About me
Name: Søren Hansen
Location: Aalborg, Denmark
Age: 24
Occupation: Software developer / systems administrator / FOSS consultant
I have no formal computer related education, but have been been hacking (in the good sense of the word, obviously) for 15+ years, and have been employed in the IT industry ever since I finished "high school" 5 years ago.
I'm a quite new Ubuntu user, but I have run a variety of Linux distributions for the past 10 years, namely Slackware, Redhat and lastly Debian for the past 5-6 years.
A bunch of the developers at the company for which I work run Debian, so I've created a bunch of small Debian packages containing mostly configuration files and dependencies for them and me to use to ease administration.
Sometimes when I come across a bug, I'm a stubborn bastard and sometimes spend hours or even days trying to track down a bug that in the end might just be a typo in a configuration file.. But hey, I've come up with some really cool swear words! The point is, I'm good a finding and squashing bugs.
For years I have been saying that I want to work full time with FOSS when I grow up :-), so I'm planning on starting a consulting company primarily offering support for Ubuntu to small or medium sized enterprises in my local area. *Update*: I've quit my current job and will from the middle of August be studying CS at the local university and be running my new consulting company on the side ( or in English: )
My work on Ubuntu
I've been working on [ this bug] in Malone.
I've been working on these couple of bugs in bugzilla: [ this one], [ this one] and [ this one].
I've made packages of Mbuni (Open Source MMSC mentioned below). They can be found here:
I've created a few packages that I hope will be included in Ubuntu (and Debian) some day. These packages currently include drivers for the Fujitsu Lifebook Touchscreen and a notification applet for Evolution, both of which can be found [ here] along with my signed Code Of Conduct.
I've managed to pursuade my workplace to use Ubuntu rather than Redhat or Debian. I think that availability of paid support did the trick.
And then there's the eternal evangelizing about Ubuntu to my friends, but I guess that should go without saying.
My other FOSS work
I've done some work on an open source MMSC called [ Mbuni] also mentioned above.
I've contributed a few minor things to Ximian Evolution, Liferea RSS reader, mod_musicindex, the Debian kernel-packages and few other things.
About a year ago I worked on a kernel patch implementing a common uid/gid mapping system in the kernel. This should make it easier to mount "foreign" filesystems and use it seamlessly (NFS mounts with different user databases, an ext[23] filesystem from another desktop machine, a Samba share from a server with the UNIX extensions enabled, etc.) I never finished it, but just took it up again and expect to finish it during the summer.
I've started work on a convenience library called [ libagi] for interacting with the Asterisk PBX via AGI.
IRC: (#ubuntu) (Quite sporadically)
ICQ: 9604660
PGP fingerprint: 196A 89ED 78F3 9047 2A36 F327 A278 DF5E E8BD A4E3 (Short id: E8BDA4E3)