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Smart DJ Installation How To

This is a step-by-step guide for installing the Smart DJ script for ["Amarok"] on Ubuntu Breezy 5.10.BR Smart DJ is a program that works similary to the dynamic playlist but instead of appending songs that others have recommended it analyzes the tracks in your collection and then adds tracks that sound similar to what you are listening. More details can be find in the [ script's description]

Installing the Script

Custom Packages

You'll need to install some custom packages. At the time of writing these are not in the apt repository so you will have to do it manually.

Download the latest version of these packages in your homedir

Apt Packages

Now get some packages you'll need *

# sudo apt-get install python-qt3 python2.4-dev vorbis-tools attr mpg321 binutils gcc make gsl-bin libgsl0-dev libvorbis-dev
  • (some packages are used when you will process mp3 or ogg. If you don't use this format you may skip that package. mp3: mpg321, ogg: vorbis-tools - libvorbis-dev)

  • (make, binutils and gcc are required because you have to compile a package from source. If songanalysis comes in a package in a later time they will not be necessary)


Start installing the packages your downloaded

# tar -xvf python-commandsplus-0.2.3.tar.gz 
# tar -xvf python-extattr-0.1.3.tar.gz 
# tar -xvf songanalysis-0.4.0.tar.gz 
# tar -xvf python-Observable-0.1.0.tar.gz 
# tar -xvf python-amarok-0.1.0.tar.gz 
# cd python-commandsplus-0.2.3 
# sudo python install 
# cd .. 
# cd python-extattr-0.1.3 
# sudo python install 
# cd .. 
# cd python-Observable-0.1.0 
# sudo python install 
# cd .. 
# cd python-amarok-0.1.0 
# sudo python install 
# cd .. 
# cd songanalysis-0.4.0 
# ./configure 
# make 
# sudo make install 
# cd ..

If you wish, enable extended attributes on the volume where you store your mp3/ogg files (see the SmartDJ script README)

Create ogg321

If you use vorbis files, create a symlink for ogg321.

# cd /usr/bin/ 
# sudo ln -s ogg123 ogg321


Now use amaroK's script manager to install the latest Smart DJ script. Hopefully all is fine and you should be able to start the script.

Final Notes

  • Before running this script I used mp32ogg to encode all my collection into the vorbis format. For some reason the Script would halt on some .mp3 files.
  • Disclaimer. I do not claim that this will work every time and I may have forgotten something because I did this a while ago. If you find something wrong or missing please fix it or let me know.

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