 226-File successfully transferred 226 0.000 seconds (measured here), 10.46 Mbytes per second 351 bytes transferred in 0.001 seconds. Transfer rate 351.00 Kbytes/sec. Command: get parmfile.ubuntu (repl >>>EPRT |1||1173| 200 PORT command successful >>>RETR parmfile.ubuntu 150 Connecting to port 1173 226-File successfully transferred 226 0.000 seconds (measured here), 46.55 Kbytes per second 10 bytes transferred in 0.001 seconds. Transfer rate 10.00 Kbytes/sec. Command: bin [This command is important, otherwise the binary is not going to work anymore!] >>>TYPE i 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary Command: locsite fix 80 [This command is important, otherwise the binary is not going to work anymore!] Command: get kernel.ubuntu (repl >>>EPRT |1||1174| 200 PORT command successful >>>RETR kernel.ubuntu 150-Connecting to port 1174 150 13129.0 kbytes to download 226-File successfully transferred 226 0.462 seconds (measured here), 27.75 Mbytes per second 13444160 bytes transferred in 0.467 seconds. Transfer rate 28788.35 Kbytes/sec. Command: get initrd.ubuntu (repl >>>EPRT |1||1175| 200 PORT command successful >>>RETR initrd.ubuntu 150-Connecting to port 1175 150 5789.9 kbytes to download 226-File successfully transferred 226 0.177 seconds (measured here), 31.94 Mbytes per second 5928960 bytes transferred in 0.181 seconds. Transfer rate 32756.69 Kbytes/sec. Command: quit >>>QUIT 221-Goodbye. You uploaded 0 and downloaded 18920 kbytes. 221 Logout. Ready; T=0.02/0.03 10:44:52

You should now see the following four files on your a disk: ('kernel ubuntu', 'initrd ubuntu', 'parmfile ubuntu' and 'ubuntu exec'; the file sizes may vary) INITRD UBUNTU A1 F 80 74112 1448 1/26/16 10:44:48 KERNEL UBUNTU A1 F 80 168052 3001 1/26/16 10:44:41 PARMFILE UBUNTU A1 V 1 1 1 1/26/16 10:43:40 UBUNTU EXEC A1 V 40 11 1 1/26/16 10:43:28

2. Start ubuntu exec in z/VM CMS: