
Differences between revisions 4 and 5
Revision 4 as of 2005-09-24 13:28:10
Size: 2258
Editor: p5487FF77
Revision 5 as of 2006-05-22 09:01:43
Size: 520
Editor: p5486FDA9
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Launchpad Profile: []
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 * 20 year old Student of Computer Sciences at the University of Paderborn/Germany
 * Ubuntu Member
 * ["MOTU"]
 * ["UbuntuBackports"] Team Member
 * ["MOTUMedia"] Member
 * ["MOTUMono"] Member

== Contributions to Ubuntu ==

 * Maintaining:
  * cowbell (in Debian)
  * banshee
  * ipod-sharp
  * libipoddevice
  * fatsort
  * xmms-musepack
  * bmp-musepack
  * wavpack
  * faad2
  * faac
  * dirac
  * gstreamer-plugins-multiverse
 * Working on:
  * ["UniverseUnmetDeps"] and fixing bugs everywhere to get ["BreezyBadger"] into shape
 * Fixes for many random packages

== Future Plans for Ubuntu ==

 * Improve our Multimedia capabilities (["MOTUMedia"])
 * Help the ["Mono"] team to improve the CLI support (["MOTUMono"])
 * Help the ["UbuntuBackports"] project to get clean backports
 * Fix every bug I notice and can fix with my current knowledge/experience
 * Find new areas where I can help

== Linux / FOSS Experience ==

My first contact with Linux was with SuSE 5.1. After almost a year I switched to Debian because yast was annoying me ;) After Debian I switched to a LFS to gain further knowledge of the basics of the system and for the good feeling of running something collected together by myself. Used this until further updating of the system was becoming boring and switched to the newborn Gentoo. Stayed there until Hoary Preview was released and switched almost instantly as installing new software was of course much faster and updates were working better than with Gentoo.

Today I'm using Ubuntu on all desktop systems as this seems to be the best suited distribution for all my daily tasks and as a development platform. On serverside I'm currently using FreeBSD because IMHO all services I run feel much more integrated than with every Linux distribution I tried.

I'm currently advertising both to all my friends
 * 21 year old Student of Computer Sciences at the University of Paderborn/Germany


E-Mail: MailTo(

PGP-Key: [ 0x5BE41F21]


ICQ: 108286370

IRC: slomo at Freenode

UbuntuForums: SloMoSnail

Homepage: []

Launchpad Profile: []

About Me

  • 21 year old Student of Computer Sciences at the University of Paderborn/Germany

Related pages: FullSearch()


SebastianDröge (last edited 2008-08-06 16:24:21 by localhost)