Attachment 'local.yaml'
Download 1 ceph:
2 fsid: '6547bd3e-1397-11e2-82e5-53567c8d32dc'
3 monitor-count: 3
4 monitor-secret: 'AQCXrnZQwI7KGBAAiPofmKEXKxu5bUzoYLVkbQ=='
5 osd-devices: '/dev/vdb'
6 osd-reformat: 'yes'
7 ceph-osd:
8 osd-devices: '/dev/vdb'
9 osd-reformat: 'yes'
10 mysql:
11 vip: ''
12 vip_cidr: 19
13 sst-password: agoodpassword
14 root-password: agoodpassword
15 rabbitmq-server:
16 vip: ''
17 vip_cidr: 19
18 keystone:
19 admin-user: 'admin'
20 admin-password: 'openstack'
21 admin-token: 'ubuntutesting'
22 vip: ''
23 vip_cidr: 19
24 nova-cloud-controller:
25 vip: ''
26 vip_cidr: 19
27 network-manager: 'Neutron'
28 glance:
29 vip: ''
30 vip_cidr: 19
31 cinder:
32 block-device: 'None'
33 vip: ''
34 vip_cidr: 19
35 quantum-gateway:
36 ext-port: 'eth1'
37 nova-compute:
38 enable-live-migration: 'True'
39 migration-auth-type: 'ssh'
40 swift-proxy:
41 zone-assignment: 'manual'
42 replicas: 3
43 swift-hash: 'fdfef9d4-8b06-11e2-8ac0-531c923c8fae'
44 vip: ''
45 vip_cidr: 19
46 swift-storage-z1:
47 zone: 1
48 block-device: 'vdb'
49 swift-storage-z2:
50 zone: 2
51 block-device: 'vdb'
52 swift-storage-z3:
53 zone: 3
54 block-device: 'vdb'
55 openstack-dashboard:
56 vip: ''
57 vip_cidr: 19
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