
Differences between revisions 5 and 6
Revision 5 as of 2006-11-30 22:16:50
Size: 2062
Editor: 84-45-197-14
Revision 6 as of 2006-11-30 22:19:32
Size: 2070
Editor: 84-45-197-14
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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''dpkg-scanpackages cine /dev/null | gzip cine/Packages.gz'' {{{dpkg-scanpackages cine /dev/null | gzip cine/Packages.gz
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''deb file:/home/pete cine/'' {{{deb file:/home/pete cine/

Editing video under Linux

There are a few options for editing video under Linux, ranging from the simple to the complicated. Some are command line tools that require fairly intimate knowledge of codecs and the like, and some are GUI applications which can be used to generate fairly professional results.


There is a common misconception regarding Kino, that it will only read/use dv files. This in fact is not true and Kino can use AVI files. Below is a mencoder command line, which will take video files and convert them for use in the Kino.

{{{mencoder -oac mp3lame -ovc xvid -of avi -xvidencopts bitrate=1350 -o output.avi input.flv }}}

In this example, the input file was an flv video from YouTube, but the principle should be the same for any video file you wish to use. You will need to have the lame package installed, as well as the mencoder package to be able to use this.

After this you will be able import video files into Kino

Note, on first running of Kino, you must select a Normalisation preference in the preference box, either PAL or NTSC. Otherwise Kino will refuse to import an video file.



Cinelerra is a semi-professional piece of video editing software. Although it isn't in the ubuntu repos, there are pacakges for i386 which can be built and used on Ubuntu Edgy. Go to the address below and download all the files listed, into a new directory. I'm going to use ~/cine/

Now we must rebuild the Packages.gz file as it seems to be broken a little here.

First, delete the other Packages and Packages.gz files, then run the following from ~/

{{{dpkg-scanpackages cine /dev/null | gzip cine/Packages.gz }}}

After this, add the following line, substituting ~/ for your actual hardcoded path, to the /etc/apt/sources.list file

{{{deb file:/home/pete cine/ }}}

After this run apt-get update, and the apt-get install cinelerra and you should be able to run cinelerra from the terminal.

ScreenCasts/VideoEditing (last edited 2010-11-10 23:55:59 by mm-207-184-120-178)