This is initial work on the SFD "Starter Manual" which is designed to be:
- an introduction for people who stumble onto the site
- a guide for potential team leaders
The SoftwareFreedomDayStarterManual consists of:
link to Go-OpenSource FAQ
- Do/Don't list
- DO present the capabilities and practical benefits of FOSS.
- DO NOT pretend that FOSS is perfect for everyone or everything.
- DO have the ability to present FOSS ideology clearly and concisely to interested people.
- DO NOT beat uninterested people over the head with ideology; this will confuse and intimidate them. Instead...
- DO let the quality of the software speak for itself and its ideology.
- DO have demo machines present if possible.
- DO your best to connect people with a local FOSS community.
- DO provide contact information for your SFD team so people can susequently contact you for more information.
- DO get contact information from interested and willing people, so you can proactively follow-up with them later.
- DO proactively follow-up with people who attend your SFD event.
- DO find and cooperate with other SFD teams in your area.
- DO start other SFD teams in your area - this is cooperation, not competition!
DO NOT (and I repeat) DO NOT bash Microsoft or SCO or any other false Great Satan. Software Freedom Day is not about any individual companies or people; Software Freedom Day is a positive celebration of Software Freedom.ยท
- DO present the capabilities and practical benefits of FOSS.
- Target group identification
- government
- business
- small
- big
- families
Plan an event to reach your target group.
- Event Scenarios (every scenario distributes CDs and literature)
- Here is a starting list:
- set up simple public booth, hand out CDs
- Possibly have demo machines present
- hold installation workshop(s) and combined FOSS installfests (not just Linux, but also Windows FOSS)
- possibly lab-based installfests in schools/businesses
- possibly cooperate with local computer store to do an in-store installfest...possibly with discounts for associated purchases?
- advertise to "revitalize" slow computers - delete those virus/adware/spyware-ridden Windows OSes and install Linux!
- hold seminar on IP, Free Culture, Patents
- have a cultural event - food, drink, music (jam session? - "open-source music")
- FSF was founded in 1985, so this is the 20th anniversary of Software Freedom. Celebrate Free Software with a birthday party...
- organize an expo to highlight small businesses using FOSS
- set up simple public booth, hand out CDs
- Here is a starting list:
SoftwareFreedomDayStarterManual (last edited 2008-08-06 16:38:44 by localhost)