Team Ubuntu Singapore started out as a simple mailing list and a website maintained solely by a single person. Since then a sudden influx of new users has caused the group to grow rapidly. We have a thriving IRC channel, web site with forums, and regular meetings and events.

Currently we have a solid foundation for a large amount of users and are mainly informing and educating users about Ubuntu and FOSS in general. We run many events such as Ubuntu Talks, Software Freedom Day booths and Release Parties.

Team Ubuntu Singapore's goals are:

* Promote the use of Ubuntu to end-users, SMEs, government and educational institutions in Singapore.

* Participate in events and activities in the larger FOSS community in Singapore.

* Provide an educational resource to those seeking to adopt Ubuntu and FOSS applications.

* Sharing knowledge and providing seminars and hands-on experience, raise our members' proficiency with Ubuntu to a professional level.

Key Details


A detailed discussion of our roadmap is taking place on the Team Ubuntu Singapore web site's forums. It can be accessed here. We propose the following activities:


SingaporeTeam/ApprovalApplication (last edited 2009-01-12 11:52:59 by cm170)