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Launchpad entry: none yet
Packages affected:
A process to test various typical server setups by users.
There are many server combinations that users might require which the community can assist the server team in testing.
Use cases
real-world example
Apache2,PHP,Postgres / SQLite Developer (same machine)
x86, MacIntel
- x86, Mac
Virtual Server (outside hosted)
Lighttpd,Ruby,Postgres / SQLite Developer
x86, MacIntel Server
- x86, Mac
virtual Server
- x86
1) "Typical" business use cases need to be determined (several were identified in page UbuntuDownUnder/BOF/SmallBusinessServer and some notes above). 2) Once key cases have been determined (try for about 20 cases), then detailed installation how-tos can be created for each case. 3) A good server how-to wiki template should be created. 4) The how-tos then form a set of test installations that can become part of the QA process. 5) Eventually a set of automated installation scripts could be created for the use cases and these can become part of an automated test.
The first phase requires no coding except to coordinate with the wizard installation page.
Data preservation and migration
Unresolved issues