Please add comments, but if you do please add your name next to it.



Packaging Guide

  1. PackagingGuide/Introduction

    • explains a few tools.
      • Proposal: merge with MOTU/Recipes

      • Proposal: explain better every prerequisite - in particular Apt/Dpkg (two subpages??) -- MaurizioMoriconi 2007-10-10 12:11:52

  2. PackagingGuide/GettingStarted

  3. PackagingGuide/Basic

    • packaging from scratch, explanation of most important debian/* files

      • Proposal: do introduction, but link to Debian policy counterparts
    • dh_make
      • FIX: -$(MAKE) -i distclean
    • CDBS
  4. PackagingGuide/PatchSystems

  5. PackagingGuide/Updating

  6. PackagingGuide/Ubuntu

  7. PackagingGuide/Bugs

MOTU Stuff


MOTU stuff

Packaging Guide

  1. PackagingGuide/Appendix

    • links
    • chroot docs
      • Proposal: Merge with other chroot docs
    • dh_make example files
    • list of dh_* tools
      • Proposal: automatically generate? (using editmoin)

Spec/PackagingGuideMerge (last edited 2008-08-12 12:02:09 by i59F73BC8)