


Scott Ritchie


Northern California {us}





Watch what I'm doing:

I'm Scott Ritchie. You can usually find me on Freenode IRC or the Ubuntu Wine forum as YokoZar. I keep a blog that you should read, which is syndicated on Planet Ubuntu. I also have pages on Launchpad, Wine's Wiki, and Wikipedia. I am a MOTU, and while my chief interest is maintaining the Wine package and everything that is related to it, these days I find myself doing a lot more. View recent uploads in Launchpad.

I want good, usable software everywhere in Ubuntu, especially Wine -- users shouldn't even need to know they're running it. My goal is to help make Wine easy and effective enough to be an official supported package in Ubuntu. I try to set an example and make myself useful throughout the entire Ubuntu project, doing everything from filing bugs in other packages to drafting entire blueprints to working on the Sponsorship Queue.

Community Council

I am now a proud member of Ubuntu's principle governance board, the Community Council. This means I have taken on the obligation of providing genuine leadership for the project and its members. Everyone should feel free to email me personally about any issue or problem they see brewing in the community, even small ones that don't require any sort of official response.

Rough Bio

Work tasks

History of me in Ubuntu

If it's something Wine related in Ubuntu, odds are I'm responsible for getting it done. But, like all Ubuntu developers, I occasionally dabble in other areas that I often forget about. This is a partial list of those things. I try to update this once a cycle, and often forget things.

Raring cycle

Quantal cycle

Precise cycle

Oneiric cycle

Natty cycle

Maverick cycle

Lucid cycle

Karmic cycle

Jaunty cycle


How I got to Ubuntu

After some bad experiences attempting to contribute to Debian, I was pleasantly surprised when Jeff Waugh came directly to me and asked me to sign up for Ubuntu. That was back in the Hoary days, and I've been directly helping ever since. In the past, my contributions had mostly been making the Wine packages at, however now I do far more. Making Wine work just right for the user involves improving many different parts of the system, and now that I am a MOTU I can work on most of them directly.

Other interests

See ScottRitchie/Work for more wikipage


ScottRitchie (last edited 2013-11-03 21:09:12 by 67)