

We would like to offer a service level to MOTU's offering code for inclusion in main, or for new developers offering code for inclusion in universe or multiverse. This topic is a placeholder for that discussion.


Comparing the amount of fixes and patches contributed by community members and the amount of packages and fixes landing in Ubuntu, it becomes clear that we're currently doing well at sponsoring uploads for existing packages, but don't do well at nurturing NEW packages and mentoring new members of the community. The spec identifies needs and tries to address them.

Use cases


In order to fix the problems outlined above, the following changes are going to happen:

Design & Implementation

A revu team will be created on Launchpad which will be a moderated team for either

To submit a NEW package to Launchpad, you

To review a package, you

The advantage of this approach is:

Outstanding Issues

Find documentation on the new Review Process at MOTU/Processes/REVU.


SebastienBacher: Having a "bzr-buildpackage" tool working "out of the box" would be appreciated. I've experimented debian directories stored to bzr from the telepathy-team and not figured a good workflow for them. If people have to get the tarball by somewhere else, move the debian directory around, clean .bzr from it, move changes the other way around to commit, etc that's going to discourage some people to do review. Maybe store the whole package to bzr so people only have to "bzr get" and build for the moment would be a better option?

DavidAllouche: One implicit assumption of launchpad-bazaar is that all branches registered on a product are upstream source code. The product branch listings is an area for upstream developers. There would be no technical problem with branches containing only ./debian on products, but it would preferrable to register those branches on the appropriate source packages. However it is not currently possible to register branches on source packages, and I do not know how that would interact with no-more-source-packages, development-manifests and other HCT plans.

DavidAllouche: It is not clear that the desired feature for email notification is regular subscription. The subscription mechanism is intended to only send emails about branches a person/team has explicitly subscribed to. Either the workflow should include explicitly subscribing revu to branches, or a mechanism will be needed to implicitly register a person/team to all the branches in a product/package.


Spec/CodeReviewSLA (last edited 2009-01-26 09:18:00 by i59F70AD9)