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Describe SecurityTeam/PublicationNotes here. ||<tablestyle="float:right; font-size: 0.9em; width:30%; background:#F1F1ED; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 98% 0.5ex; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; padding: 0.5em;"><<TableOfContents>>||
This page describes the publication process for packages when it deviates from SecurityTeam/UpdateProcedures.

== Kernel (regular) ==
Security updates are now a part of the regular [[|kernel cadence]]. As such, the tracking and publication differs from other updates, and is detailed in [[|SecurityTeam/UpdatePublication/Kernel]].

== Kernel (emergency) ==
Generally speaking, the kernel follows a different procedure for publication and tracking, which is detailed in [[|SecurityTeam/UpdatePublication/Kernel]]. In case of an emergency update done outside of this process, the procedures below can be used.

=== Patching ===
Patching and testing the kernel is primarily the responsibility of the Ubuntu Kernel team who follow [[|KernelTeam/KernelMaintenance]]. Tracking kernel CVEs, building patched kernels and publishing those kernels is the responsibility of the Ubuntu Security team. As such, the Ubuntu Security team should:
 * Enter kernel CVEs into the Ubuntu CVE Tracker
 * Forward this information to the kernel team
 * Coordinate the timing of kernel security updates (usually monthly, unless a high priority CVE warrants an earlier date)
 * Coordinate the Ubuntu Kernel team's work with other vendors as appropriate

=== Building ===
Once the kernel team is satisfied with their patching and testing, they will provide packages on ``````, currently in ```chinstrap:~smb/security/srcpkg```. Since the kernels can be large, the packages should be remotely signed and uploaded from chinstrap ([[|see below]]). To verify, sign and upload:
 0. On chinstrap, copy the kernel team's packages to ~/sign:
$ cd ~smb/security/srcpkg/ # requires you are in the 'kernel_devs' group
$ test -d ~/sign/ || mkdir -m 0750 ~/sign/ ; chgrp ubuntu_security ~/sign/
$ cp * ~/sign/
 0. On local system (may require setup, [[|see below]]), verify and sign the packages in ~/sign on chinstrap:
$ $UST/package-tools/u-verify-chinstrap # verify the signatures in ~/sign
$ $UST/package-tools/u-sign-chinstrap # sign the packages in ~/sign
$ $UST/package-tools/u-verify-chinstrap # reverify the signatures in ~/sign
 0. If needed, on chinstrap setup the ```kern-up``` symlink:
$ test -e ~/bin/kern-up || ln -s /home/jamie/bin/kern-up ~/bin/kern-up
 0. On chinstrap, perform a test upload with ```kern-up```. Eg:
$ cd ~/sign
$ ~/bin/kern-up # | sed 's/ security\-/ security-proposed-/' # for proposed ppa
dput security-dapper linux-source-2.6.15_2.6.15-55.87_source.changes
dput security-hardy linux_2.6.24-28.75_source.changes
dput security-jaunty linux_2.6.28-19.64_source.changes
dput security-karmic linux_2.6.31-22.63_source.changes
dput security-karmic linux-mvl-dove_2.6.31-214.30_source.changes
dput security-karmic linux-ec2_2.6.31-307.17_source.changes
dput security-lucid linux_2.6.32-24.41_source.changes
dput security-lucid linux-mvl-dove_2.6.32-208.24_source.changes
dput security-lucid linux-meta-mvl-dove_2.
dput security-lucid linux-ec2_2.6.32-308.15_source.changes
dput security-lucid linux-ti-omap_2.6.33-502.10_source.changes
dput security-lucid linux-fsl-imx51_2.6.31-608.19_source.changes
 Compare the output of ```kern-up``` with Kernel/Dev/ABIPackages. Ignore the netbook kernels cause they are outside the archive. Also, linux-qcm-msm/lucid is abandoned. If there is an ABI bump, then the ABI meta source package is also listed, otherwise it is not. Every "topic branch" (i.e. source package and referred to as 'git branch' in [[|Kernel/Dev/ABIPackages]]) has up to two "meta" packages that define ABI, but normally there is just one. Sometimes there is an additional "ports" meta for the non-supported archs. [[|Kernel/Dev/ABIPackages]] will always have the most up to date information, so consult it with each update (```kern-up``` may need to be adjusted if the kernel team makes changes).
 0. Compare the ABIs of the packages output by ```kern-up``` with the archive. If there is an ABI bump and the meta package is missing, contact the kernel team.
 0. On chinstrap, upload the kernels (see the 'Setup' section below if publishing for the first time):
  * If non-ABI bump, do ```~/bin/kern-up --real```
  * If ABI bump:
   0. Take the output of ```~/bin/kern-up``` and run the individual dput commands for each kernel and meta package, being careful to not upload any ABI-tracking packages at this time
   0. Wait for the kernels to build on all architectures
   0. After the kernels are finished building, for each of the remaining ABI-tracking packages (as seen in the output of ```~/bin/kern-up```), run the dput commands for that package
  * If destined for the ubuntu-security-proposed PPA, take the output of ```~/bin/kern-up``` from above (after uncommenting the pipe to sed) and run the individual dput commands
 0. On chinstrap, verify all the packages were uploaded by comparing the number of .source.changes files with the number of .upload files in the ~/sign directory:
$ ls -1 ~sign/*_source.changes | wc -l
$ ls -1 ~sign/*.upload | wc -l

=== Testing the kernel ===
Most testing is performed by the kernel team. The Ubuntu Security should at a minimum do the following:
 * Using ```copy_sppa_to_repos``` from UST, copy the kernels to your local repository. Please see the instructions at the top of ```copy_sppa_to_repos``` for different kernels, ABI-tracking packages and meta-packages.
 * Using the meta packages, perform upgrade testing for all affected releases for both i386 and amd64. This can be done by ensuring linux-image-generic (linux-image-amd64-generic or linux-image-386 for Dapper) is installed, then performing an ```apt-get dist-upgrade``` to pull in the packages from your local repository.
 * After upgrading, verify the following:
$ uname -a
$ cat /proc/version_signature # for non-Dapper
 * Verify the QRT test scripts for the kernel pass for both i386 and amd64. Run all ```$QRT/scripts/test-kernel*py``` scripts except `````` (as a convenience, ```$QRT/notes_testing/kernel/``` can be used to automate these first 3 steps)
 * Log into an Ubuntu desktop with the new kernel, and verify the basic desktop works (mouse, keyboard, display, networking and creating/editing a file)

If there are reproducers or test cases, try to forward them to the kernel team (or better yet, integrate them into QRT before they do their testing). Private reproducers will need to be tested by the Ubuntu Security team. When possible, include a regression test for the patched functionality along with the test to see if the bug is fixed (ie, "Did this fix the bug? Did this introduce a regression?"). It is probably a good idea to adjust ```test_updated_modules()``` in ```$QRT/scripts/``` for any modules that have been updated (this will perform a modinfo, modprobe and rmmod on the module).

Finally, using virtualization for testing is fine most of the time, but if the patch is for a problem with real hardware, every effort should be made to test the patch on that hardware.

=== Publishing ===
In general, publication is the same as with other security updates. Keep in mind the following:
 * Unembargo all non-meta packages at the same time, then after they are mirrored to, upload the meta packages. This will ensure that people don't get a meta package that depends on a kernel that doesn't exist.
 * While not required, you can use the `````` tool from UCT. This is helpful since kernel updates typically have many CVEs to describe in the USN. You give it the CVE list that is in and it will output example text that you can paste into and edit. Eg:
$ cd $UCT
$ $UCT/scripts/ --cve CVE-... --cve CVE-...
 * The title for the USN should be 'Linux kernel vulnerabilities'
 * The summary for the USN should be something like 'linux, linux-{ec2,fsl-imx51,mvl-dove,source-2.6.15,ti-omap} vulnerabilities'
 * In the minimum binaries section of the USN, use linux-image*, omitting debug and dbgsym packages

==== ABI bump for -security and -updates pockets ====
When a kernel is being built for -security that will introduce an ABI bump for both -security and -updates, the following items must be built in order:
 * Build the ABI-bumping kernel in the security PPA.
 * Build all [[Kernel/Dev/ABIPackages|ABI-tracked packages]] in the security PPA.
 * Build the related kernel meta package in the security PPA.
When publishing, publish the kernel and ABI-tracked packages first, just to avoid any glitches where the meta package would get successfully published but something would block the kernel packages. Once the kernel package publications are verified in the archive, the meta package can be safely published.

Once the kernel is published in -security, it can be pocket-copied normally to -updates.

==== ABI bump for -security pocket only ====
When a -proposed kernel has an ABI bump and makes it into -updates, then the next security update kernel will be an ABI bump for -security only users (since security fixes pull from -updates). Since this is an ABI bump for -security only users, the ABI meta source packages and ABI-tracking source packages must be copied from -updates to -security after all of the -security kernels are mirrored. Look at [[|Kernel/Dev/ABIPackages]] for the list of packages to copy over. For example, if we have a security update for the 'master' kernel (ie, not arm, not backports, etc) and lucid-security currently has 2.6.32-25.45, lucid-updates has 2.6.32-26.47 and the pending lucid-security update has 2.6.32-26.48, then:
 * Unembargo the pending lucid-security kernel as normal
 * Wait for it to be fully mirrored to
 * Review [[|Kernel/Dev/ABIPackages]]. In this example, the affected ABI meta and meta-tracking packages for the 'master' kernel are linux-meta, linux-ports-meta and linux-backports-modules-2.6.32.
 * Have an [[|archive admin]] copy the packages from -updates. In this example:{{{
$ -vbs lucid-updates --to-suite=lucid-security linux-meta
$ -vbs lucid-updates --to-suite=lucid-security linux-ports-meta
$ -vbs lucid-updates --to-suite=lucid-security linux-backports-modules-2.6.32

== Image-based updates ==
Ubuntu Touch, Ubuntu Core and (the future) Ubuntu Personal do not use apt for upgrades and instead get their updates via system-image updates (Ubuntu Touch and Ubuntu Core 15.04) or kernel/OS snap updates (Ubuntu Core and Personal in 16.04 and higher). In general, like with archive updates, it is sufficient to test the security update on the appropriate channel with kvm and add device testing as needed (eg, testing !NetworkManager on a phone image or an arm-specific bug on a beaglebone black Ubuntu Core image).

=== Ubuntu Core ===
==== System images (15.04) ====
'''IMPORTANT''': the below only applies to 15.04 system-image images. These processes need to be updates for 16.04 all-snaps images.

This is gleaned from information found here:

Before you start with anything, you'll need to install some tools from the snappy-dev-tools PPA. See [[|the getting started page]] for details.

You can see all the available images with (there may be additional historical channels in the output, but the below is what you should use):{{{
$ ubuntu-device-flash query --list-channels --device=generic_amd64 | grep core

Typically you'll use these channels for testing security updates:
 * development branch: '''ubuntu-core/rolling/edge''' (or '''ubuntu-core/rolling/alpha''' when it exists)
 * 15.04 release (batched updates): '''ubuntu-core/15.04/alpha''' (or '''ubuntu-core/15.04/edge''' if needed)
 * 15.04 release (emergency updates): '''ubuntu-core/15.04/stable'''

===== Generating kvm images (15.04) =====
 * rolling release (trunk):{{{
$ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=ubuntu-core/rolling/edge --size=8 --enable-ssh --output=rolling-edge.img
# the above doesn't work due to LP: #1458006. Use this instead:
$ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=edge --size=8 --enable-ssh --output=rolling-edge.img rolling
 * 15.04 edge (SRU development):{{{
$ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=ubuntu-core/15.04/edge --size=8 --enable-ssh --output=15.04-edge.img
# the above doesn't work due to LP: #1458006. Use this instead:
$ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=edge --size=8 --enable-ssh --output=15.04-edge.img 15.04
 * 15.04 alpha (batched):{{{
$ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=ubuntu-core/15.04/alpha --size=8 --enable-ssh --output=15.04-alpha.img
# the above doesn't work due to LP: #1458006. Use this instead:
$ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=alpha --size=8 --enable-ssh --output=15.04-alpha.img 15.04
 * 15.04 stable release (emergency):{{{
$ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=ubuntu-core/15.04/stable --size=8 --enable-ssh --output=15.04-stable.img
# the above doesn't work due to LP: #1458006. Use this instead:
$ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=stable --size=8 --enable-ssh --output=15.04-stable.img 15.04

Useful options:
 * use --developer-mode to not require --allow-unauthenticated for sideloading
 * use --device=generic_i386 for i386 kvm images (not primary target)
 * you may want to choose a [[|different stability level]] than 'alpha' depending on the situation

That's it (see 'Using kvm images' below).

===== Generating beaglebone black images (15.04) =====
 * devel release:{{{
$ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=ubuntu-core/rolling/edge --oem=beagleblack --enable-ssh --output=rolling-edge.bbb
# the above doesn't work due to LP: #1458006. Use this instead:
$ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=edge --oem=beagleblack --enable-ssh --output=rolling-edge.bbb rolling
$ sudo dd if=rolling-edge.bbb of=/dev/sdX bs=32M && sync
 * 15.04 edge (SRU development):{{{
$ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=ubuntu-core/15.04/edge --oem=beagleblack --enable-ssh --output=15.04-edge.bbb
# the above doesn't work due to LP: #1458006. Use this instead:
$ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=edge --oem=beagleblack --enable-ssh --output=15.04-edge.bbb 15.04
$ sudo dd if=15.04-edge.bbb of=/dev/sdX bs=32M && sync
 * 15.04 alpha (batched):{{{
$ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=ubuntu-core/15.04/alpha --oem=beagleblack --enable-ssh --output=15.04-alpha.bbb
# the above doesn't work due to LP: #1458006. Use this instead:
$ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=alpha --oem=beagleblack --enable-ssh --output=15.04-alpha.bbb 15.04
$ sudo dd if=15.04-alpha.bbb of=/dev/sdX bs=32M && sync
 * 15.04 release (emergency):{{{
$ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=ubuntu-core/15.04/stable --oem=beagleblack --enable-ssh --output=15.04-stable.bbb
# the above doesn't work due to LP: #1458006. Use this instead:
$ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=stable --oem=beagleblack --enable-ssh --output=15.04-stable.bbb 15.04
$ sudo dd if=15.04-stable.bbb of=/dev/sdX bs=32M && sync

Note: you need an sdcard (eg 8G) instead of using internal storage at the time of this writing

Note 2: depending on your host hardware, the device may either be `/dev/sdX` or `/dev/mmcblkX`

Note 3: it is recommended to remove the eMMC bootloader with `sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk1 bs=1024 count=1024`. You may want to make a backup of this (eg, `sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk1 of=./bbb.emmc bs=1024 count=1024`). See the [[|snappy-devel mailing list for details]].

==== All snaps images (16.04 and higher) ====
===== Generating kvm images (16.04) =====
Currently as of 2016/01/15, you don't generate the images yourself but download them from mvo's directory on (this needs updating once ubuntu-device-flash is updated in the archive for all snaps)
 0. fetch `amd64-all-snap.img.xz` image from
 0. uncompress it: `unxz amd64-all-snap.img.xz`

That's it (see 'Using kvm images' below).

===== Generating beaglebone black images (16.04) =====
Currently as of 2016/01/15, you don't generate the images yourself but download them from mvo's directory on (this needs updating once ubuntu-device-flash is updated in the archive for all snaps).
 0. fetch `<TBD>` image from
 0. uncompress it: `unxz <TBD>-all-snap.img.xz`
 0. flash it: `sudo dd if=<TBD>-all-snap.img of=/dev/sdX bs=32M && sync`

Note: you need an sdcard (eg 8G) instead of using internal storage at the time of this writing

Note 2: depending on your host hardware, the device may either be `/dev/sdX` or `/dev/mmcblkX`

Note 3: it is recommended to remove the eMMC bootloader with `sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk1 bs=1024 count=1024`. You may want to make a backup of this (eg, `sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk1 of=./bbb.emmc bs=1024 count=1024`). See the [[|snappy-devel mailing list for details]].

===== Generating raspberry pi2 images (16.04) =====
Currently as of 2016/01/15, you don't generate the images yourself but download them from mvo's directory on (this needs updating once ubuntu-device-flash is updated in the archive for all snaps).
 0. fetch `rpi2-all-snap.img.xz` image from
 0. uncompress it: `unxz rpi2-all-snap.img.xz`
 0. flash it: `sudo dd if=rpi2-all-snap.img of=/dev/sdX bs=32M && sync`

Note: depending on your host hardware, the device may either be `/dev/sdX` or `/dev/mmcblkX`

==== Using kvm images ====
Start with:{{{
$ kvm -m 512 -redir :8080::80 -redir :8081::8081 -redir :8022::22 -redir :4200::4200 ./15.04-alpha.img
$ ssh -p 8022 ubuntu@localhost

Integrating into uvt:
 * generate as above
 * convert the raw img into a qcow2: `qemu-img convert -f raw ./15.04-edge.img -O qcow2 snappy-1504-edge-amd64.qcow2`
 * `virsh dumpxml` an existing VM for the same release (eg, `virsh dumpxml sec-vivid-amd64 > /tmp/xml`)
 * remove the uuid and the MAC address in /tmp/xml, then adjust the name to what you want (eg, snappy-1504-edge-amd64), then point the disk to your converted qcow2
 * `virsh define /tmp/xml`
 * create a snapshot: `uvt snapshot snappy-1504-edge-amd64`
 * At this point you can use it with uvt like normal. Few things you might want to do (also see 'Image testing tips'):
  * disable auto updates as per above
  * change the hostname using 'snappy config', like with auto updates
  * change the timezone using 'snappy config', like with auto updates
  * copy your ssh key over with ssh-copy-id
  * add to your host's ~/.ssh/config:{{{
Host snappy-1504-edge-amd64
    User ubuntu

==== Image testing tips ====
 * Can disable autopilot (not to be confused with autopilot GUI testing; this is renamed to 'autoupdate' on 16.04):{{{
cat > /tmp/ <<EOM
snappy config ubuntu-core > "/tmp/core_config"
sed -i 's/autopilot: .*$/autopilot: false/' "/tmp/core_config"
sudo snappy config ubuntu-core "/tmp/core_config"
sudo reboot
$ sh /tmp/
 After this you can perform manual updates with `sudo snappy update`.
 * Sideload apps with:{{{
$ sudo snappy install --allow-unauthenticated /path/to/snap

==== Publishing (userspace) ====
In general, Ubuntu Core stable images/OS snaps are released on a cadence and therefore will bundle security updates every few weeks. See [[|Note for cloud images, cloud archive, Ubuntu Core and/or Ubuntu Touch]] for details.

==== Publishing (kernel) ====
In general, Ubuntu Core stable images/kernel snaps are released on a cadence and therefore will bundle security updates every few weeks. See [[|Note for cloud images, cloud archive, Ubuntu Core and/or Ubuntu Touch]] for details.

=== Touch ===
==== Testing ====
The summary here was gleaned from:

You can see all the available images with (there may be additional historical channels in the output, but the below should be what you should use):{{{
$ ubuntu-device-flash query --list-channels --device=mako | grep touch

Typically you'll use these channels for testing security updates:
 * development branch: '''ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed/ubuntu'''
 * stable-phone-overlay (batched updates): '''ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/ubuntu'''
 * stable (emergency updates): '''ubuntu-touch/stable/ubuntu'''

Sideload click apps with:{{{
$ pkcon install-local --allow-untrusted /path/to/click

===== Flashing devices =====
 * devel:{{{
$ ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed/ubuntu # first time, add --bootstrap
 * stable-phone-overlay:{{{
$ ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/ubuntu # first time, add --bootstrap
 * stable:{{{
$ ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=ubuntu-touch/stable/ubuntu # first time, add --bootstrap

===== Generating emulator images =====
First install the necessary packages:{{{
$ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-emulator ubuntu-emulator-runtime

Then create images:
 * devel:{{{
$ sudo ubuntu-emulator create touch.devel --arch=i386 --channel=ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed/ubuntu --password=0000
 * stable-phone-overlay:{{{
$ sudo ubuntu-emulator create touch.rc-proposed --arch=i386 --channel=ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/ubuntu --password=0000
 * stable (NOTE: as of 2016/01/27 stable emulator images are extremely out of date due to [[|Bug #1535583]] and [[|Bug #1517597]]:{{{
$ sudo ubuntu-emulator create touch.stable --arch=i386 --channel=ubuntu-touch/stable/ubuntu --password=0000

A few potentially useful options:
 * --memory=<n> if you want more than 512MB of ram
 * --revision=## to specify a revision
 * specify ubuntu-touch/<stability level>/ubuntu-developer for developer mode

You can run the emulator with:{{{
$ ubuntu-emulator run stable.x86
$ ubuntu-emulator run rc-proposed.x86
$ ubuntu-emulator run --scale=0.75 devel-proposed.x86

Some things to keep in mind:
 * it takes a while for the emulator to come up
 * swiping can be done with the mouse, but you only have a few pixels to work with from the edge to register the swipe
 * you need to do the initial setup of the device, unlock screen and enable developer mode in System Settings/About this phone/Developer mode to be able to connect with adb/phablet-shell
 * the screen needs to be unlocked to connect with adb/phablet-shell
 * the default username is 'ubuntu' with PIN of '0000'

==== Publishing (userspace) ====
In general, Ubuntu Touch images are released on a cadence and therefore will bundle security updates every few weeks. See [[|Note for cloud images, cloud archive, Ubuntu Core and/or Ubuntu Touch]] for details.

Ubuntu Touch images are built using the Ubuntu archive as a base with a PPA overlay for anything additional or updated to have in the image. The current Ubuntu Touch images are built with Ubuntu 15.04 and the `vivid` packages from the [[|stable-phone-overlay]]. Security and SRU update to the Ubuntu archive for the base release will automatically flow into the daily rc-proposed images for the next OTA update if the updated package doesn't exist in the PPA. When the package does exist in the PPA, it will need to be updated using the standard silo process. The basic steps are (TODO: clean this up):
 0. build packages with stable-phone-overlay sources (both vivid (rc-proposed) and wily (devel-proposed))
 0. request silo in the direct upload way (document)
 0. upload to silo, wait for them to finish building
 0. do a 'watchonly' build step
 0. grab the packages and test in the emulator/on a device
 0. note testing performed in comment, edit the ticket to say 'QA requested'
 0. when they signoff, do 'Publish' and sign off on packaging changes

==== Publishing (kernel) ====
In general, Ubuntu Touch images are released on a cadence and therefore will bundle security updates every few weeks. See [[|Note for cloud images, cloud archive, Ubuntu Core and/or Ubuntu Touch]] for details.

Ubuntu Touch kernel images are vendor kernels and not built from the Ubuntu archive. In general, the Ubuntu Security and Kernel teams will track and file bugs for these product kernel and alert the responsible internal Canonical team to update the product kernels. See [[|the UCT documentation]] for more information on working with product kernels.

== Mozilla ==
=== Patching and Building ===
Patching and building is currently the responsibility of the ubuntu-mozillateam, specifically !ChrisCoulson as a backup. Mozilla products have a standing [[|MicroReleaseException]] and so the ubuntu-mozillateam will get official tarballs from upstream, add/update the debian/ directory and push to the [[|ubuntu-mozilla-security]] PPA. The ubuntu-mozillateam will also ask for USN to put in the changelog prior to preparing updates since upstream does not make public security vulnerabilities prior to release. People reading the changelog are then able to see the USN and look up the details online. Once packages are built, you can use the standard Ubuntu Security team's tools for publication (using the `--ppa=ubuntu-mozilla-security` option where appropriate).

The tarballs are built using a script in the packaging branches. To run the script, look in the [[|upstream Mozilla tree]] to find the build tag of interest and then invoke debian/rules accordingly:{{{
$ debian/rules get-orig-source DEBIAN_TAG=FIREFOX_42_0_BUILD2

The packaging branches can be found under the ~mozillateam's Launchpad code page:
 * lp:~mozillateam/firefox/firefox.precise
 * lp:~mozillateam/firefox/firefox.trusty
 * lp:~mozillateam/firefox/firefox.vivid
 * lp:~mozillateam/firefox/firefox.wily
 * lp:~mozillateam/firefox/firefox.xenial

There are corresponding branches for thunderbird.

Once the tarball is created, build the first package:{{{
$ bzr-buildpackage -S -sa

For the remaining packages, use:{{{
$ bzr-buildpackage -S -sd

Upstream Mozilla does not give us access to their security bugs, and we get all of your information from [[|upstream's MFSAs]] (Mozilla Foundation Security Announcements). As such, when the update does not fix a security issue (have an assigned CVE) the developer that uploads packages to the ubuntu-mozilla-security PPA will file a placeholder bug to be used in the changelog. At time of publication, this placeholder bug is filled in with a link to the USN. As such, changelog entries are shorted and typically consist of something like:{{{
firefox (14.0.1+build1-0ubuntu0.12.04.1) precise-security; urgency=low

  * New upstream stable release (FIREFOX_14_0_1_BUILD1)
    - see LP: #1024562 for USN information

Firefox and thunderbird, while they may share some of the same CVEs, will have separate '-1' preallocated USNs.

=== Mozilla Pretesting Schedule ===
Pretesting of Firefox and Thunderbird is performed on the [[|Aurora]] (pre-beta) and [[|Beta]] channels. The schedule below starts on the [[|Mozilla release week]].

|| '''Week''' || '''Day''' || '''Channel''' || '''Release''' || '''Arch''' || '''Notes''' ||
|| 1 || Monday || Release || All || Both || Coordinate with ChrisCoulson to guarantee packages will be ready ||
|| 1 || Tuesday ||||||<:> '''Release Day''' || ||
|| 1 || Friday || Beta || Natty || i386 || ||
|| 2 || Tuesday || Aurora || Lucid || amd64 || ||
|| 2 || Friday || Beta || Oneiric || i386 || ||
|| 3 || Tuesday || Aurora || Oneiric || amd64 || ||
|| 4 || Tuesday || Beta || Natty || amd64 || ||
|| 4 || Friday || Aurora || Precise || i386 || ||
|| 5 || Tuesday || Beta || Precise || amd64 || ||
|| 6 || Tuesday || Beta || Lucid || i386 || ||

The Launchpad PPAs corresponding to the various Mozilla channels are listed below:

|| '''Mozilla Channel''' || '''Ubuntu Source Pkg''' || '''PPA''' ||
|| Release || Firefox || [[|ubuntu-mozilla-security/ppa]] ||
|| Release || Thunderbird || [[|ubuntu-mozilla-security/ppa]] ||
|| Beta || Firefox || [[|mozillateam/firefox-next]] ||
|| Beta || Thunderbird || [[|mozillateam/thunderbird-next]] ||
|| Aurora || Firefox || [[|ubuntu-mozilla-daily/firefox-aurora]] ||
|| Aurora || Thunderbird || [[|ubuntu-mozilla-daily/thunderbird-aurora]] ||

=== Testing mozilla browsers ===
Verify the QRT script for the all affected products passes for both i386 and amd64. This script will test a variety of functions, test pages, SSL, javascript, plugins, etc. Since some packages other than Firefox use XUL or NSS, the following gives information on basic testing procedures when a particular source package is updated. These instructions should provide good enough test coverage for a particular update, but are not intended to provide exhaustive testing procedures. To know which packages to test, look in the ubuntu-mozilla-security PPA at the source packages to be tested, and look up the test procedure in the tables below for that release. Eg: {{{
$ for i in firefox firefox-3.0 firefox-3.5 xulrunner-1.9.2 ; do copy_sppa_to_repos --ppa=ubuntu-mozilla-security $i ; done

It is recommended that your [[|testing environment use the security team's vm-tools]]. Assuming your testing environment is properly setup, firefox testing with should not take more than 30 minutes per arch/release (eg, 4 hours total for 4 stable releases on both amd64 and i386, typically less).

==== Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and higher ====
|| '''Updated Source Package''' || '''Additional Affected Binaries''' || '''Testing procedure''' ||
|| firefox || N/A || `sudo aa-enforce /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.firefox`^1^ `&& $QRT/scripts/ -v`^2^ ||
|| thunderbird || N/A || see `$QRT/notes_testing/nss/README` and `$QRT/notes_testing/thunderbird` for email, then also test addressbook and feed reader ||

 0. be sure there are no new !AppArmor denials after running the script
 0. this will test java, flash, totem, etc so those applications don't have to be tested separately, but be sure to test both icedtea6-plugin and sun-java6-plugin. Can test the java plugin alone with `$QRT/scripts/ -v -t java`

==== Notes on ====
The script is an interactive script that guides the tester through a number of actions that when completed should demonstrate that the browser is functional for the most important use cases. Unlike other QRT, it has a certain 'feel' to it, and if you have not used it before you should run the tests against the current version of the browser in the archive, then compare that to a test run against the version to be in the security update. Some things to keep in mind:
 * it is useful to start libreoffice before running, so that the office documents tests don't have to start libreoffice from scratch each time
 * use 'Ctrl+w' to close Firefox and Gnome applications. Use 'Ctrl+q' to close !LibreOffice
 * the classpath java test should show an animated image in the upper left, and may need a page reload to trigger it
 * the clocks java test rarely shows all the clocks correctly. Just make sure some of them load
 * may not be able to use 'Ctrl+w' to close the browser during the java tests
 * the 'plugins' tests (eg, for mp3, ogg, ogv, mpeg, etc) may require a page reload. A crash in the flash plugin when visiting youtube is rare, but possible. If this happens you should do a page reload and try various other videos to make sure it isn't a problem)
 * about:cache?device=memory works sporadically in gecko browsers
 * 10.10 and higher uses Software Center for apt urls, but the firefox AppArmor profile blocks launching of Software Center
 * 12.04 and higher does not display embedded ogv files ([[|LP: #1043314]])

=== Testing mozilla thunderbird ===
There is not a QRT script for thunderbird at this point, however there are notes in QRT for how to test thunderbird. Specifically:
 * QRT/README.multipurpose-vm: documentation on how to set up an Ubuntu multi-purpose server VM (hardy) for testing various client applications, such as thunderbird
  * contains setup information for a mail server for testing:
   * POP3, POP3s, POP3/TLS (dovecot)
   * IMAP, IMAPS, IMAP/TLS (dovecot)
  * contains setup for SSL CA and how to use it with dovecot and postfix
 * QRT/notes_testing/thunderbird/README: list of things to do to test thunderbird. Eg:
  * importing a CA (and related functions)
  * various email functionality
  * various addressbook functionality
  * thunderbird folder views
  * news and blogs (RSS) reader
  * test upgrades and migrations
  * etc
 * QRT/notes_testing/nss/README: some additional notes on testing NSS wrt thunderbird, et al. Mostly supplemental information but can provide additional ideas for testing

It is recommended that your [[|testing environment use the security team's vm-tools]]. Assuming your testing environment is properly setup, thunderbird testing should not take more than 60 minutes per arch/release (Eg, 8 hours total for 4 stable releases on both amd64 and i386, typically less).

=== Mozilla Regressions ===
If during testing you find a regression in a Mozilla product, follow this procedure to alert the Ubuntu Desktop team:
 * Immediately file a good bug in LP with as much info as possible including exact steps to reproduce and the testing environment. Also include any additional information that might help like if you plan to investigate more fully (when and how), if you are going offline and when you'll be back (for emergency bugs), etc
 * If the bug will block publication to our stable releases:
  * assign canonical-desktop to the bug
  * subscribe ubuntu-security
  * ping Chad Miller (chad) on IRC with the bug number to investigate. If he is not available, send Chad an email (CCing seb128 and security@) and ping Chad on IRC when he comes back online
 * If the bug isn't serious enough to block publication to Ubuntu, simply ping Chad on IRC with the bug number

=== Mozilla Publishing ===
The publication procedure is essentially the same as for regular security updates except:
 * Find the placeholder bug number, if one was created, used in the changelog and update the bug.
  * Update the title to include the source package name and upstream version. An example is 'Stable update to Firefox 14.0.1'.
  * Create tasks for each stable release that will be updated
  * Mark any plugins that will be released as affected. For example, if lightning-extension and enigmail are going to be updated alongside Thunderbird, the Thunderbird placeholder bug would need to be opened against thunderbird, lightning-extension and enigmail.
 * The packages live in the ubuntu-mozilla-security PPA. When calling `sis-changes` or ``, you must use `--ppa=ubuntu-mozilla-security`. Eg:{{{
$ export SRCPKG="firefox-3.0 firefox-3.5 firefox xulrunner-1.9.2"
$ $UCT/scripts/sis-changes --action check-build --ppa=ubuntu-mozilla-security $SRCPKG
WARN: sparc missing for hardy (Failed to build) (firefox-3.0)
BONUS: ia64 found for hardy (firefox-3.0)
OK: hardy (firefox-3.0)
WARN: sparc missing for karmic (Failed to build) (firefox-3.5)
BONUS: ia64 found for karmic (firefox-3.5)
OK: karmic (firefox-3.5)
BONUS: ia64 found for lucid (firefox)
OK: lucid maverick (firefox)
WARN: sparc missing for hardy (Failed to build) (xulrunner-1.9.2)
WARN: hppa missing for hardy (Failed to build) (xulrunner-1.9.2)
BONUS: ia64 found for hardy (xulrunner-1.9.2)
BONUS: ia64 found for karmic (xulrunner-1.9.2)
BONUS: ia64 found for lucid (xulrunner-1.9.2)
OK: hardy karmic lucid maverick (xulrunner-1.9.2)
 Unembargoing is similar, (with an up to date bzr tree as of 2012-08-30):{{{
$ $UQT/security-tools/unembargo --ppa=ubuntu-mozilla-security $SRCPKG
Loading Ubuntu Distribution ...
Loading Ubuntu Archive ...
Loading ubuntu-mozilla-security 'ppa' PPA ...
Locating firefox-3.0 ...
 Publishing firefox-3.0 3.6.14+build3+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 to ubuntu/primary hardy (Security)...
Loading Ubuntu Distribution ...
Loading Ubuntu Archive ...
Loading ubuntu-mozilla-security 'ppa' PPA ...
Locating firefox-3.5 ...
 Publishing firefox-3.5 3.6.14+build3+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.10.1 to ubuntu/primary karmic (Security)...
Loading Ubuntu Distribution ...
Loading Ubuntu Archive ...
Loading ubuntu-mozilla-security 'ppa' PPA ...
Locating firefox ...
 Publishing firefox 3.6.14+build3+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 to ubuntu/primary lucid (Security)...
 Publishing firefox 3.6.14+build3+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.10.1 to ubuntu/primary maverick (Security)...
Loading Ubuntu Distribution ...
Loading Ubuntu Archive ...
Loading ubuntu-mozilla-security 'ppa' PPA ...
Locating xulrunner-1.9.2 ...
 Publishing xulrunner-1.9.2 to ubuntu/primary hardy (Security)...
 Publishing xulrunner-1.9.2 to ubuntu/primary lucid (Security)...
 Publishing xulrunner-1.9.2 to ubuntu/primary maverick (Security)...
 Publishing xulrunner-1.9.2 to ubuntu/primary karmic (Security)...
 * USN publication follows the [[|standard procedures]], with these exceptions:
  * we may not release until [[|upstream does]]
  * `````` template will not have any CVE references by default. Please refer to the MFSAs for CVE allocations, using '--cve CVE-YYYY-NNNN' in for the CVEs that affect Ubuntu
  * list the placeholder bug link, if one was created, in the references section of using '--cve'
  * since upstream gives little details, it is ok to group like CVEs together in one paragraph in the USN text. Eg: {{{
Jesse Ruderman, Andreas Gal, Nils, Brian Hackett, and Igor Bukanov
discovered several memory issues in the browser engine. An attacker
could exploit these to crash the browser or possibly run arbitrary
code as the user invoking the program. (CVE-2010-3776, CVE-2010-3777,
  * after publication, add the new CVEs to UCT with ```scripts/active_edit```
  * update the placeholder bug's description with a link to the USN. For example, 'USN information:'

== Chromium Browser ==
Can check for new chromium releases here:

=== Upload and Publication ===
chromium packages are currently supported by Chad Miller (chad). These packages are large, so sponsoring should be:
 0. On your local machine, get the new sources with: ```wget .../``` (don't forget the trailing '/'!)
 0. On your local machine, compare the new sources with the the last published sources and verify the new packages follow [[|MicroReleaseExceptions]]
 0. Once the packages are verified as ok, copy them to the ```~/sign``` directory on chinstrap (you can ```wget --mirror -np``` these from chinstrap)
 0. Verify and sign the packages from you local machine (may require setup, [[|see below]]):{{{
$ $UST/package-tools/u-verify-chinstrap # verify the signatures in ~/sign
$ $UST/package-tools/u-sign-chinstrap # sign the packages in ~/sign
$ $UST/package-tools/u-verify-chinstrap # reverify the signatures in ~/sign
 0. dput from chinstrap (may require setup, [[|see below]]):{{{
$ dput security-proposed-lucid chromium-browser_*.10.04.1_source.changes
$ dput security-proposed-maverick chromium-browser_*.10.10.1_source.changes

Rather than uploading directly to the security PPA, we instead basically use the Ubuntu Security team's [[|sponsored upload procedures]]:
 * Build in ```ubuntu-security-proposed```
 * Once done building, pocket copy them to ```-proposed``` and update the bug in Launchpad
 * Verify the packages in ```-proposed``` using (at least) ```lp:qa-regression-testing/scripts/``` and document it in the bug
 * Pocket copy from ```-proposed``` to both ```-security``` and ```-updates```. Unlike other packages in ```-proposed```, these do not have to wait 7 days to be pocket copied (because it has an MRE), but part of the condition of the MRE is that the testing must be documented in a bug.

=== Testing ===
As mentioned above, use ```lp:qa-regression-testing/scripts/``` and document the results in the bug. For best results:
 * Setup a VM or new user for the testing
 * Launch chromium and choose your search provider
 * Close then launch chromium again and choose whether to make chromium the default browser or not
 * Start the QRT scripts with:{{{
$ ./ -v -E -e chromium-browser
 * Refer to the 'Notes on' under mozilla browser testing, and keep in mind:
  * the java clock plugin only show 4 clocks, not 8 like in gecko, and the 4 clocks may not always display right with openjdk
  * the java reload tests don't always display correctly after reload with sun-java6
  * the java dithering test page may not display correctly with openjdk (or may take a long time to load)
  * ogg audio files don't advance the playback until mouseover (LP: #732976)
  * you cannot import a crt system wide (test certificates)
  * you cannot permanently allow a self-signed cert-- it can only be allowed for the session (test certificate by IP)

'''IMPORTANT''': be sure to ask #webapps to test the new packages before publication for 12.10 and later

== Konqueror browser ==
=== Testing ===
Use ```lp:qa-regression-testing/scripts/```. For best results:
 * Setup a VM or new user for the testing
 * run ```sudo apt-get install konqueror kmplayer mplayer``` and install any other items from QRT-Depends in
 * Launch, then close konqueror (so kdeinit4 is running)
 * Start the QRT scripts with:{{{
$ ./ -v -e konqueror
 * Refer to the 'NOTE' under mozilla browser testing, and keep in mind:
  * rtf is opened in the browser, not in
  * images, graphics and colors look wrong (could fix in KDE control center most likely)
  * Due to, you cannot import a crt system wide
  * kmplayer may not be embedded in konqueror in the multimedia tests
  * 401 test on Ubuntu 9.10 never displays a page on 'Cancel' or entering an invalid credential
  * java is temperamental:
   * if shows not enabled in the tests, go to Settings/Configure Konqueror/Web browsing/Java, then uncheck and recheck 'Enable java globally'
   * java reloads don't work very well
   * the java clocks don't display
   * you have to click the guy with a trident in the upper left for him to move (and thus proving java works on the site)

== Rekonq browser ==
=== Testing ===
Use ```lp:qa-regression-testing/scripts/```. For best results:
 * Setup a VM or new user for the testing
 * run ```sudo apt-get install rekonq kmplayer mplayer``` and install any other items from QRT-Depends in
 * Launch, then close rekonq (so kdeinit4 is running)
 * Start the QRT scripts with:{{{
$ ./ -v -e rekonq
 * Refer to the 'NOTE' under mozilla browser testing, and keep in mind:
  * rtf is opened in the browser, not in
  * images, graphics and colors look wrong in Ubuntu 10.10 and ealier (could fix in KDE control center most likely)
  * Due to, you cannot import a crt system wide
  * kmplayer may not be embedded in konqueror in the multimedia tests
  * java is temperamental. For now, just the first java test page is tested
  * tar file doesn't open (skipped in script)
  * multimedia files don't work well with file:// (skipped in script)
  * on Ubuntu 11.04, the first start of rekonq will have errors.
  * on Ubuntu 10.10, rekonq fails to start due to segv

== OpenJDK ==

=== Package Preparation ===
The typical approach for OpenJDK updates is:
 * Ubuntu Foundations team prepares updates for openjdk-* for Debian
 * Ubuntu Foundations syncs/merges the package from Debian into the Ubuntu development release
 * Ubuntu Foundations pings the Ubuntu Security team if they are unable to prepare backported packages for stable releases
 * If needed, Ubuntu Security creates backports for stable releases
 * Ubuntu Security uploads/sponsors the stable release packages to one of the security PPAs
 * Ubuntu Security verifies testsuite results between the new packages and what is currently in the archive
 * Ubuntu Security smoketests the new packages
 * If everything looks ok, Ubuntu Security publishes the USN

The points of contact on Ubuntu Foundations are(as of 2015/01/27) doko (falling back to slangasek).

==== Package backports to stable releases ====
If have the package from the development release or Debian, you will need to update the debian/control file. This file is regenerated by using debian/rules within an i386 schroot with full build-depends installed. For example, for openjdk-7 (substitute 'openjdk-6' when preparing packages for it):{{{
$ dpkg-source -x ./openjdk-7*.dsc # unpack the new package
$ cd ./openjdk-7*/
$ dch -i # adjust for stable release as appropriate
$ schroot -c <release>-i386 -u root
(<release>-i386)# apt-get install lsb-release
(<release>-i386)# apt-get build-dep openjdk-7
(<release>-i386)# su <your username>
(<release>-i386)$ touch debian/rules && debian/rules debian/control
debian/control did change, please restart the build
make: *** [debian/control] Error 1
(<release>-i386)$ exit
(<release>-i386)# exit

Then proceed to build the package as usual. Things to watch out for:
 * Different patches are used for different releases. By sure to check that 'fakeroot debian/rules patch && cd build && make patch' works in the schroot for this release before building to catch problems before building (tip: do this in a different directory than your pristine source otherwise autoconf files will be needlessly updated in your debdiff)
 * If there are missing dependencies, adjust debian/rules as necessary for this release and forward the changes to doko

'''IMPORTANT''': be sure to verify the following:
 * the testsuite is enabled in the build. Look in `debian/rules` and make sure '`with_check = disabled for this build`' is commented out

The following are listed for historical reference in case something gets dropped and to see how to deal with various issues. They should no longer be needed as of 2015/01/27:
 * [[|precise has needed --disable-system-lcms]]
 * (openjdk-7 only) for stable releases that have icedtea-web < 1.4-2 (as of 2013-07-17, Ubuntu 13.04 and lower), be sure to adjust the Breaks line in `debian/control` and `debian/` on icedtea-netx to use the updated versions found in [[|USN-1907-2]]. Specifically:
  * 12.04 should use: `Breaks: icedtea-netx (<< 1.2.3-0ubuntu0.12.04.3)`
  * 12.10 should use: `Breaks: icedtea-netx (<< 1.3.2-1ubuntu0.12.10.2)`
  * 13.04 should use: `Breaks: icedtea-netx (<< 1.3.2-1ubuntu1.1)`
 * (openjdk-7 precise only). Be sure this change is applied: `Fix quoting of configure args for the zero build`. Apply patch from [[|7u55-2.4.7-1ubuntu1~]] to debian/patches/it-aarch64-zero-default.diff

==== Patch backports to stable releases ====
While using new upstream releases with package backports is preferred, sometimes backporting an isolated patch is needed.

===== OpenJDK 6 =====
Upstream Vcs can be found here:
 * (trunk)
 * (!RedHat)
 * (Ubuntu)

[[|USN-2033-1]] cherrypicked patches from trunk and 1.11 because the 1.12 branch wasn't updated yet. Due to how !IcedTea patches work, the patches could not be applied as simple distribution patches. Following upstream patching, the Makefile.* files must be modified before running the !IcedTea configure step. As such, [[|USN-2033-1]] adjusted debian/rules to apply debian/patches/ubuntu-security-NNNN-* before running configure:
 * added ubuntu-security and stamps/ubuntu-security-stamp targets to apply patches in debian/patches/ubuntu-security-*
 * had stamps/icedtea-configure depend on stamps/ubuntu-security-stamp
 * adjusted debian-clean to unapply ubuntu-security patches

As such, future updates can follow this procedure. On the latest stable release (or devel release):{{{
$ debian/rules ubuntu-security # applies all the ubuntu-security-* patches
$ cd .. ; cp -a openjdk-6-6b27-1.12.6 openjdk-6-6b27-1.12.6.orig
<apply patches>
$ diff -Naurp openjdk-6-6b27-1.12.6.orig openjdk-6-6b27-1.12.6 > /tmp/ubuntu-security-NNNN-....patch
$ rm -rf openjdk-6-6b27-1.12.6
$ cp -a openjdk-6-6b27-1.12.6.orig openjdk-6-6b27-1.12.6
$ cp /tmp/ubuntu-security-NNNN-....patch debian/patches
$ fakeroot debian/rules patch && cd build && make patch # if this works, add to package and try to build it

The above may fail and you might have to adjust the following as needed:
 * atk-wrapper-security.patch (all releases)
 * java-access-bridge-security.patch (lucid)

If changes (which it most certainly will), need to run autotools to update icedtea 1.13 needs automake 1.14, but this only exists in trusty and later, so on that release, use 'fakeroot debian/rules patch && cd build && make patch', then create a patch to update

==== New package generation ====
The Foundations team normally handles generating new upstream versions so this isn't normally needed (and may be out of date).

For openjdk updates, generally we take the icedtea tarballs that [[ | Andrew Hughes]] produces. These will also be announced to the [[ | openjdk distro-pkg-dev list]]. To incorporate them, do the following:
 * grab the 1.8.x (for armel), 1.11.x (most arches, lucid and newer) release tarballs
 * use the script {{{debian/}}} to generate the openjdk .orig tarball:
  * copy and unpack ({{{dpkg-source -x}}}) the current version of the source package you're going to update in a temporary directory
  * unpack ({{{tar xvpf icedtea-1.x.x.tar.gz}}}) the appropriate icedtea tarball into the same temporary working directory; i.e. not into the unpacked source directory below.
  * OpenJDK 6
   * cd into the unpacked source dir and adjust the versions and paths in the {{{debian/}}} script to point to the right places:
    * {{{version=}}} should be adjusted to refer to the new icedtea version (e.g. {{{version=6b20-1.9.8}}})
    * {{{hotspot=}}} and {{{cacaotb=}}} may need to be adjusted to refer to the existing tarballs (e.g. {{{hotspot=hotspot-hs19.tar.gz}}})
    * point {{{icedtea_checkout=}}} to the unpacked update directory (e.g. {{{icedtea_checkout=../icedtea6-1.9.8}}})
    * {{{debian_checkout=}}} should point to the {{{debian/}}} directory.
    * ensure that the bits to {{{cp -p $hotspot $pkgdir.orig/}}} and {{{cp -p $cacaotb $pkgdir.orig/}}} are enabled (i.e. not commented out)
    * for the armel packages (i.e. the 1.8.x version), ensure that {{{base=openjdk-6b18}}} is set
   * run the script: {{{sh debian/}}}; this creates two directories, one with and one without the copied in debian/ directory
  * OpenJDK 7
   * adjust the versions and paths in {{{openjdk-7*/debian/}}} script to point to the right places:
    * {{{tarballdir=}}} should be adjust to refer to the new OpenJDK version. Eg '7u9'. This version should be announced with the upstream IcedTea release
    * {{{version=}}} should be adjusted to refer to the new OpenJDK and icedtea version (e.g. {{{version=7u9-2.3.4}}})
    * {{{jamvmtb=}}} and {{{cacaotb=}}} may need to be adjusted to refer to the existing tarballs (e.g. {{{jamvmtb=jamvm-0972452d441544f7dd29c55d64f1ce3a5db90d82.tar.gz}}})
    * point {{{icedtea_checkout=}}} to the unpacked update directory (e.g. {{{icedtea_checkout=icedtea-2.3.4}}})
    * {{{debian_checkout=}}} should point to {{{openjdk7}}} directory and copy the current unpacked source debian/ to {{{openjdk7}}}. Eg:{{{
$ cp -a openjdk-7-7u9-2.3.3/debian openjdk7
    * create and populate the {{{tarballdir}}}. This is mostly what is in debian/README.source, but with a few changes since it is incomplete. Eg, if tarballdir=7u9:{{{
$ export BUILD=7u9
$ mkdir -p $BUILD/
$ tar -zxvpf icedtea-2.3.4.tar.gz
$ cd icedtea-2.3.4
$ ./configure --enable-jamvm
$ make download # this downloads all the tarballs
$ mv ./hotspot.tar.gz ./hotspot-default.tar.gz
$ cp ./*tar.gz ../$BUILD
$ ./configure --enable-jamvm --enable-zero
$ make download # this overwrites hotspot.tar.gz with zero's, which is why this is two steps
$ cp ./hotspot.tar.gz ./hotspot-zero.tar.gz
$ cp ./hotspot-zero.tar.gz ../$BUILD
$ cd ..
$ bash openjdk7/ $BUILD/jdk.tar.gz # create jdk-dfsg.tar.gz
$ bash openjdk7/ $BUILD/langtools.tar.gz # create langtools-dfsg.tar.gz
    '''NOTE''': {{{make download}}} will handle finding the tarballs for you, but the upstream tarballs can be found at The openjdk.tar.gz tarball is renamed from icedtea7-forest-2.3-hgrev.tar.gz.
   * run the script in the parent directory of the current unpacked source: {{{chmod 755 openjdk7/ && sh ./openjdk7/}}}; this creates two directories, one with and one without the copied in debian/ directory. The one with the debian/ directory has its sha256sums updated for jdk-dfsg.tar.gz and langtools-dfsg.tar.gz (using, then it will apply debian/patches/icedtea-patch.diff, run and remove autom4te.cache. See {{{}}} for details
 * create a new orig.tar.gz: {{{tar cvpzf ../openjdk-6_6b20-1.9.8.orig.tar.gz openjdk-6-6b20-1.9.8.orig}}}. If you only want the orig.tar.gz and don't plan to use the changes in the debian/ directory, can instead purge the fake unpacked package and rename the the .orig directory in place; e.g. {{{rm -rf openjdk-6-6b20-1.9.8 && mv openjdk-6-6b20-1.9.8.orig/ openjdk-6-6b20-1.9.8}}} then generate the the orig tarball; e.g. {{{tar cvpzf ../openjdk-6_6b20-1.9.8.orig.tar.gz openjdk-6-6b20-1.9.8}}}
 * due to the way patching happens in the openjdk packages, the packages have local changes (e.g. changes outside of the debian/ directory). You'll need to pull those forward as well.

=== Building ===

If you receive a orig.tar.gz from the Foundations team for you to apply to a security update (as opposed to a full source package), be sure that you run debian/, apply debian/patches/icedtea-patch.diff, run {{{sh}}} then {{{rm -rf autom4te.cache}}} before building. Check debian/ to make sure you've done everythng required before building.

When building openjdk locally with UMT, depending on your build system's hardware configuration, you'll likely need to pass {{{-C pkgbuild_ulimit_v="5242880"}}} to {{{umt build}}}.

'''IMPORTANT''': for some reason armel builds on lucid and oneiric sometimes will FTBFS with random segmentation faults (search for 'Segmentation' in the build log). If this happens, retry the build. Some armel builders don't seem to be able to handle openjdk well.

=== Testing ===
Review [[|QRT/notes_testing/openjdk-6/README]] (it contains information on both openjdk-6 and openjdk-7). Basically, use {{{ --jdk=openjdk-[67] -v}}} from QRT as well as [[|QRT/notes_testing/openjdk-6/]]. `` will test eclipse and netbeans as well as the web plugin on firefox and chromium-browser. `` helps compare test suite runs in LP build logs. Running tests from the testsuite is documented in [[|QRT/build_testing/openjdk/README.txt]].

If find issues, use the [[|upstream bug tracker]].

=== Distro Patching ===
To patch openjdk, add patches to debian/patches, adjust the file paths in the patch, then add the patch to debian/rules. !IcedTea has a couple of different targets:
 * `DISTRIBUTION_PATCHES`: these are applied first and affect both the bootstrap (ecj) build and normal build
 * `DISTRIBUTION_ECJ_PATCHES`: these are applied after `DISTRIBUTION_PATCHES` and only affect the bootstrap (ecj) build
 * `PRECONFIGURE_DEBIAN_PATCHES`: this is not an official !IcedTea target and is used only within debian/rules. This was added to support patching things such as autoconf files (see 6b30-1.13.1-1ubuntu2 for details).

== Update Manager ==

Update Manager updates have some special post-publication steps that need to get done by an Archive Admin. See [[ | special instructions here.]]

== Secure Boot ==

Please see the special [[|instructions for performing and testing Secure Boot key databases]].

== Partner ==
After uploading to partner, an [[|archive admin must process the upload]].

== Sponsoring on ==
Sometimes developers or teams will provide packages on ``````. When these source packages are large, the packages can be remotely signed and uploaded from private-fileshare (you do not need nor should have your ~/.gnupg on private-fileshare!). The basic process is:
 0. If it doesn't already exist, create the ```~/sign``` directory on private-fileshare with:{{{
$ test -d ~/sign/ || mkdir -m 0750 ~/sign/
$ chgrp ubuntu_security ~/sign/
 0. Copy the packages to sponsor into the ```~/sign``` directory
 0. On local system (may require setup, see below), verify and sign the packages in ~/sign on private-fileshare:
$ $UST/package-tools/u-verify-private-fileshare # verify the signatures in ~/sign
$ $UST/package-tools/u-sign-private-fileshare # sign the packages in ~/sign
$ $UST/package-tools/u-verify-private-fileshare # reverify the signatures in ~/sign
 0. dput the packages from private-fileshare (may require setup, see below)

=== Setup ===
 * In order to upload packages from private-fileshare, you need to either use '--unchecked' with ```dput``` or import your signing key into your keyring on private-fileshare. Since you do not want your actual keys there, we can create a keyring specifically for private-fileshare. On your local machine:
$ mkdir -m 700 ~/gnupg.private-fileshare
$ gpg --keyserver --homedir=~/gnupg.private-fileshare --recv-keys 0x<your key>
$ scp -pr ~/gnupg.private-fileshare/<your username on private-fileshare>/.gnupg
 On private-fileshare, be sure to check ~/.gnupg so that you have imported the key and that you didn't accidentally copy over the wrong files:
$ gpg --list-keys
$ test ! -s ~/.gnupg/secring.gpg || echo 'WARNING!!! secring.gpg is not empty'
 * Depending on how your ssh_config is setup on your local machine, ```u-sign-private-fileshare``` and ```u-verify-private-fileshare``` may not work immediately. However, you can create these symlinks and it should work ok:
$ ln -s $UST/package-tools/u-sign-private-fileshare ~/bin/
$ ln -s $UST/package-tools/u-verify-private-fileshare ~/bin/
 Now instead of using ```$UST/package-tools/u-sign-private-fileshare```, just use ```~/bin/```
 * On private-fileshare, setup your ~/ file as in SecurityTeam/UpdateProcedures. Eg:
fqdn =
incoming = ~ubuntu-security/ppa/ubuntu/trusty
login = anonymous

fqdn =
incoming = ~ubuntu-security/ppa/ubuntu/precise
login = anonymous

fqdn =
incoming = ~ubuntu-security/ppa/ubuntu/lucid
login = anonymous

This page describes the publication process for packages when it deviates from SecurityTeam/UpdateProcedures.

Kernel (regular)

Security updates are now a part of the regular kernel cadence. As such, the tracking and publication differs from other updates, and is detailed in SecurityTeam/UpdatePublication/Kernel.

Kernel (emergency)

Generally speaking, the kernel follows a different procedure for publication and tracking, which is detailed in SecurityTeam/UpdatePublication/Kernel. In case of an emergency update done outside of this process, the procedures below can be used.


Patching and testing the kernel is primarily the responsibility of the Ubuntu Kernel team who follow KernelTeam/KernelMaintenance. Tracking kernel CVEs, building patched kernels and publishing those kernels is the responsibility of the Ubuntu Security team. As such, the Ubuntu Security team should:

  • Enter kernel CVEs into the Ubuntu CVE Tracker
  • Forward this information to the kernel team
  • Coordinate the timing of kernel security updates (usually monthly, unless a high priority CVE warrants an earlier date)
  • Coordinate the Ubuntu Kernel team's work with other vendors as appropriate


Once the kernel team is satisfied with their patching and testing, they will provide packages on, currently in chinstrap:~smb/security/srcpkg. Since the kernels can be large, the packages should be remotely signed and uploaded from chinstrap (see below). To verify, sign and upload:

  1. On chinstrap, copy the kernel team's packages to ~/sign:
    $ cd ~smb/security/srcpkg/ # requires you are in the 'kernel_devs' group
    $ test -d ~/sign/ || mkdir -m 0750 ~/sign/ ; chgrp ubuntu_security ~/sign/
    $ cp * ~/sign/
  2. On local system (may require setup, see below), verify and sign the packages in ~/sign on chinstrap:

    $ $UST/package-tools/u-verify-chinstrap      # verify the signatures in ~/sign
    $ $UST/package-tools/u-sign-chinstrap        # sign the packages in ~/sign
    $ $UST/package-tools/u-verify-chinstrap      # reverify the signatures in ~/sign
  3. If needed, on chinstrap setup the kern-up symlink:

    $ test -e ~/bin/kern-up || ln -s /home/jamie/bin/kern-up ~/bin/kern-up
  4. On chinstrap, perform a test upload with kern-up. Eg:

    $ cd ~/sign
    $ ~/bin/kern-up # | sed 's/ security\-/ security-proposed-/' # for proposed ppa
    dput security-dapper linux-source-2.6.15_2.6.15-55.87_source.changes
    dput security-hardy linux_2.6.24-28.75_source.changes
    dput security-jaunty linux_2.6.28-19.64_source.changes
    dput security-karmic linux_2.6.31-22.63_source.changes
    dput security-karmic linux-mvl-dove_2.6.31-214.30_source.changes
    dput security-karmic linux-ec2_2.6.31-307.17_source.changes
    dput security-lucid linux_2.6.32-24.41_source.changes
    dput security-lucid linux-mvl-dove_2.6.32-208.24_source.changes
    dput security-lucid linux-meta-mvl-dove_2.
    dput security-lucid linux-ec2_2.6.32-308.15_source.changes
    dput security-lucid linux-ti-omap_2.6.33-502.10_source.changes
    dput security-lucid linux-fsl-imx51_2.6.31-608.19_source.changes

    Compare the output of kern-up with Kernel/Dev/ABIPackages. Ignore the netbook kernels cause they are outside the archive. Also, linux-qcm-msm/lucid is abandoned. If there is an ABI bump, then the ABI meta source package is also listed, otherwise it is not. Every "topic branch" (i.e. source package and referred to as 'git branch' in Kernel/Dev/ABIPackages) has up to two "meta" packages that define ABI, but normally there is just one. Sometimes there is an additional "ports" meta for the non-supported archs. Kernel/Dev/ABIPackages will always have the most up to date information, so consult it with each update (kern-up may need to be adjusted if the kernel team makes changes).

  5. Compare the ABIs of the packages output by kern-up with the archive. If there is an ABI bump and the meta package is missing, contact the kernel team.

  6. On chinstrap, upload the kernels (see the 'Setup' section below if publishing for the first time):
    • If non-ABI bump, do ~/bin/kern-up --real

    • If ABI bump:
      1. Take the output of ~/bin/kern-up and run the individual dput commands for each kernel and meta package, being careful to not upload any ABI-tracking packages at this time

      2. Wait for the kernels to build on all architectures
      3. After the kernels are finished building, for each of the remaining ABI-tracking packages (as seen in the output of ~/bin/kern-up), run the dput commands for that package

    • If destined for the ubuntu-security-proposed PPA, take the output of ~/bin/kern-up from above (after uncommenting the pipe to sed) and run the individual dput commands

  7. On chinstrap, verify all the packages were uploaded by comparing the number of .source.changes files with the number of .upload files in the ~/sign directory:
    $ ls -1 ~sign/*_source.changes | wc -l
    $ ls -1 ~sign/*.upload | wc -l

Testing the kernel

Most testing is performed by the kernel team. The Ubuntu Security should at a minimum do the following:

  • Using copy_sppa_to_repos from UST, copy the kernels to your local repository. Please see the instructions at the top of copy_sppa_to_repos for different kernels, ABI-tracking packages and meta-packages.

  • Using the meta packages, perform upgrade testing for all affected releases for both i386 and amd64. This can be done by ensuring linux-image-generic (linux-image-amd64-generic or linux-image-386 for Dapper) is installed, then performing an apt-get dist-upgrade to pull in the packages from your local repository.

  • After upgrading, verify the following:
    $ uname -a
    $ cat /proc/version_signature    # for non-Dapper
  • Verify the QRT test scripts for the kernel pass for both i386 and amd64. Run all $QRT/scripts/test-kernel*py scripts except (as a convenience, $QRT/notes_testing/kernel/ can be used to automate these first 3 steps)

  • Log into an Ubuntu desktop with the new kernel, and verify the basic desktop works (mouse, keyboard, display, networking and creating/editing a file)

If there are reproducers or test cases, try to forward them to the kernel team (or better yet, integrate them into QRT before they do their testing). Private reproducers will need to be tested by the Ubuntu Security team. When possible, include a regression test for the patched functionality along with the test to see if the bug is fixed (ie, "Did this fix the bug? Did this introduce a regression?"). It is probably a good idea to adjust test_updated_modules() in $QRT/scripts/ for any modules that have been updated (this will perform a modinfo, modprobe and rmmod on the module).

Finally, using virtualization for testing is fine most of the time, but if the patch is for a problem with real hardware, every effort should be made to test the patch on that hardware.


In general, publication is the same as with other security updates. Keep in mind the following:

  • Unembargo all non-meta packages at the same time, then after they are mirrored to, upload the meta packages. This will ensure that people don't get a meta package that depends on a kernel that doesn't exist.
  • While not required, you can use the tool from UCT. This is helpful since kernel updates typically have many CVEs to describe in the USN. You give it the CVE list that is in and it will output example text that you can paste into and edit. Eg:

    $ cd $UCT
    $ $UCT/scripts/ --cve CVE-... --cve CVE-...
  • The title for the USN should be 'Linux kernel vulnerabilities'
  • The summary for the USN should be something like 'linux, linux-{ec2,fsl-imx51,mvl-dove,source-2.6.15,ti-omap} vulnerabilities'
  • In the minimum binaries section of the USN, use linux-image*, omitting debug and dbgsym packages

ABI bump for -security and -updates pockets

When a kernel is being built for -security that will introduce an ABI bump for both -security and -updates, the following items must be built in order:

  • Build the ABI-bumping kernel in the security PPA.
  • Build all ABI-tracked packages in the security PPA.

  • Build the related kernel meta package in the security PPA.

When publishing, publish the kernel and ABI-tracked packages first, just to avoid any glitches where the meta package would get successfully published but something would block the kernel packages. Once the kernel package publications are verified in the archive, the meta package can be safely published.

Once the kernel is published in -security, it can be pocket-copied normally to -updates.

ABI bump for -security pocket only

When a -proposed kernel has an ABI bump and makes it into -updates, then the next security update kernel will be an ABI bump for -security only users (since security fixes pull from -updates). Since this is an ABI bump for -security only users, the ABI meta source packages and ABI-tracking source packages must be copied from -updates to -security after all of the -security kernels are mirrored. Look at Kernel/Dev/ABIPackages for the list of packages to copy over. For example, if we have a security update for the 'master' kernel (ie, not arm, not backports, etc) and lucid-security currently has 2.6.32-25.45, lucid-updates has 2.6.32-26.47 and the pending lucid-security update has 2.6.32-26.48, then:

  • Unembargo the pending lucid-security kernel as normal
  • Wait for it to be fully mirrored to
  • Review Kernel/Dev/ABIPackages. In this example, the affected ABI meta and meta-tracking packages for the 'master' kernel are linux-meta, linux-ports-meta and linux-backports-modules-2.6.32.

  • Have an archive admin copy the packages from -updates. In this example:

    $ -vbs lucid-updates --to-suite=lucid-security linux-meta
    $ -vbs lucid-updates --to-suite=lucid-security linux-ports-meta
    $ -vbs lucid-updates --to-suite=lucid-security linux-backports-modules-2.6.32

Image-based updates

Ubuntu Touch, Ubuntu Core and (the future) Ubuntu Personal do not use apt for upgrades and instead get their updates via system-image updates (Ubuntu Touch and Ubuntu Core 15.04) or kernel/OS snap updates (Ubuntu Core and Personal in 16.04 and higher). In general, like with archive updates, it is sufficient to test the security update on the appropriate channel with kvm and add device testing as needed (eg, testing NetworkManager on a phone image or an arm-specific bug on a beaglebone black Ubuntu Core image).

Ubuntu Core

System images (15.04)

IMPORTANT: the below only applies to 15.04 system-image images. These processes need to be updates for 16.04 all-snaps images.

This is gleaned from information found here:

Before you start with anything, you'll need to install some tools from the snappy-dev-tools PPA. See the getting started page for details.

You can see all the available images with (there may be additional historical channels in the output, but the below is what you should use):

$ ubuntu-device-flash query --list-channels --device=generic_amd64 | grep core

Typically you'll use these channels for testing security updates:

  • development branch: ubuntu-core/rolling/edge (or ubuntu-core/rolling/alpha when it exists)

  • 15.04 release (batched updates): ubuntu-core/15.04/alpha (or ubuntu-core/15.04/edge if needed)

  • 15.04 release (emergency updates): ubuntu-core/15.04/stable

Generating kvm images (15.04)
  • rolling release (trunk):

    $ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=ubuntu-core/rolling/edge --size=8 --enable-ssh --output=rolling-edge.img
    # the above doesn't work due to LP: #1458006. Use this instead:
    $ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=edge --size=8 --enable-ssh --output=rolling-edge.img rolling
  • 15.04 edge (SRU development):

    $ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=ubuntu-core/15.04/edge --size=8 --enable-ssh --output=15.04-edge.img
    # the above doesn't work due to LP: #1458006. Use this instead:
    $ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=edge --size=8 --enable-ssh --output=15.04-edge.img 15.04
  • 15.04 alpha (batched):

    $ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=ubuntu-core/15.04/alpha --size=8 --enable-ssh --output=15.04-alpha.img
    # the above doesn't work due to LP: #1458006. Use this instead:
    $ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=alpha --size=8 --enable-ssh --output=15.04-alpha.img 15.04
  • 15.04 stable release (emergency):

    $ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=ubuntu-core/15.04/stable --size=8 --enable-ssh --output=15.04-stable.img
    # the above doesn't work due to LP: #1458006. Use this instead:
    $ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=stable --size=8 --enable-ssh --output=15.04-stable.img 15.04

Useful options:

  • use --developer-mode to not require --allow-unauthenticated for sideloading
  • use --device=generic_i386 for i386 kvm images (not primary target)
  • you may want to choose a different stability level than 'alpha' depending on the situation

That's it (see 'Using kvm images' below).

Generating beaglebone black images (15.04)
  • devel release:

    $ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=ubuntu-core/rolling/edge --oem=beagleblack --enable-ssh --output=rolling-edge.bbb
    # the above doesn't work due to LP: #1458006. Use this instead:
    $ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=edge --oem=beagleblack --enable-ssh --output=rolling-edge.bbb rolling
    $ sudo dd if=rolling-edge.bbb of=/dev/sdX bs=32M && sync
  • 15.04 edge (SRU development):

    $ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=ubuntu-core/15.04/edge --oem=beagleblack --enable-ssh --output=15.04-edge.bbb
    # the above doesn't work due to LP: #1458006. Use this instead:
    $ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=edge --oem=beagleblack --enable-ssh --output=15.04-edge.bbb 15.04
    $ sudo dd if=15.04-edge.bbb of=/dev/sdX bs=32M && sync
  • 15.04 alpha (batched):

    $ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=ubuntu-core/15.04/alpha --oem=beagleblack --enable-ssh --output=15.04-alpha.bbb
    # the above doesn't work due to LP: #1458006. Use this instead:
    $ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=alpha --oem=beagleblack --enable-ssh --output=15.04-alpha.bbb 15.04
    $ sudo dd if=15.04-alpha.bbb of=/dev/sdX bs=32M && sync
  • 15.04 release (emergency):

    $ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=ubuntu-core/15.04/stable --oem=beagleblack --enable-ssh --output=15.04-stable.bbb
    # the above doesn't work due to LP: #1458006. Use this instead:
    $ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=stable --oem=beagleblack --enable-ssh --output=15.04-stable.bbb 15.04
    $ sudo dd if=15.04-stable.bbb of=/dev/sdX bs=32M && sync

Note: you need an sdcard (eg 8G) instead of using internal storage at the time of this writing

Note 2: depending on your host hardware, the device may either be /dev/sdX or /dev/mmcblkX

Note 3: it is recommended to remove the eMMC bootloader with sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk1 bs=1024 count=1024. You may want to make a backup of this (eg, sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk1 of=./bbb.emmc bs=1024 count=1024). See the snappy-devel mailing list for details.

All snaps images (16.04 and higher)

Generating kvm images (16.04)

Currently as of 2016/01/15, you don't generate the images yourself but download them from mvo's directory on (this needs updating once ubuntu-device-flash is updated in the archive for all snaps)

  1. fetch amd64-all-snap.img.xz image from

  2. uncompress it: unxz amd64-all-snap.img.xz

That's it (see 'Using kvm images' below).

Generating beaglebone black images (16.04)

Currently as of 2016/01/15, you don't generate the images yourself but download them from mvo's directory on (this needs updating once ubuntu-device-flash is updated in the archive for all snaps).

  1. fetch <TBD> image from

  2. uncompress it: unxz <TBD>-all-snap.img.xz

  3. flash it: sudo dd if=<TBD>-all-snap.img of=/dev/sdX bs=32M && sync

Note: you need an sdcard (eg 8G) instead of using internal storage at the time of this writing

Note 2: depending on your host hardware, the device may either be /dev/sdX or /dev/mmcblkX

Note 3: it is recommended to remove the eMMC bootloader with sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk1 bs=1024 count=1024. You may want to make a backup of this (eg, sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk1 of=./bbb.emmc bs=1024 count=1024). See the snappy-devel mailing list for details.

Generating raspberry pi2 images (16.04)

Currently as of 2016/01/15, you don't generate the images yourself but download them from mvo's directory on (this needs updating once ubuntu-device-flash is updated in the archive for all snaps). NEEDS CONFIRMATION:

  1. fetch rpi2-all-snap.img.xz image from

  2. uncompress it: unxz rpi2-all-snap.img.xz

  3. flash it: sudo dd if=rpi2-all-snap.img of=/dev/sdX bs=32M && sync

Note: depending on your host hardware, the device may either be /dev/sdX or /dev/mmcblkX

Using kvm images

Start with:

$ kvm -m 512 -redir :8080::80 -redir :8081::8081 -redir :8022::22 -redir :4200::4200 ./15.04-alpha.img
$ ssh -p 8022 ubuntu@localhost

Integrating into uvt:

  • generate as above
  • convert the raw img into a qcow2: qemu-img convert -f raw ./15.04-edge.img -O qcow2 snappy-1504-edge-amd64.qcow2

  • virsh dumpxml an existing VM for the same release (eg, virsh dumpxml sec-vivid-amd64 > /tmp/xml)

  • remove the uuid and the MAC address in /tmp/xml, then adjust the name to what you want (eg, snappy-1504-edge-amd64), then point the disk to your converted qcow2
  • virsh define /tmp/xml

  • create a snapshot: uvt snapshot snappy-1504-edge-amd64

  • At this point you can use it with uvt like normal. Few things you might want to do (also see 'Image testing tips'):
    • disable auto updates as per above
    • change the hostname using 'snappy config', like with auto updates
    • change the timezone using 'snappy config', like with auto updates
    • copy your ssh key over with ssh-copy-id
    • add to your host's ~/.ssh/config:

      Host snappy-1504-edge-amd64
          User ubuntu

Image testing tips

  • Can disable autopilot (not to be confused with autopilot GUI testing; this is renamed to 'autoupdate' on 16.04):

    cat > /tmp/ <<EOM
    snappy config ubuntu-core > "/tmp/core_config"
    sed -i 's/autopilot: .*$/autopilot: false/' "/tmp/core_config"
    sudo snappy config ubuntu-core "/tmp/core_config"
    sudo reboot
    $ sh /tmp/

    After this you can perform manual updates with sudo snappy update.

  • Sideload apps with:

    $ sudo snappy install --allow-unauthenticated /path/to/snap

Publishing (userspace)

In general, Ubuntu Core stable images/OS snaps are released on a cadence and therefore will bundle security updates every few weeks. See Note for cloud images, cloud archive, Ubuntu Core and/or Ubuntu Touch for details.

Publishing (kernel)

In general, Ubuntu Core stable images/kernel snaps are released on a cadence and therefore will bundle security updates every few weeks. See Note for cloud images, cloud archive, Ubuntu Core and/or Ubuntu Touch for details.



The summary here was gleaned from:

You can see all the available images with (there may be additional historical channels in the output, but the below should be what you should use):

$ ubuntu-device-flash query --list-channels --device=mako | grep touch

Typically you'll use these channels for testing security updates:

  • development branch: ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed/ubuntu

  • stable-phone-overlay (batched updates): ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/ubuntu

  • stable (emergency updates): ubuntu-touch/stable/ubuntu

Sideload click apps with:

$ pkcon install-local --allow-untrusted /path/to/click

Flashing devices
  • devel:

    $ ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed/ubuntu # first time, add --bootstrap
  • stable-phone-overlay:

    $ ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/ubuntu # first time, add --bootstrap
  • stable:

    $ ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=ubuntu-touch/stable/ubuntu # first time, add --bootstrap

Generating emulator images

First install the necessary packages:

$ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-emulator ubuntu-emulator-runtime

Then create images:

  • devel:

    $ sudo ubuntu-emulator create touch.devel --arch=i386 --channel=ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed/ubuntu --password=0000
  • stable-phone-overlay:

    $ sudo ubuntu-emulator create touch.rc-proposed --arch=i386 --channel=ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/ubuntu --password=0000
  • stable (NOTE: as of 2016/01/27 stable emulator images are extremely out of date due to Bug #1535583 and Bug #1517597:

    $ sudo ubuntu-emulator create touch.stable --arch=i386 --channel=ubuntu-touch/stable/ubuntu --password=0000

A few potentially useful options:

  • --memory=<n> if you want more than 512MB of ram

  • --revision=## to specify a revision
  • specify ubuntu-touch/<stability level>/ubuntu-developer for developer mode

You can run the emulator with:

$ ubuntu-emulator run stable.x86
$ ubuntu-emulator run rc-proposed.x86
$ ubuntu-emulator run --scale=0.75 devel-proposed.x86

Some things to keep in mind:

  • it takes a while for the emulator to come up
  • swiping can be done with the mouse, but you only have a few pixels to work with from the edge to register the swipe
  • you need to do the initial setup of the device, unlock screen and enable developer mode in System Settings/About this phone/Developer mode to be able to connect with adb/phablet-shell
  • the screen needs to be unlocked to connect with adb/phablet-shell
  • the default username is 'ubuntu' with PIN of '0000'

Publishing (userspace)

In general, Ubuntu Touch images are released on a cadence and therefore will bundle security updates every few weeks. See Note for cloud images, cloud archive, Ubuntu Core and/or Ubuntu Touch for details.

Ubuntu Touch images are built using the Ubuntu archive as a base with a PPA overlay for anything additional or updated to have in the image. The current Ubuntu Touch images are built with Ubuntu 15.04 and the vivid packages from the stable-phone-overlay. Security and SRU update to the Ubuntu archive for the base release will automatically flow into the daily rc-proposed images for the next OTA update if the updated package doesn't exist in the PPA. When the package does exist in the PPA, it will need to be updated using the standard silo process. The basic steps are (TODO: clean this up):

  1. build packages with stable-phone-overlay sources (both vivid (rc-proposed) and wily (devel-proposed))
  2. request silo in the direct upload way (document)
  3. upload to silo, wait for them to finish building
  4. do a 'watchonly' build step
  5. grab the packages and test in the emulator/on a device
  6. note testing performed in comment, edit the ticket to say 'QA requested'
  7. when they signoff, do 'Publish' and sign off on packaging changes

Publishing (kernel)

In general, Ubuntu Touch images are released on a cadence and therefore will bundle security updates every few weeks. See Note for cloud images, cloud archive, Ubuntu Core and/or Ubuntu Touch for details.

Ubuntu Touch kernel images are vendor kernels and not built from the Ubuntu archive. In general, the Ubuntu Security and Kernel teams will track and file bugs for these product kernel and alert the responsible internal Canonical team to update the product kernels. See the UCT documentation for more information on working with product kernels.


Patching and Building

Patching and building is currently the responsibility of the ubuntu-mozillateam, specifically ChrisCoulson as a backup. Mozilla products have a standing MicroReleaseException and so the ubuntu-mozillateam will get official tarballs from upstream, add/update the debian/ directory and push to the ubuntu-mozilla-security PPA. The ubuntu-mozillateam will also ask for USN to put in the changelog prior to preparing updates since upstream does not make public security vulnerabilities prior to release. People reading the changelog are then able to see the USN and look up the details online. Once packages are built, you can use the standard Ubuntu Security team's tools for publication (using the --ppa=ubuntu-mozilla-security option where appropriate).

The tarballs are built using a script in the packaging branches. To run the script, look in the upstream Mozilla tree to find the build tag of interest and then invoke debian/rules accordingly:

$ debian/rules get-orig-source DEBIAN_TAG=FIREFOX_42_0_BUILD2

The packaging branches can be found under the ~mozillateam's Launchpad code page:

  • lp:~mozillateam/firefox/firefox.precise
  • lp:~mozillateam/firefox/firefox.trusty
  • lp:~mozillateam/firefox/firefox.vivid
  • lp:~mozillateam/firefox/firefox.wily
  • lp:~mozillateam/firefox/firefox.xenial

There are corresponding branches for thunderbird.

Once the tarball is created, build the first package:

$ bzr-buildpackage -S -sa

For the remaining packages, use:

$ bzr-buildpackage -S -sd

Upstream Mozilla does not give us access to their security bugs, and we get all of your information from upstream's MFSAs (Mozilla Foundation Security Announcements). As such, when the update does not fix a security issue (have an assigned CVE) the developer that uploads packages to the ubuntu-mozilla-security PPA will file a placeholder bug to be used in the changelog. At time of publication, this placeholder bug is filled in with a link to the USN. As such, changelog entries are shorted and typically consist of something like:

firefox (14.0.1+build1-0ubuntu0.12.04.1) precise-security; urgency=low

  * New upstream stable release (FIREFOX_14_0_1_BUILD1)
    - see LP: #1024562 for USN information

Firefox and thunderbird, while they may share some of the same CVEs, will have separate '-1' preallocated USNs.

Mozilla Pretesting Schedule

Pretesting of Firefox and Thunderbird is performed on the Aurora (pre-beta) and Beta channels. The schedule below starts on the Mozilla release week.












Coordinate with ChrisCoulson to guarantee packages will be ready



Release Day









































The Launchpad PPAs corresponding to the various Mozilla channels are listed below:

Mozilla Channel

Ubuntu Source Pkg




















Testing mozilla browsers

Verify the QRT script for the all affected products passes for both i386 and amd64. This script will test a variety of functions, test pages, SSL, javascript, plugins, etc. Since some packages other than Firefox use XUL or NSS, the following gives information on basic testing procedures when a particular source package is updated. These instructions should provide good enough test coverage for a particular update, but are not intended to provide exhaustive testing procedures. To know which packages to test, look in the ubuntu-mozilla-security PPA at the source packages to be tested, and look up the test procedure in the tables below for that release. Eg:

$ for i in firefox firefox-3.0 firefox-3.5 xulrunner-1.9.2 ; do copy_sppa_to_repos --ppa=ubuntu-mozilla-security $i ; done

It is recommended that your testing environment use the security team's vm-tools. Assuming your testing environment is properly setup, firefox testing with should not take more than 30 minutes per arch/release (eg, 4 hours total for 4 stable releases on both amd64 and i386, typically less).

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and higher

Updated Source Package

Additional Affected Binaries

Testing procedure



sudo aa-enforce /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.firefox1 && $QRT/scripts/ -v2



see $QRT/notes_testing/nss/README and $QRT/notes_testing/thunderbird for email, then also test addressbook and feed reader

  1. be sure there are no new AppArmor denials after running the script

  2. this will test java, flash, totem, etc so those applications don't have to be tested separately, but be sure to test both icedtea6-plugin and sun-java6-plugin. Can test the java plugin alone with $QRT/scripts/ -v -t java

Notes on

The script is an interactive script that guides the tester through a number of actions that when completed should demonstrate that the browser is functional for the most important use cases. Unlike other QRT, it has a certain 'feel' to it, and if you have not used it before you should run the tests against the current version of the browser in the archive, then compare that to a test run against the version to be in the security update. Some things to keep in mind:

  • it is useful to start libreoffice before running, so that the office documents tests don't have to start libreoffice from scratch each time
  • use 'Ctrl+w' to close Firefox and Gnome applications. Use 'Ctrl+q' to close LibreOffice

  • the classpath java test should show an animated image in the upper left, and may need a page reload to trigger it
  • the clocks java test rarely shows all the clocks correctly. Just make sure some of them load
  • may not be able to use 'Ctrl+w' to close the browser during the java tests
  • the 'plugins' tests (eg, for mp3, ogg, ogv, mpeg, etc) may require a page reload. A crash in the flash plugin when visiting youtube is rare, but possible. If this happens you should do a page reload and try various other videos to make sure it isn't a problem)
  • about:cache?device=memory works sporadically in gecko browsers
  • 10.10 and higher uses Software Center for apt urls, but the firefox AppArmor profile blocks launching of Software Center

  • 12.04 and higher does not display embedded ogv files (LP: #1043314)

Testing mozilla thunderbird

There is not a QRT script for thunderbird at this point, however there are notes in QRT for how to test thunderbird. Specifically:

  • QRT/README.multipurpose-vm: documentation on how to set up an Ubuntu multi-purpose server VM (hardy) for testing various client applications, such as thunderbird
    • contains setup information for a mail server for testing:
      • POP3, POP3s, POP3/TLS (dovecot)
      • IMAP, IMAPS, IMAP/TLS (dovecot)
    • contains setup for SSL CA and how to use it with dovecot and postfix
  • QRT/notes_testing/thunderbird/README: list of things to do to test thunderbird. Eg:
    • importing a CA (and related functions)
    • various email functionality
    • various addressbook functionality
    • thunderbird folder views
    • news and blogs (RSS) reader
    • test upgrades and migrations
    • etc
  • QRT/notes_testing/nss/README: some additional notes on testing NSS wrt thunderbird, et al. Mostly supplemental information but can provide additional ideas for testing

It is recommended that your testing environment use the security team's vm-tools. Assuming your testing environment is properly setup, thunderbird testing should not take more than 60 minutes per arch/release (Eg, 8 hours total for 4 stable releases on both amd64 and i386, typically less).

Mozilla Regressions

If during testing you find a regression in a Mozilla product, follow this procedure to alert the Ubuntu Desktop team:

  • Immediately file a good bug in LP with as much info as possible including exact steps to reproduce and the testing environment. Also include any additional information that might help like if you plan to investigate more fully (when and how), if you are going offline and when you'll be back (for emergency bugs), etc
  • If the bug will block publication to our stable releases:
    • assign canonical-desktop to the bug
    • subscribe ubuntu-security
    • ping Chad Miller (chad) on IRC with the bug number to investigate. If he is not available, send Chad an email (CCing seb128 and security@) and ping Chad on IRC when he comes back online
  • If the bug isn't serious enough to block publication to Ubuntu, simply ping Chad on IRC with the bug number

Mozilla Publishing

The publication procedure is essentially the same as for regular security updates except:

  • Find the placeholder bug number, if one was created, used in the changelog and update the bug.
    • Update the title to include the source package name and upstream version. An example is 'Stable update to Firefox 14.0.1'.
    • Create tasks for each stable release that will be updated
    • Mark any plugins that will be released as affected. For example, if lightning-extension and enigmail are going to be updated alongside Thunderbird, the Thunderbird placeholder bug would need to be opened against thunderbird, lightning-extension and enigmail.
  • The packages live in the ubuntu-mozilla-security PPA. When calling sis-changes or, you must use --ppa=ubuntu-mozilla-security. Eg:

    $ export SRCPKG="firefox-3.0 firefox-3.5 firefox xulrunner-1.9.2"
    $ $UCT/scripts/sis-changes --action check-build --ppa=ubuntu-mozilla-security $SRCPKG
    WARN: sparc missing for hardy (Failed to build) (firefox-3.0)
    BONUS: ia64 found for hardy (firefox-3.0)
    OK: hardy (firefox-3.0)
    WARN: sparc missing for karmic (Failed to build) (firefox-3.5)
    BONUS: ia64 found for karmic (firefox-3.5)
    OK: karmic (firefox-3.5)
    BONUS: ia64 found for lucid (firefox)
    OK: lucid maverick (firefox)
    WARN: sparc missing for hardy (Failed to build) (xulrunner-1.9.2)
    WARN: hppa missing for hardy (Failed to build) (xulrunner-1.9.2)
    BONUS: ia64 found for hardy (xulrunner-1.9.2)
    BONUS: ia64 found for karmic (xulrunner-1.9.2)
    BONUS: ia64 found for lucid (xulrunner-1.9.2)
    OK: hardy karmic lucid maverick (xulrunner-1.9.2)

    Unembargoing is similar, (with an up to date bzr tree as of 2012-08-30):

    $ $UQT/security-tools/unembargo --ppa=ubuntu-mozilla-security $SRCPKG
    Loading Ubuntu Distribution ...
    Loading Ubuntu Archive ...
    Loading ubuntu-mozilla-security 'ppa' PPA ...
    Locating firefox-3.0 ...
            Publishing firefox-3.0 3.6.14+build3+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 to ubuntu/primary hardy (Security)...
    Loading Ubuntu Distribution ...
    Loading Ubuntu Archive ...
    Loading ubuntu-mozilla-security 'ppa' PPA ...
    Locating firefox-3.5 ...
            Publishing firefox-3.5 3.6.14+build3+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.10.1 to ubuntu/primary karmic (Security)...
    Loading Ubuntu Distribution ...
    Loading Ubuntu Archive ...
    Loading ubuntu-mozilla-security 'ppa' PPA ...
    Locating firefox ...
            Publishing firefox 3.6.14+build3+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 to ubuntu/primary lucid (Security)...
            Publishing firefox 3.6.14+build3+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.10.1 to ubuntu/primary maverick (Security)...
    Loading Ubuntu Distribution ...
    Loading Ubuntu Archive ...
    Loading ubuntu-mozilla-security 'ppa' PPA ...
    Locating xulrunner-1.9.2 ...
            Publishing xulrunner-1.9.2 to ubuntu/primary hardy (Security)...
            Publishing xulrunner-1.9.2 to ubuntu/primary lucid (Security)...
            Publishing xulrunner-1.9.2 to ubuntu/primary maverick (Security)...
            Publishing xulrunner-1.9.2 to ubuntu/primary karmic (Security)...
  • USN publication follows the standard procedures, with these exceptions:

    • we may not release until upstream does

    • template will not have any CVE references by default. Please refer to the MFSAs for CVE allocations, using '--cve CVE-YYYY-NNNN' in for the CVEs that affect Ubuntu

    • list the placeholder bug link, if one was created, in the references section of using '--cve'

    • since upstream gives little details, it is ok to group like CVEs together in one paragraph in the USN text. Eg:

      Jesse Ruderman, Andreas Gal, Nils, Brian Hackett, and Igor Bukanov
      discovered several memory issues in the browser engine. An attacker
      could exploit these to crash the browser or possibly run arbitrary
      code as the user invoking the program. (CVE-2010-3776, CVE-2010-3777,
    • after publication, add the new CVEs to UCT with scripts/active_edit

    • update the placeholder bug's description with a link to the USN. For example, 'USN information:'

Chromium Browser

Can check for new chromium releases here:

Upload and Publication

chromium packages are currently supported by Chad Miller (chad). These packages are large, so sponsoring should be:

  1. On your local machine, get the new sources with: wget .../ (don't forget the trailing '/'!)

  2. On your local machine, compare the new sources with the the last published sources and verify the new packages follow MicroReleaseExceptions

  3. Once the packages are verified as ok, copy them to the ~/sign directory on chinstrap (you can wget --mirror -np these from chinstrap)

  4. Verify and sign the packages from you local machine (may require setup, see below):

    $ $UST/package-tools/u-verify-chinstrap      # verify the signatures in ~/sign
    $ $UST/package-tools/u-sign-chinstrap        # sign the packages in ~/sign
    $ $UST/package-tools/u-verify-chinstrap      # reverify the signatures in ~/sign
  5. dput from chinstrap (may require setup, see below):

    $ dput security-proposed-lucid chromium-browser_*.10.04.1_source.changes
    $ dput security-proposed-maverick chromium-browser_*.10.10.1_source.changes

Rather than uploading directly to the security PPA, we instead basically use the Ubuntu Security team's sponsored upload procedures:

  • Build in ubuntu-security-proposed

  • Once done building, pocket copy them to -proposed and update the bug in Launchpad

  • Verify the packages in -proposed using (at least) lp:qa-regression-testing/scripts/ and document it in the bug

  • Pocket copy from -proposed to both -security and -updates. Unlike other packages in -proposed, these do not have to wait 7 days to be pocket copied (because it has an MRE), but part of the condition of the MRE is that the testing must be documented in a bug.


As mentioned above, use lp:qa-regression-testing/scripts/ and document the results in the bug. For best results:

  • Setup a VM or new user for the testing
  • Launch chromium and choose your search provider
  • Close then launch chromium again and choose whether to make chromium the default browser or not
  • Start the QRT scripts with:

    $ ./ -v -E -e chromium-browser
  • Refer to the 'Notes on' under mozilla browser testing, and keep in mind:
    • the java clock plugin only show 4 clocks, not 8 like in gecko, and the 4 clocks may not always display right with openjdk
    • the java reload tests don't always display correctly after reload with sun-java6
    • the java dithering test page may not display correctly with openjdk (or may take a long time to load)
    • ogg audio files don't advance the playback until mouseover (LP: #732976)
    • you cannot import a crt system wide (test certificates)
    • you cannot permanently allow a self-signed cert-- it can only be allowed for the session (test certificate by IP)

IMPORTANT: be sure to ask #webapps to test the new packages before publication for 12.10 and later

Konqueror browser


Use lp:qa-regression-testing/scripts/ For best results:

  • Setup a VM or new user for the testing
  • run sudo apt-get install konqueror kmplayer mplayer and install any other items from QRT-Depends in

  • Launch, then close konqueror (so kdeinit4 is running)
  • Start the QRT scripts with:

    $ ./ -v -e konqueror
  • Refer to the 'NOTE' under mozilla browser testing, and keep in mind:
    • rtf is opened in the browser, not in
    • images, graphics and colors look wrong (could fix in KDE control center most likely)
    • Due to, you cannot import a crt system wide

    • kmplayer may not be embedded in konqueror in the multimedia tests
    • 401 test on Ubuntu 9.10 never displays a page on 'Cancel' or entering an invalid credential
    • java is temperamental:
      • if shows not enabled in the tests, go to Settings/Configure Konqueror/Web browsing/Java, then uncheck and recheck 'Enable java globally'
      • java reloads don't work very well
      • the java clocks don't display
      • you have to click the guy with a trident in the upper left for him to move (and thus proving java works on the site)

Rekonq browser


Use lp:qa-regression-testing/scripts/ For best results:

  • Setup a VM or new user for the testing
  • run sudo apt-get install rekonq kmplayer mplayer and install any other items from QRT-Depends in

  • Launch, then close rekonq (so kdeinit4 is running)
  • Start the QRT scripts with:

    $ ./ -v -e rekonq
  • Refer to the 'NOTE' under mozilla browser testing, and keep in mind:
    • rtf is opened in the browser, not in
    • images, graphics and colors look wrong in Ubuntu 10.10 and ealier (could fix in KDE control center most likely)
    • Due to, you cannot import a crt system wide

    • kmplayer may not be embedded in konqueror in the multimedia tests
    • java is temperamental. For now, just the first java test page is tested
    • tar file doesn't open (skipped in script)
    • multimedia files don't work well with file:// (skipped in script)

    • on Ubuntu 11.04, the first start of rekonq will have errors.
    • on Ubuntu 10.10, rekonq fails to start due to segv


Package Preparation

The typical approach for OpenJDK updates is:

  • Ubuntu Foundations team prepares updates for openjdk-* for Debian
  • Ubuntu Foundations syncs/merges the package from Debian into the Ubuntu development release
  • Ubuntu Foundations pings the Ubuntu Security team if they are unable to prepare backported packages for stable releases
  • If needed, Ubuntu Security creates backports for stable releases
  • Ubuntu Security uploads/sponsors the stable release packages to one of the security PPAs
  • Ubuntu Security verifies testsuite results between the new packages and what is currently in the archive
  • Ubuntu Security smoketests the new packages
  • If everything looks ok, Ubuntu Security publishes the USN

The points of contact on Ubuntu Foundations are(as of 2015/01/27) doko (falling back to slangasek).

Package backports to stable releases

If have the package from the development release or Debian, you will need to update the debian/control file. This file is regenerated by using debian/rules within an i386 schroot with full build-depends installed. For example, for openjdk-7 (substitute 'openjdk-6' when preparing packages for it):

$ dpkg-source -x ./openjdk-7*.dsc # unpack the new package
$ cd ./openjdk-7*/
$ dch -i # adjust for stable release as appropriate
$ schroot -c <release>-i386 -u root
(<release>-i386)# apt-get install lsb-release
(<release>-i386)# apt-get build-dep openjdk-7
(<release>-i386)# su <your username>
(<release>-i386)$ touch debian/rules && debian/rules debian/control
debian/control did change, please restart the build
make: *** [debian/control] Error 1
(<release>-i386)$ exit
(<release>-i386)# exit

Then proceed to build the package as usual. Things to watch out for:

  • Different patches are used for different releases. By sure to check that 'fakeroot debian/rules patch && cd build && make patch' works in the schroot for this release before building to catch problems before building (tip: do this in a different directory than your pristine source otherwise autoconf files will be needlessly updated in your debdiff)

  • If there are missing dependencies, adjust debian/rules as necessary for this release and forward the changes to doko

IMPORTANT: be sure to verify the following:

  • the testsuite is enabled in the build. Look in debian/rules and make sure 'with_check = disabled for this build' is commented out

The following are listed for historical reference in case something gets dropped and to see how to deal with various issues. They should no longer be needed as of 2015/01/27:

  • precise has needed --disable-system-lcms

  • (openjdk-7 only) for stable releases that have icedtea-web < 1.4-2 (as of 2013-07-17, Ubuntu 13.04 and lower), be sure to adjust the Breaks line in debian/control and debian/ on icedtea-netx to use the updated versions found in USN-1907-2. Specifically:

    • 12.04 should use: Breaks: icedtea-netx (<< 1.2.3-0ubuntu0.12.04.3)

    • 12.10 should use: Breaks: icedtea-netx (<< 1.3.2-1ubuntu0.12.10.2)

    • 13.04 should use: Breaks: icedtea-netx (<< 1.3.2-1ubuntu1.1)

  • (openjdk-7 precise only). Be sure this change is applied: Fix quoting of configure args for the zero build. Apply patch from 7u55-2.4.7-1ubuntu1~ to debian/patches/it-aarch64-zero-default.diff

Patch backports to stable releases

While using new upstream releases with package backports is preferred, sometimes backporting an isolated patch is needed.

OpenJDK 6

Upstream Vcs can be found here:

USN-2033-1 cherrypicked patches from trunk and 1.11 because the 1.12 branch wasn't updated yet. Due to how IcedTea patches work, the patches could not be applied as simple distribution patches. Following upstream patching, the Makefile.* files must be modified before running the IcedTea configure step. As such, USN-2033-1 adjusted debian/rules to apply debian/patches/ubuntu-security-NNNN-* before running configure:

  • added ubuntu-security and stamps/ubuntu-security-stamp targets to apply patches in debian/patches/ubuntu-security-*
  • had stamps/icedtea-configure depend on stamps/ubuntu-security-stamp
  • adjusted debian-clean to unapply ubuntu-security patches

As such, future updates can follow this procedure. On the latest stable release (or devel release):

$ debian/rules ubuntu-security # applies all the ubuntu-security-* patches
$ cd .. ; cp -a openjdk-6-6b27-1.12.6 openjdk-6-6b27-1.12.6.orig
<apply patches>
$ diff -Naurp openjdk-6-6b27-1.12.6.orig openjdk-6-6b27-1.12.6 > /tmp/ubuntu-security-NNNN-....patch
$ rm -rf openjdk-6-6b27-1.12.6
$ cp -a openjdk-6-6b27-1.12.6.orig openjdk-6-6b27-1.12.6
$ cp /tmp/ubuntu-security-NNNN-....patch debian/patches
$ fakeroot debian/rules patch && cd build && make patch # if this works, add to package and try to build it

The above may fail and you might have to adjust the following as needed:

  • atk-wrapper-security.patch (all releases)
  • java-access-bridge-security.patch (lucid)

If changes (which it most certainly will), need to run autotools to update icedtea 1.13 needs automake 1.14, but this only exists in trusty and later, so on that release, use 'fakeroot debian/rules patch && cd build && make patch', then create a patch to update

New package generation

The Foundations team normally handles generating new upstream versions so this isn't normally needed (and may be out of date).

For openjdk updates, generally we take the icedtea tarballs that Andrew Hughes produces. These will also be announced to the openjdk distro-pkg-dev list. To incorporate them, do the following:

  • grab the 1.8.x (for armel), 1.11.x (most arches, lucid and newer) release tarballs
  • use the script debian/ to generate the openjdk .orig tarball:

    • copy and unpack (dpkg-source -x) the current version of the source package you're going to update in a temporary directory

    • unpack (tar xvpf icedtea-1.x.x.tar.gz) the appropriate icedtea tarball into the same temporary working directory; i.e. not into the unpacked source directory below.

    • OpenJDK 6
      • cd into the unpacked source dir and adjust the versions and paths in the debian/ script to point to the right places:

        • version= should be adjusted to refer to the new icedtea version (e.g. version=6b20-1.9.8)

        • hotspot= and cacaotb= may need to be adjusted to refer to the existing tarballs (e.g. hotspot=hotspot-hs19.tar.gz)

        • point icedtea_checkout= to the unpacked update directory (e.g. icedtea_checkout=../icedtea6-1.9.8)

        • debian_checkout= should point to the debian/ directory.

        • ensure that the bits to cp -p $hotspot $pkgdir.orig/ and cp -p $cacaotb $pkgdir.orig/ are enabled (i.e. not commented out)

        • for the armel packages (i.e. the 1.8.x version), ensure that base=openjdk-6b18 is set

      • run the script: sh debian/; this creates two directories, one with and one without the copied in debian/ directory

    • OpenJDK 7
      • adjust the versions and paths in openjdk-7*/debian/ script to point to the right places:

        • tarballdir= should be adjust to refer to the new OpenJDK version. Eg '7u9'. This version should be announced with the upstream IcedTea release

        • version= should be adjusted to refer to the new OpenJDK and icedtea version (e.g. version=7u9-2.3.4)

        • jamvmtb= and cacaotb= may need to be adjusted to refer to the existing tarballs (e.g. jamvmtb=jamvm-0972452d441544f7dd29c55d64f1ce3a5db90d82.tar.gz)

        • point icedtea_checkout= to the unpacked update directory (e.g. icedtea_checkout=icedtea-2.3.4)

        • debian_checkout= should point to openjdk7 directory and copy the current unpacked source debian/ to openjdk7. Eg:

          $ cp -a openjdk-7-7u9-2.3.3/debian openjdk7
        • create and populate the tarballdir. This is mostly what is in debian/README.source, but with a few changes since it is incomplete. Eg, if tarballdir=7u9:

          $ export BUILD=7u9
          $ mkdir -p $BUILD/
          $ tar -zxvpf icedtea-2.3.4.tar.gz
          $ cd icedtea-2.3.4
          $ ./configure --enable-jamvm
          $ make download # this downloads all the tarballs
          $ mv ./hotspot.tar.gz ./hotspot-default.tar.gz
          $ cp ./*tar.gz ../$BUILD
          $ ./configure --enable-jamvm --enable-zero
          $ make download # this overwrites hotspot.tar.gz with zero's, which is why this is two steps
          $ cp ./hotspot.tar.gz ./hotspot-zero.tar.gz
          $ cp ./hotspot-zero.tar.gz ../$BUILD
          $ cd ..
          $ bash openjdk7/ $BUILD/jdk.tar.gz       # create jdk-dfsg.tar.gz
          $ bash openjdk7/ $BUILD/langtools.tar.gz # create langtools-dfsg.tar.gz

          NOTE: make download will handle finding the tarballs for you, but the upstream tarballs can be found at The openjdk.tar.gz tarball is renamed from icedtea7-forest-2.3-hgrev.tar.gz.

      • run the script in the parent directory of the current unpacked source: chmod 755 openjdk7/ && sh ./openjdk7/; this creates two directories, one with and one without the copied in debian/ directory. The one with the debian/ directory has its sha256sums updated for jdk-dfsg.tar.gz and langtools-dfsg.tar.gz (using, then it will apply debian/patches/icedtea-patch.diff, run and remove autom4te.cache. See for details

  • create a new orig.tar.gz: tar cvpzf ../openjdk-6_6b20-1.9.8.orig.tar.gz openjdk-6-6b20-1.9.8.orig. If you only want the orig.tar.gz and don't plan to use the changes in the debian/ directory, can instead purge the fake unpacked package and rename the the .orig directory in place; e.g. rm -rf openjdk-6-6b20-1.9.8 && mv openjdk-6-6b20-1.9.8.orig/ openjdk-6-6b20-1.9.8 then generate the the orig tarball; e.g. tar cvpzf ../openjdk-6_6b20-1.9.8.orig.tar.gz openjdk-6-6b20-1.9.8

  • due to the way patching happens in the openjdk packages, the packages have local changes (e.g. changes outside of the debian/ directory). You'll need to pull those forward as well.


If you receive a orig.tar.gz from the Foundations team for you to apply to a security update (as opposed to a full source package), be sure that you run debian/, apply debian/patches/icedtea-patch.diff, run sh then rm -rf autom4te.cache before building. Check debian/ to make sure you've done everythng required before building.

When building openjdk locally with UMT, depending on your build system's hardware configuration, you'll likely need to pass -C pkgbuild_ulimit_v="5242880" to umt build.

IMPORTANT: for some reason armel builds on lucid and oneiric sometimes will FTBFS with random segmentation faults (search for 'Segmentation' in the build log). If this happens, retry the build. Some armel builders don't seem to be able to handle openjdk well.


Review QRT/notes_testing/openjdk-6/README (it contains information on both openjdk-6 and openjdk-7). Basically, use --jdk=openjdk-[67] -v from QRT as well as QRT/notes_testing/openjdk-6/ will test eclipse and netbeans as well as the web plugin on firefox and chromium-browser. helps compare test suite runs in LP build logs. Running tests from the testsuite is documented in QRT/build_testing/openjdk/README.txt.

If find issues, use the upstream bug tracker.

Distro Patching

To patch openjdk, add patches to debian/patches, adjust the file paths in the patch, then add the patch to debian/rules. IcedTea has a couple of different targets:

  • DISTRIBUTION_PATCHES: these are applied first and affect both the bootstrap (ecj) build and normal build

  • DISTRIBUTION_ECJ_PATCHES: these are applied after DISTRIBUTION_PATCHES and only affect the bootstrap (ecj) build

  • PRECONFIGURE_DEBIAN_PATCHES: this is not an official IcedTea target and is used only within debian/rules. This was added to support patching things such as autoconf files (see 6b30-1.13.1-1ubuntu2 for details).

Update Manager

Update Manager updates have some special post-publication steps that need to get done by an Archive Admin. See special instructions here.

Secure Boot

Please see the special instructions for performing and testing Secure Boot key databases.


After uploading to partner, an archive admin must process the upload.

Sponsoring on

Sometimes developers or teams will provide packages on When these source packages are large, the packages can be remotely signed and uploaded from private-fileshare (you do not need nor should have your ~/.gnupg on private-fileshare!). The basic process is:

  1. If it doesn't already exist, create the ~/sign directory on private-fileshare with:

    $ test -d ~/sign/ || mkdir -m 0750 ~/sign/
    $ chgrp ubuntu_security ~/sign/
  2. Copy the packages to sponsor into the ~/sign directory

  3. On local system (may require setup, see below), verify and sign the packages in ~/sign on private-fileshare:
    $ $UST/package-tools/u-verify-private-fileshare      # verify the signatures in ~/sign
    $ $UST/package-tools/u-sign-private-fileshare        # sign the packages in ~/sign
    $ $UST/package-tools/u-verify-private-fileshare      # reverify the signatures in ~/sign
  4. dput the packages from private-fileshare (may require setup, see below)


  • In order to upload packages from private-fileshare, you need to either use '--unchecked' with dput or import your signing key into your keyring on private-fileshare. Since you do not want your actual keys there, we can create a keyring specifically for private-fileshare. On your local machine:

    $ mkdir -m 700 ~/gnupg.private-fileshare
    $ gpg --keyserver --homedir=~/gnupg.private-fileshare --recv-keys 0x<your key>
    $ scp -pr ~/gnupg.private-fileshare/<your username on private-fileshare>/.gnupg
    On private-fileshare, be sure to check ~/.gnupg so that you have imported the key and that you didn't accidentally copy over the wrong files:
    $ gpg --list-keys
    $ test ! -s ~/.gnupg/secring.gpg || echo 'WARNING!!! secring.gpg is not empty'
  • Depending on how your ssh_config is setup on your local machine, u-sign-private-fileshare and u-verify-private-fileshare may not work immediately. However, you can create these symlinks and it should work ok:

    $ ln -s $UST/package-tools/u-sign-private-fileshare ~/bin/
    $ ln -s $UST/package-tools/u-verify-private-fileshare ~/bin/

    Now instead of using $UST/package-tools/u-sign-private-fileshare, just use ~/bin/

  • On private-fileshare, setup your ~/ file as in SecurityTeam/UpdateProcedures. Eg:

    fqdn =
    incoming = ~ubuntu-security/ppa/ubuntu/trusty
    login = anonymous
    fqdn =
    incoming = ~ubuntu-security/ppa/ubuntu/precise
    login = anonymous
    fqdn =
    incoming = ~ubuntu-security/ppa/ubuntu/lucid
    login = anonymous

SecurityTeam/PublicationNotes (last edited 2023-04-13 16:58:52 by leosilvab)