
Revision 21 as of 2009-01-12 16:43:38

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DRAFT, please send comments to andreas at

This document describes the policy for updating Landscape client packages in a stable supported distro, including LTS. It is also the aim of this document to provide an example of the needed minimum requirements for any upstream project that wants to push updates to an Ubuntu stable release.

Landscape is a commercial service from Canonical which periodically offers new features to its customers. Being a client-server product, the client part needs to be periodically updated in order to take advantage of the new features. Therefore, in addition to bug fixes, new features are allowed in an update as long as the conditions outlined below are met.

QA Process

This is the mandatory QA process that the proposed packages have to pass. The following requirements must be met:

The above tests exercise the code changes and must be performed by a member of the Landscape team. The packaging changes need an extra QA procedure outlined below.

Packaging QA

The objective of the separate packaging QA is to test:

  • package upgrades
  • package installation from scratch
  • distribution upgrade

The resulting package, with all the changes in place, must undergo and pass the following additional QA procedures:

  • upgrade test from previous distribution to the current one. If the current distribution is an LTS one, the upgrade path from the previous LTS distro must also be exercised.
  • upgrade test from previous version of the package. This test must be performed with:
    • apt-get install/upgrade
    • using the Landscape service itself
  • installation from scratch in the current distribution:
    • using apt-get

The above tests can be performed by any QA engineer.

Requesting the SRU

The SRU should be requested as usual (StableReleaseUpdates) with the additional note about having the above steps being completed.